WORD PUZZLE # 31                                SIMILES

Complete the similes using the words given below :

    bridegroom        mother        giant        wolf        puppy        lion        dog        bat        cow        owl

    church-mouse        sheep        mouse        egg        rainbow        ABC        scarecrow        honey

    picture        pancake

1.    As easy as ....................................
2.    As bald as an ................................
3.    As beautiful as the .......................
4.    As pretty as a ...............................
5.    As poor as a ..................................
6.    As blind as a .................................
7.    As hungry as a .............................
8.    As faithful as a .............................
9.    As fierce as a ...............................
10.  As tall as a ...................................
11.  As silly as a .................................
12.  As wise as an ...............................
13.  As timid as a ................................
14.  As useful as a ...............................
15.  As friendly as a ............................
16.  As eager as a ...............................
17.  As devoted as a ...........................
18.  As ugly as a .................................
19.  As sweet as .................................
20.  As flat as .....................................

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