Identify the article of clothing from the following definitions. Choose an appropriate word from the ones in the box below.
Waistcoat          Pyjamas            Corset            Bonnet             Brassiere           Cravat Shorts                Veil                   Scarf             Cardigan           Shirt                  Cloak Blazer                Vest                  Apron           Petticoat           Blouse               Shawl Trousers            Mackintosh

1.    A loose-fitting bodice for women, tucked in at the waist.
2.    A loose outer garment.
3.    A loose covering for the shoulders.
4.    A gauzy face-covering worn by ladies.
5.    A knitted woollen jacket.
6.    A light sporting jacket.
7.    An undershirt.
8.    An underskirt.
9.    A sleeping-suit.
10.  A woman's head-covering tied on by strings.
11.  Short trousers.
12.  A light piece of material thrown loosely on the shoulders, about the neck and
      over the head.
13.  A man's sleeved undergarment.
14.  A kind of neckcloth.
15.  An article worn over other clothes to protect them.
16.  A plain garment reaching to or below the waist and sleeveless, intended to
      show partly, worn by men.
17.  A close-fitting stiff inner bodice.
18.  A woman's undergarment supporting the breasts.
19.  Long breeches.
20.  A waterproof overcoat.


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