1. Word Puzzles

The department holds Word Puzzle Competitions fortnightly. The competition is opened to everyone - staff (academic and non-academic) as well as students. Prizes are awarded to the first 5 correct entries from staff and the first 10 correct entries from students.

Word Puzzles done so far :

Word Puzzle # 1

Word Puzzle # 2

Word Puzzle # 3

Word Puzzle # 4

Word Puzzle #5

Word Puzzle # 6

Word Puzzle # 7

Word Puzzle # 8

Word Puzzle # 9

Word Puzzle #10

Word Puzzle #11

Word Puzzle # 12

Word Puzzle # 13

Word Puzzle # 14

Word Puzzle # 15

Word Puzzle # 16

Word Puzzle # 17

Word Puzzle # 18

Word Puzzle # 19

Word Puzzle # 20

Word Puzzle # 21

Word Puzzle # 22

Word Puzzle # 23

Word Puzzle # 24

Word Puzzle # 25

Word Puzzle # 26

Word Puzzle # 27

Word Puzzle # 28

Word Puzzle # 29

Word Puzzle #30

Word Puzzle #31

Word Puzzle # 32

Word Puzzle #33

Word Puzzle # 34

Word Puzzle # 35

Word Puzzle # 36

Word Puzzle # 37

Word Puzzle # 38

Word Puzzle # 39

Word Puzzle # 40

Word Puzzle # 41

Word Puzzle # 42

Word Puzzle # 43

Word Puzzle # 44

Word Puzzle # 45

Word Puzzle # 46

Word Puzzle # 47

Word Puzzle # 48

Word Puzzle # 49

Word Puzzle # 50

Word Puzzle #51

Word Puzzle # 52

Word Puzzle # 53

Word Puzzle # 54


2.  Word Of The Day

Every two to three days a new word is displayed on the English Department board located in the College foyer. The pronunciation and meaning of the word are given. The meaning of the word is also illustrated by using pictures and newspaper cuttings. In addition, examples of the usage of the word are provided.

3. Points To Ponder

This takes the form of an inspirational saying or quotation  displayed on our English Department board. The sayings or quotations are changed three times a week.

4. All Kinds Of Everything

There is also a section on the English Department board that deals with all kinds of information for example, current world and local events, social issues, entertainment and cartoon clippings. The items in this section are carefully selected to cater to the interests of students.

5.  Message Board

A space is available on the English Department board for any staff member or student to post messages or notices. Only messages or notices in English are allowed here. Students are also given the chance to display things relevant to the learning of English on the board. Each group of students is given a fortnight to do this.

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