CounterOrder credo: To invert consensus,
extract the reciprocal of orthodoxy, turn
the world upside down, shake it and see
what fails and what remains. |
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Many ask, what
are the benefits of nihilism? In order to see the benefits you
must first begin to visualize the nihilistic alternative. Although these images and
ideas may seem anachronistic their power and
significance should not be underestimated.
If you cannot
imagine a new situation or event than you cannot achieve it.
People build and perpetuate what they already know not what they
cannot visualize, this is why revolutions always seem impossible
in the present yet inevitable in hindsight.
Indeed, history has demonstrated over and over that outcome is
defined by boundaries; redefine the boundaries and you will
redefine the outcome.
Nihilistic vision is
about a chance to begin again without the
shackles of history and the burden of accumulated
lies and myths. A new world where you
matter because of what you are and what
you can do not where you are or what you
own. The vision is crucial because one can't
conquer the flaws of the present without first
imagining the form of the future.
The nihilistic
vision is a positive result extracted from a
negative event. This vision is very much an
only for those that have had their chance and
ruined it for everyone, the failing, ruling-elite.
Yet for everyone else interested in health and
renewal it is a brilliant new dawn. This
momentous change is of the near future, looming
and portentous angry and promising like a storm
on the horizon. People fear the consequences but
the shrewd revel in the bountiful opportunities
bestowed by the aftermath for the best time to
rebuild is after the storm. For those who heed -
prepare for the beginning, it's closer than you
The beginning is the
end of sin. All transgressions both individual
and collective are forgiven and national crimes
annulled. There is no redemption ... but there is
no guilt; there is flawed human conduct ... but
no false justifications.
Level the cities
those putrid piles of poison. Dense population concentrations
characteristic of the metropolis only serve to provide ideal
incubators for virulent and ever more pernicious sicknesses. Deforestation and urban sprawl scatter and
disturb natural wildlife allowing disease and
vectors to thrive and spread when they would
otherwise be kept in check by the natural balance
of life. Once these cancers are razed localism
will finally triumph over globalism; instead of
blanket edicts from on high, rules and solutions
will start and address where they're needed -
locally. The power-pyramids will be crushed that fascists,
elitists, and tyrants erect to insulate and perpetuate
disproportionate authority while evading responsibility. In
place of elitist force we’ll have a naturally self-balancing and
self-adjusting system characterized by mutual relations and a
wide distribution of power.
Time will no longer
accrue into infinity but rather will count down
to the next beginning. The calendar will no
longer start at 1 but end there. 100-1? 500-1?
Details, details... At the top of time, all
chains broken, all previous debts public and
private will be annulled, all currency voided,
all laws deleted.
All paper and
electronic money will be zeroed out, and records will be
purged to reset ownership and eliminate the tyranny of
fictional wealth and the institutions that perpetuate it.
Faceless bureaucrats can't manage your care in old age or
any age without theft or mismanagement because they have
no inherent concern for your well being as only the self
buildup, all waste legislation, paperwork, and
currency emptied and distributed for recycling
and fuel for warming homes.
Instead of building mechanical
machines without care or spirit we will build humans using what
we have and what has already been achieved through thousands of
years of natural selection. The beauty of organic carbon life
will be placed ahead of the artificial lifelessness of the
silicon chip. Progress will mean gradually improving
near-perfection rather than reinventing from scratch what can
never be but imperfect mechanical machines. We will have respect
and admiration for life and its infinite potential, rather than
ruining it or paving over it!
Reciprocally beneficial
sexual intercourse is the worship of life and natural human
behavior. Through the management of impulse and an awareness of
instinctual purpose, rather than the futile attempt to ignore or
misdirect, we will do away with associated perversion,
repression, and mental illness. By breaking the binders that
unnecessarily restrict our society we will create a realm of
freedom to say what we feel and expound what we think, for a
life to be used but not abused while seeking sensations and
smarts amid the unclouded clarity of cogent comprehension. Your
greatest gift is your mind and body; don't waste it - utilize
Everyone can have a
new name. Finally, every individual will have the
opportunity to describe themselves not as someone
else decides but as they decide. What will
matter is not what role you play in the
dramatic farce of contemporary society but who
you are and what you can contribute. This
will finally divide the parasites and the
producers. Only those that can and do participate
to rebuild will receive any reward or status. The
parasites receive nothing but ostracism and death.
Safe havens for
solitude and sanity will exist in a physical and
non-literal sense allowing for introspection
imagination and reasoning unfettered or oppressed
by the intrusive presence of authority. This
freedom of the mind is as important to human life
as air and water.
Destruction to the
false protectors of harmony and society: all
police and military dissolved with their weapons
distributed to the participatory social
contributors; because the only person that can
really defend you is yourself. Through a network
of individual militias collective and individual
defense assumes its proper role. Thus we each
gain freedom, self-sufficiency, purpose, and
safety, thereby creating healthier minds and bodies.
A plan is secondary to the
ideas because the artificial structures around us, the outcome,
is a product of the collective vision and once concepts are
implemented details sort themselves out afterwards. New and
superior product will grow on the ash heap of the old.
The events of the 21st
century will not be written by the powers of the
20th. These forces, though appearing unstoppable
today, are nevertheless doomed by their very own
endogenous flaws; their day in the sun is about
to be done. Many will try to revive and reuse but
they will all fail, merely replaying the same
destructive inevitable. The weaknesses of
authorities are the strengths of freedom.
World history is
punctuated by deluded masters of conflict,
Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and even
Hitler. What are they known for? Conquering
everything and unifying nothing. The
nihilistic vision will conquer nothing and unify
everything. Today you have the luxury of
making the decision your descendants can't,
choose carefully which side of the bulldozer to
be on.
revolution into evolution the new human species arrives.