WORD PUZZLE # 36                                CAN ......

These are clues to words which begin with CAN.

1.    An artificial watercourse especially for navigation.            ____________

2.    A song-bird.                                                                           ____________

3.    A famous French dance.                                                        ____________

4.    A sign of the zodiac.                                                               ____________

5.    Being frank.                                                                           ____________

6.    One who offers himself for any office or honour.                ____________

7.    A sweetmeat of sugar boiled and crystallised.                    ____________

8.    A walking stick.                                                                    ____________

9.   One who eats the flesh of its own kind.                                ____________

10. A great gun.                                                                           ____________

11. Concerning dogs.                                                                   ____________

12. A covering hung over a throne or bed.                                ____________

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