What is this Internet site?
This site is the home of the CounterOrder, also called Nihilism’s Home Page
(NHP), a website and communications network
for Nihilists that was started in 1998 by Freydis. This website operates under
the domain name of CounterOrder.com with the word 'counterorder' being
a synonym for revolution. Our revolution need not be violent just as
it can be a radical change in physical surroundings or a radical
alteration in perceptions and way of thinking within an individual
mind. Indeed, you may already be a revolutionary!
Who is the author?
The CounterOrder/NHP is written by Freydis, the nom de guerre for a U.S.A.
based author,
artist, and revolutionary. Freydis operates both the
CounterOrder website and the
extensive Holology website
containing commentary and analysis on a variety of topics; basically
the CounterOrder
is for nihilism, and Holology is for everything else. Also of note,
Freydis operates two online message groups, an online
art store,
currently lives and works in St. Louis, Missouri, is a community
development major, and has a collection with five species of
carnivorous plants.
Why do we have the
The CounterOrder/NHP and related productions, on and offline, exist for several reasons
but primarily so that other Nihilists realize that they are not alone
in the way they think and feel. If you want things to change you’ve
got to alter the perspective first, and in order to do that you’ve got
to interject radical and potent ideas into the culture.
So if any goal can be ascribed to this effort it would be that much
of what I’m trying to do is build a methodology that allows people
to be what they are naturally without the need for superstition and
fantasy to provide a false sense of protection.
How did NHP (the CounterOrder) get started?
Although it may not seem that way now Nihilism’s Home Page
never began with any strategic goal in mind. NHP originated simply as
a means of expressing the primary author’s multitude of internal ideas
and conflicts in order to see how other people reacted – part sanity
check and part intellectual troubleshooting.
Freydis on NHP
origins from the FAQ
I began
studying nihilism in 1993 after I discovered the term by
happenstance while browsing through an encyclopedia of Sociology.
The realization of nihilism as a word and a concept was eye-opening
to say the least; it matched my views and feelings on the world and
the more I studied it the more fascinated I became. Reading,
thinking, and writing at a frenetic pace by 1998 I had accumulated a
substantial collection of handwritten notes. With the arrival of the
Internet as a functional medium the progression to a website was a
natural outcome. The rapidly expanding content of my Social
Engineering Notebook split into
Holology and the
Nihilism's Home Page website you’re reading now. Much of the
core content and many of the symbols and aesthetic design elements
originated from drawings created during extended periods of High
School boredom. It’s amazing how minor events and decisions can have
such a significant impact over time.
Although the
scale and depth has grown significantly since the beginning the main
reason was simply to put my ideas into the public realm to see how
people would react, positive or negative, and then to gain some
constructive input as to the validity of those concepts. I didn’t
expect it to be so positively received nor did I expect as many
people to agree with it! I called it Nihilism not because I set out
to be a nihilist but because that's the best description I could
apply to it in totality; after all, nihilism is where you go when
you can't find anything to believe in.
How do I contact the author?
If you still have questions, comments, or suggestions visit the
Form, or e-mail
Many more questions
and issues have been answered in the
Frequently Asked Questions
page. |