The Nihilist says, I want to see
things as they really are.
"Trust your
never go to prison,
I was the
President! |
the national heroes who gave you
five decades of cold-war waste,
fear and terror. Did you like
it? |
Royal ruse:
Prince Charles' anti-breast
cancer scheme nets one |
Friends in
(nuclear) arms and masters of the Slave
State: Jiang Zemin (China) & Kim Jong Il
(North Korea) |
Freedom™ and Democracy™ brought to Iraq courtesy of
George W. Bush, Incorporated |
hid in a bunker beneath Nebraska
while America burned, then I lied to start a war
and look like a hero. |
Now I fight
for Jesus while playing on Team Israel. |
... they serve
"Support the
up on aisle three |
want YOU to die for a corrupted
political entity usurped by
corporate powers so a series of
mendacious tyrants can raise
taxes and rob your freedoms! |
you were alive in Dresden you'd
be home now |
land-mine lovingly placed
here by the
is the awesome effectiveness of
the U$ war-machine that this
clearly marked Red Cross food
warehouse in Afghanistan required
two non-consecutive air strikes before it could
be successfully neutralized.
Trained to kill
US troops do it to Iraqis as heroes, then they do it in America and they’re
criminals. |
The few, the
proud, the serial rapists
The US Marines just can’t keep it in their pants on
Okinawa. After 60+ years of occupation local anger is
easily ignored. |
... it's purpose is
to murder, cripple, subdue and keep the type of
people showcased above in power over you
"Buy into the
economy" success story,
Enron was created through
government deregulation,
enthusiastically recommended to
investors by Merrill Lynch and
audited by Arthur Anderson - the
most trustworthy in the business.
head - empty calories - empty
wallet. A symbol is only as
meaningful as the substance (if
any) behind it. |
/ death in a dustbowl. They
trusted the banks, they trusted
the investment advisers and they
believed in their government. In
return they received starvation,
poverty and ruin. And who
'solved' the crisis they created? |
... and it will own
Never forget, the sole purpose of every employee
is to increase shareholder wealth. How much of
that wealth will you see?
"Find the peace
and comfort of religion"
Belfast you can just feel the
Christian love in the air |
caged "life" of
religion in Afghanistan |
the holy name of G-d and Zionism
- find somewhere else to live |
... it will never
let you to be free
"Fight back
with the ideologies of the past"
lord of labor Karl Marx: "what
I meant to say was, 'arbeit macht
frei!' ... oh wait" |
do you mean you're not rich yet? I
am" Global capitalists
gladly genuflect to Greenspan's
greenbacks |
cannot tell a lie - constitution
can't save you now |
... carrot or club
they'll beat you into the same grave because
they're corrupted to empower dictators and
enslave the people
"Idolize Professional Sports"
Think you can
be a pro player too? Get real: false hope keeps you swingin’ for the
"Trust the TV"
Living fossil and narcissistic
megalomaniac Sumner Redstone (not
his real name). The teens dance
to his musical tune every
afternoon |
brought to you by Rupert 'government approved
censorship pays (for me)' Murdoch |
they control both your computer
and your TV, and your radio, and
your newspaper and your magazines ... |
... it controls what
you know because it limits what you see
Now's the time to
burn them all, once and for all