WORD PUZZLE # 34                                                WHERE ??

Read through the sentences and fill in the missing words.

1.  The place where legal matters are decided.                                                                               _ _ _ _ T
2.  The place where plays and muscials are performed.                                                                          _ H_ _ _ _ _
3.  The place where a town's water supply is stored.                                                                               _E _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.  The place where young flowers and plants are cultivated.            `                                                      N _ _ _ _ _ _
5.  The place in a bank where money and valuables are kept.                                                                _ A _ _ _
6.  The place where fish are kept.                                                                                            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M
7.  The place, often in the open, where many different sorts of goods can be bought             _ _ _ _ E _

8.  The place where wild animals are kept for the public to see.                                                          _ _ O
9.  The place where you find other animals such as cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, etc                           F _ _ _

10.  The place where gas is stored.                                                                                            _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _
11.  The place where fruit trees grow.                                                                                                  _ _ _ H _ _ _
12.  The place in a factory where goods are stored.                                                                          _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _

13.  The place where criminals are kept.                                                                                                       P _ _ _ _ _
14.  The place where they clean clothes, sheets, etc                                                                                  L _ _ _ _ _ _
15.  The place where birds are kept.                                                                                                   _ _ _ A _ _
16.  The place where dead people are buried.                                                                                             C _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17.  The room where doctors receive their patients.                                                                     _ _ _ _ E _ _

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