(Suitable for use with lessons on Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense and
             Passive Voice. Also gives practice in making polite requests and using common courtesies like
            Thank you, Sorry)


        32 cards per group of 4 students (Ordinary playing card size, cut from manila cards)
           List of irregular verbs


    1.  Familiarise yourself with the Happy Family game.

    2.  On each set of 4 cards write the infinitive, past tense, past participle and -ing forms of an  irregular verb in
     this way : Mr Infinitive, Mrs Past Tense, Master Past Participle and Miss -ing. For example, Mr Break, Mrs
     Broke, Master Broken and Miss Breaking.

    3.  Repeat step 2 until you have enough cards for your class. Each group will get different sets of  verbs.
     They can exchange cards once a game is over.

    4.  In groups of 4 (ideally), students collect complete families as in the Happy Family game.

    5.  Students must use polite requests like "May I have Mr/Mrs/Master/Miss ....?" and must say thank you
    after receiving the card. Otherwise the card can be taken back and the student loses his turn.

    6.  A student also loses his  turn if the verb form is wrongly used eg "May I have Master Broke?"

    7.  The game is over when all the verb families have been grouped.

    8.  The winner is the one who has collected the most number of families.



   10 - 12 headlines from the newspapers
          manila cards
          Kenny G cassette tape or any other instrumental tapes


      1.  Teacher pastes all headlines on the manila card ( be creative !) and decorate  the background - flowers ,
             stars ,  etc.

        2.  Students choose at least  5 of the headlines and write a poem using the headlines.

        3.  Teacher plays the tape when the students are writing.

        P/S  When this was tried out the first time , the headlines were collected from the SEA Games 97 news ,
                but most of the students wrote about their mother !  Here's the set of headlines given to them:

                Jumping for Joy                                            Glory Girls
                Supermum's Simply Smashing                   Golden Oldies
                History in the Making                                Two down , two to go
                Shooting Stars                                             Coming Home
                Shining Light in the Pool                           All the Right Moves
                To mum , with love                                     Excuses , excuses



         1 picture (from the newspapers , magazine , etc ) per student
         1 manila card / mahjung paper per group

         Method :

         1.  Students are to bring their picture to class , of course.

          2. Students get into groups of 3 and show each other their picture.

          3.  Students then put their pictures together and write a story, letter, etc. based  on the pictures that they
              have.  Students are to be imaginative/creative.

          4.  Once ready students can display their product (pictures as well as writing)
              on the manila card/mahjong paper and put it up around the class.

4.  GRAMMAR CHECKERS (Subject-Verb Agreement)


      1 checkers board per pair of students (enlarge a normal checkers board and paste on manila card)
        12 nouns - 6 singular and 6 plural - written separately on pieces of
        cardboard the size of a square on the checkers board
        12 verbs - 6 singular and 6 plural - written separately like the nouns


        1.    The game follows the rules of checkers.

         2.   One student takes the nouns and the other the verbs.

         3.   If a subject meets a verb that it agrees with (or vice versa) the person who makes that move can
               "eat"  his/her opponent's chip.

         4.   A chip that succeeds in getting to the opponent's baseline becomes  "king" and is allowed to move in
               the same way as in checkers.


5.    SECRET WORD (Vocabulary/Spelling)




   1.   Put students in groups of 5 or 6.

    2.   Each group comes up with a word that has as many letters as the number of group members. For example,
          a five-member group can choose the word "BREAD". This is their secret word.

    3.   Each member of the group is assigned a letter of the word and finds a way to act out another word that
         begins with the  letter that  he/she has been assigned. For example, the first member of the group takes
         the letter  "B" and thinks about how to act out the word "Big".  The second student, the one who has
         been assigned the letter "R" can act out the word "Roll", and so on.

    4.   After all the groups are ready with their secret words, one group at a time comes to the front of the class
         stand in the correct order, that is, according to how the word is spelled. The members of the group then
         take turns to present the words they have prepared.. For example, the first student can draw a large,
         imaginary circle with his/her hands to illustrate "Big". The rest of the class guess what he/she is trying
         to show and use the first letter of that word as their first clue to the group's secret word.

   5.   It may be necessary for the group presenting their secret word to repeat their actions a few times in
         order for the rest of the class to be able to guess the secret word.


6.    WORD BUILDING (Vocabulary/Spelling)


     Small squares of cardboard on which are written letters of the alphabet. For each group of 4 - 6 students
        you will need:

        25 of E
        12 each of A, I, and O
        8 of U
        6 of H, S and T
        5 of C and R
        4 of B, D, F, G, L, M, N, P AND W
        2 of J, K, Q, V, X, Y and Z


     1.    Students sit in a circle with the pile of letters, face down, in front of one of the students. This student
              will be in charge of turning the letters over.

       2.    The student in charge turns the letters over one at a time. Any student, including the leader, who
              spots a combination of letters that will make a word calls out the word, collects the relevant letters
              and builds the word in front of him. It should be stipulated that the word to be built must have
             a minimum of 4 letters.

      3.     After the letters have all been opened and no more words can be formed, the group members
              can then look at each other's words and "claim"  them if they can make new words from them. For
              example, if  a student has built the word "VOTE", any other group member who can use these same
              letters to make a different word can "claim" it as his own ( a possible new word is "VETO"). Also,
              a student is allowed to build a new word  by adding any letter from the unused letters to another
              student's word. For example, Student A has the word "DRAW" and if there is an "N" among the
              unused pile of letters, Student B can make a new word "DRAWN" and "claim" that word as his/hers.

      4.    The winner is the one who has the most number of words arranged in front of him when the game ends.


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