WORD PUZZLE # 41                            WORD BUILDING

The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way:

    Example :    During the War, there was a great shortage of sugar, coffee and other goods.   SHORT

1.    The price of the book is RM40 including _________ and packing.    POST

2.    After hours of going from one hotel to another, we ________ found one which was not fully booked.    EVENT

3.    In Sweden, it is customary at a dinner party for the person sitting on the left of the hostess to make a _________

4.    Parents who smoke ___________ their children to do likewise, whether they realise it or not.    COURAGE

5.    John's beginning to grow out of his jeans. I'd better ______ them for him this weekend.    LONG

6.    You can't wear those trousers, Sally. They're far too tight. You look _________ in them.     RIDICULE

7.    I spent my _________ in the country.    CHILD

8.    It was extremely __________ of you to leave your library books on the bus.     CARE

9.    He was not a particularly good singer, but his fans loved him because he had such a lovely __________

10.  I don't care what you say, I still think it's very ________ not to want to get married and have children.    NATURE

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