WORD PUZZLE  # 14                        ODD ONE OUT

                Underline the odd one out.
                Eg.  :    Heart, Liver, Ribs, Kidneys
                            (Ribs is the odd one out because the others are organs)

    1.    Sun, Earth, Mars, Venus
    2.    Wolf, Deer, Elephant, Crocodile
    3.    Eyes, Ears, Feet, Teeth
    4.    Pen, Ruler, Pencil, Chalk
    5.    Donkey, Horse, Mule, Zebra
    6.    Brother, Father, Uncle, Aunt
    7.    Fork, Knife, Saw, Razor
    8.    Wood, Forest, orchard, Thicket
    9.    Ode, Ballade, Sonnet, Concerto
    10.  Paris, London, Rome, New York
    11.  Positive, Negative, Incorrect, Wrong
    12.  Ant, Beetle, Fly, Frog
    15.  Look, Observe, Notice, Focus
    16.  Refuse, Dustbin, Litter, Rubbish


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