The Obverse Observer
(Nihilism and beyond) serves to explain issues and elements
of nihilism only summarized or missed entirely elsewhere in
CounterOrder website. |
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Nihilism and Race
Nihilism does not uphold race as a value any more
than it tells us one culture is arbitrarily better than another.
We’re all biological entities built with genetic code and then
defined and refined through our intellectual capacities and our
remarkable ability to adapt, overcome, and prosper. Much of this
success is due to the fact that humans are mentally malleable
beings whose rise to the top of the food-chain has been a direct
result of adopting new ideas and developing new tools and
Race is a subset of species, sometimes referred
to as a sub-species, and a species is defined as a group that
can reproduce together. Organisms within a species group, like
races, can reproduce together. Human races are relatively new
creations, formed under the intense pressures of natural
selection in the harsh environment of the last ice-age. Because
races can intermix they will, it can’t be wrong in an
evolutionary sense because it’s biologically and physically
possible. The only limitation is geography and the speed of
travel, that’s why human races have been preserved in many parts
of the world. However, as everyone can tell these limitations of
space and distance no longer hold true. Intermixing is what
normally happens when separate populations come into contact;
the only remarkable difference today is the scale of the event.
Whereas in the past it was only a few individuals, for instance
the European conquistadors that explored Central and South
America centuries ago, now it’s entire populations.
Because many of the physically characteristic
traits of specific races are recessive genes, blue eyes and
blonde hair for example, they will no longer show up in the
superficial attributes of the hybrid population except in rare
cases. This doesn’t necessarily mean that recessive genes no
longer exist at all and go extinct; in fact since the goal of a
gene is to spread as widely as possible they can actually gain
from this. This demonstrates the very complex process of
conflict and interaction occurring on the genetic level, far
beyond what we are aware of at our own macroscopic scale.
naturally grow and develop through continual interaction and
As even a cursory study of biology in the natural
environment indicates there are a wide variety of strategies for
personal and collective success, with success defined as
adaptation to make the most of the surrounding environment. The
individual freedom to choose your strategy, ideally with serious
thought and consideration involved in the decision, is
critically important because otherwise the trouble arrives when
one despot, or authority group, tries to impose their own values
and strategy upon others. This inevitably leads to dictatorship,
authoritarian brutality, and eventual social collapse.
Actual events and technological developments have
already far outpaced the traditional conceptions of race and
reproduction. The real story is far more fascinating anyway when we
consider the revolution in biotechnology. At some point in the
relatively near future the tools and knowledge of biotechnology
will progress to the point where genes, DNA, and the basic
elements that build life are as fungible as Lego building
blocks. This elemental simplicity is nihilism because it is
ineluctable. Eventually we’ll be able to build life and
rearrange it as desired. The potential is practically unlimited,
for we can become literally whatever we want to be and anything
becomes possible - we can cut and paste, edit out diseases, edit
in new attributes, and even create entirely new life forms. The
real issue is what do we create with these building blocks and
what are the consequences?
To ask ‘is this technology good or bad’ is to ask
a specious question because the technology is inevitable. We
mustn’t hide from it or try and ban what’s physically
possible because, like all technology, as fast as one
narrow-minded clique rejects it another less conservative group
picks it up and gains a massive advantage over the rest.
Instead, it’s time to collectively develop the maturity and
intellectual development to properly deal with the consequences
of our tools. 14.09.08
“It is not the strongest of the species
that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the
one that is the most adaptable to change.” - Charles
For a remarkable look at the genetic history of
European explorers, and more, read Adam's Curse, by Bryan
Sykes, 2004.
Living in the Past
While Blind to the
Present: The Folly of Nationalism
It’s very easy to romanticize the distant past precisely because
it is beyond our own memory and experience.
Traditionalists and nationalists selectively recall an idealized
history in order to convince themselves that everything was
better way back when, and that if we all just revert to the
‘simpler traditional lifestyle' everything will fit into place
and be perfect again. The truth is that the overall well-being
of everyone has improved drastically over the past century in
direct proportion to technological development. In general even
the poorest of the poor are better fed and healthier than they
would have been just 100 years ago, and the vast group in the
middle now have previously undreamt of capacities at their
command. Indeed this fantastic increase in well-being has
directly led to the trouble of over-population. So of course we
still have significant problems to overcome but our ancestors
had much greater problems plaguing their
difficult and precarious
lives, and with fewer tools at their disposal to solve them!
These changes have occurred so rapidly that we have not
collectively had time to adapt to them, but that doesn’t mean we
cannot or should not adapt to them. Traditionalism is sacrificing the present trying to
live in the past, and yearning for
a way of life that can’t be regained even if it was desirable.
But even more to the point, the fundamental problem with
nationalism is that there are more groups of people calling
themselves a nation than there is physical space to create their
nations. Israel and Palestine is a classic example of the
problem of nationalism. Both groups require land to be called a
nation yet their claims overlap, so the contest descends into a
pitiless war between two implacably opposed sides that slaughter
each other in bloody conflict. Europe fought violent and
futile nationalist wars for centuries, millions died on the
battlefield, and nothing changed -- they would just start all
over again a few years later! These wars weren’t even successful
as population growth control! Or look at the Balkans, the former
Yugoslavia, for another prime example of the rotten results of
nationalism. All fractured into tiny nations that aren’t even
viable independent entities, these people have been slaughtering
each other over nationalism for hundreds of years and getting
nowhere because of it. Nationalism is a recipe for stagnation
and decay because you can’t develop and progress when you spend
your time killing your neighbors over differences, real or
Nationalism is a
disease of delusional authoritarian
egomaniacs. Once you head down this path every trivial
detail becomes a point of contention and a reason to exclude
someone from the ‘nation’, splintering into even more opposing
sects and generating an endless series of wars for blood and
soil. Nationalists are willing to play because they believe they
can win the war and crush the other side once and for all
through genocide. Yet victory is never guaranteed. National
Socialist Germany was convinced they would win during WWII, yet
the Germans
ended up narrowly avoiding extinction. And one of the main
reasons we have to achieve collective cooperation and not
foolish competition is the state of modern weapons technology.
In an age of nuclear weapons, and even more hazardous chemical
and germ-weapons of mass destruction, warfare no longer
threatens the well-being of an isolated nation; it literally
threatens the survival of all life on our small planet.
Nationalism is toxic glue for holding a group together; it works
for awhile but the disastrous consequences soon outweigh the
short-term benefits.
Nationalist ideologues have always been
reactionary counter-revolutionaries because they don’t have
anything of their own to bring to the table that’s new or widely
appealing. Instead they market unrealistic myths from the past
while usurping and redirecting contemporary competitive
ideologies. This is exactly what Hitler did so effectively
against the communist revolution in pre-WWII Germany, he took
the appealing elements of revolutionary communism while
claiming national ownership over an international
added racialism, and then repackaged it all as ‘National
Socialism’. The mistake the German people made, and one that
cost the lives of millions of them, was not in choosing National
Socialism over Communism, it was in investing unchecked power in
one individual! This is why, if we allow ourselves to have any
kind of government at all, it must not only be under constant
scrutiny within a robust system of checks and balances, but even
more importantly it must be as impartial and value-neutral as
possible. 06.09.08
Spectrum of Modern Political Philosophy |

2005 |
The Problem of ANUS
The cryptic ANUS (American Nihilist Underground Society)
website is a critical topic that must be addressed unambiguously
because it, and the website Center for Nihilist and Nihilism
Studies (CNNS), are creating significant confusion about
nihilism, and other important topics too. The ridiculous name
and title of ANUS
should arouse at least a minor amount of skepticism as to the
legitimacy and integrity of the person (or people) behind it.
And indeed things are not what they appear. The ANUS website has
changed over time but in its current manifestation it purports
to promote an unusual mixture of heavy metal music and extreme
nationalism packaged as nihilism and marketed to nihilists.
It is
true that both sites do have material that is thought-provoking
and intelligently written, but that is precisely the point. If
they were completely useless they would not serve their true
In reality the façade of nihilism is distinctly
disingenuous and only serves to mask a contemporary
manifestation of what are widely considered to be very racist
Analysis of the ANUS and CNNS websites reveals
multiple elements that raise considerable doubt as to the
honesty and integrity of these productions.
A study of the
ownership data and Internet links reveals that ANUS and CNNS are
not independent productions but are actually part of a large web
of connected Internet sites. More importantly when you look at
the bigger picture it gives the game away:
anus com (American
Nihilist Underground Society), amerika
org (Al-Qaeda Appreciation Society of North America),
Anarchy net (Anarchism), antihumanism
com (Anti-Humanism), burzum com
(music of Burzum and writings of Varg Vikernes),
churcharson com (church arson), (Continuity
Movement), corrupt org ("Remaking
Modern Society"), fuckcapitalism com
(anti-capitalism), fuckchrist com
("Support the Judeo-Christian Holocaust"),
genocide org ("genocide,
holocaust, and democide studies"),
hessian org (The Hessian Studies Society),
infoterror com ("Infoterror
Internet Activist Promotions, Inc."),
ihatejobs com ("I Hate Jobs"),
juliusevola com ("Julius Evola: Traditionalist
Visionary"), lostwisdom com
("Lost Wisdom"), necrocapitalist org
("Necrocapitalist"), nihil org
("Center for Nihilist and Nihilism Studies"),
pan-nationalism org
("Pan-Nationalist Movement"),
penttilinkola com ("Pentti Linkola Fansite"),
pragmatism us ("Pragmatism Party
- Traditional National Democratic Party"),
realitynews com ("A look into the
real world"), sataniccoalition com
("The Satanic Coalition"), and zionists
com ("Kahanist National Zionist Party").
ANUS and CNNS serve the same purpose as ‘anarchy
net’, ‘sataniccoalition
com’, and the rest of their panoply of websites – they are
false-fronts that serve as attractive bait designed to draw an
audience into supporting their core values. So,
regardless of their superficial statements,
crafted to be appealing to their target audience anyway, what
they actually preach and promote is rooted in simple racism, or
a worldview that revolves around race and zealous nationalism.
This being the case there is no honest and legitimate need to
invoke nihilism as part of their platform anymore than there is
to invoke Anarchism or Satanism!
ANUS is exploiting nihilism to promote a
white-nationalist position that is commonly considered to be
racist. For example, look at the ‘ANUS heroes’ listing (
The first entry is
Pentti Linkola,
advocates dictatorship and eugenics”; then Julius Evola,
who is he? “most significantly described
as a Radical Traditionalist”, or translated at Wikipedia:
“Evola is primarily known for his
involvement in Italian Fascist politics”. Also on the
list of ANUS’ heroes, Savitri Devi who
“emphasized the continuity of ancient Vedic, ancient
Greco-Roman, and modern National Socialist thought”.
Further evidence, they (authorship is left unstated on most
articles) self-describe themselves based on
“tribes”, and ANUS is loaded with
references to race, yet at the same time they claim to reject
racism, “I love my African-American
friends as well as my "white" friends (really: different
Indo-European tribes, including Indians, for whom "white" is a
broken general category).” and,
“Because we have evolved differently, not only is race-mixing
insane, but caste-mixing is insane;…” and,
“Further, it's important to realize that
racial separation is not an issue by itself, but part of a
general program of breeding that includes division by tribe,
caste, and finally, eugenics applied to individuals themselves.”
ANUS continually uses loaded words like
"caste" and "breeding",
employs statements that are vehemently opposed to cultural,
racial, and caste mixing, all the while promoting nationalism
and a very violent elitism that repeatedly threatens to kill
those they don’t like. In one article the author viciously
attacks ‘white nationalism’, yet the collective tone and
rhetoric belies the sincerity of this assault that is, in essence,
a calculated effort to legitimize what is actually the same
product placed in a different package.
The ‘nihilism’ at ANUS is not just centered on race but it’s
blatantly elitist as well. These guys are trying to sell
repackaged white-nationalism to nihilists because they know nihilists are
willing to entertain attitudes that are considered unacceptable
in contemporary culture.
So, now it’s apparent why so many people are
being confused by the ‘nihilism’ from these websites, because it
isn’t nihilism but rather it’s exploiting nihilism in
order to reach a secondary conclusion that promotes dictatorship
and elitism, among other things.
Regardless of the interpretation, whatever ANUS
really is it is not nihilism and should not be mistaken for it.
Going on Here?
The people that promote ANUS and related sites,
with Corrupt org at the center of the spider web, are a
duplicitous and deceptive lot. And although they typically mask
their agenda behind superficially appealing statements these
characters are not popular anywhere but in their own little
universe and self-manufactured echo-chamber that they endlessly
exploit to magnify their importance far beyond actual reality.
They use agents as relentless apologists, advertisers, and
salesmen to troll message boards, IRC channels, and anywhere
else they can gain access to in order to push their agenda,
which is simply elitist fascism in an ant-heap society (placing
themselves at the top, of course). The reason they are
thoroughly reviled is obvious, besides the hard sell, they go
out of their way to usurp and hijack others wherever possible.
Anyone that gets involved with anyone of them does so at their
own risk.
The reason for the deception is clear when the
true agenda is revealed.
You can’t publicly admit you are racist today because that term
has such a strong negative connotation, so you have to alter the
message to something more appealing and as a result they target
the still widespread aspects of nationalism and xenophobia,
sponsoring racial separation and ultra-nationalism. Indeed it’s
a poignant testament to just how unacceptable these views and
values are within contemporary society that they have to
water-down their core beliefs and mask them behind superficially
benign phraseology. 05.09.08

Nihilism and
Religious Fundamentalism
The interesting article
'US exceptionalism meets Team Jesus' consists of an
interview with James Carroll, a former Catholic priest and
anti-nihilist, who grew up in the halls of military power in the
Pentagon. The interview is certainly worth reading for the
revealing discussion on how militant evangelical Christianity
has infected the United States military from top to bottom. For
instance Carroll points out that,
“At the Air Force Academy, "Team Jesus"
was one of the nicknames for the football team and one of the
most vociferous evangelical Christian proselytizers was the
football coach.” And not only
that but a screening of Mel Gibson’s fundamentalist slasher
flick The Passion of the Christ was force-fed to cadets
as an official Air Force event! The consequences of this
development aren’t hard to calculate, just consider the current
military ‘crusade’ against Muslim Iraq and Afghanistan, but the
focus of my criticism here has to do with something else of
strategic significance, Carroll’s conflation of nihilism with
religious fundamentalism.
Is nihilism the
same as religious fundamentalism?
Catholics seem to have a particularly
intense dislike for nihilism; remember ‘Nihilism
- The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age’ by Fr.
Seraphim Rose? Maybe Catholics are better educated than their
Protestant counterparts; they must read a lot of Newsweek.
Seriously though, whereas Rose equated nihilism with moral decay
leading to evil in the 1960s, Carroll in 2007 equates nihilism
to religious fundamentalism … leading to evil, of course.
Carroll is an apologist for
Christianity. His basic message is,
“Don’t surrender religion to the wackos.”
But the cynical retort that
instantly flashed in my mind when I read that statement was:
what’s there to surrender?! The reason Carroll makes this
point is fairly clear if you think about it. In order to make
his mainstream version of Catholicism safe for all the believers
he has to attack everyone on the fringes. But this arbitrary
differentiation is the crux of the problem with Carroll’s
reasoning. By maintaining that some religion is good and some
religion is bad and the difference is based on how the holy
scriptures are interpreted it creates a serious schizophrenic
contradiction within the belief set. As Brian Flemming realized
in his documentary film The God Who Wasn’t There the
religious extremists and the fundamentalists are actually the
only ones that have any internal consistency in their reasoning
precisely because they take the scriptures in their Holy Book
literally, instead of trying to modify it to fit it into reality
while rationalizing and apologizing for it to the world as the
moderates like Carroll try to do. In response to the simple
question, if you really believe that your faith in God will get
you to heaven and that the world is evil than why not kill
yourself and go to heaven now? The fundamentalists follow the
scriptural reasoning and reply, yes I will! James Carroll's
convoluted response for moderate Catholicism is that our
belief is good because we aren’t extremists but their
belief is bad because they take it too far by actually believing
what’s really written down in the holy book.
A mark of a fundamentalist mindset is
that one's own personal virtue is the ultimate value. The
American fundamentalist ethos of the Cold War prepared us to
destroy the world. In other words, a world absolutely
devastated through nuclear war was acceptable as an outcome
because it reflected the virtue of our opposition to the evil
of communism. Better dead than red. … Better the world
destroyed than taken over by communism. It's profoundly
nihilistic, which is also one of the marks of the
fundamentalist mindset.
Carroll views fundamentalism and
nihilism as the same because, in his view, both are
apocalypse-seeking. And since religious fundamentalism is just
extreme religious belief then extremism is the same as nihilism.
In fact most all religions have a
salvation / redemption / change element within their set of
beliefs, not just Christianity with its ‘born-again’ mythology.
Most religions seek a salvation and redemption through radical
change. So to equate salvation with nihilism is simply to state
that both seek a change in the current state of events! So
what?! Nihilism and fundamentalist religion both seek radical
change, even though it is for completely different reasons.
Carroll is clearly using nihilism as a pejorative association
not a substantive one; the connection is purely illusory. Change
is sought by many people, ideologies, and beliefs so without
including the reasoning motivating it this just leads to a
fraudulent association.
Carroll unintentionally reveals, once
again, that the real problem has nothing to do with nihilism or
even destruction seeking motivations but it has everything to do
with belief and religion, be it fundamentalist or otherwise.
Foolish beliefs and unchallenged assumptions pervade an American
society that prides itself on ignorance and religious
[I]f Americans are upset with the war
in Iraq today, it's mainly because it failed. If we could have
"ended evil" with this war, it would have been a good thing.
It goes back to the joke you began with: [How many neo-cons
does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer: Neo-cons
don't believe in light bulbs, they declare war on evil and set
the house on fire.]
if we have to destroy the world in
order to purify it of evil, that's all right. It's the key to
the apocalyptic mindset that Robert J Lifton has written about
so eloquently, in which the destruction of the Earth can be an
act of purification. The destruction of Iraq was an act of
purification. Even today, look at the rhetoric that's
unfolding as we begin to talk about ending the war in Iraq.
It's the Iraqis who have failed. They wouldn't yield on their
"sectarian" agendas. These people won't get together and form
a cohesive government. Now, we're going to let them stew in
their own mess. We're going to withdraw from this war because
they're not worthy of us.
belief-based ignorance is easily exploited by venal authorities
to gain popular support for launching wars based on religious
symbolism, all for the most crass and materialistic of reasons
like oil, power, and money. In this kind of environment
characterized by the moral nose ring Nietzsche warned us about
it’s impetrative that, once and for all, we finally cut the
strings of belief that corrupt authorities use to bind and
manipulate the people like marionette puppets, so the super-rich
can't sponsor wars and trigger conflicts for private profit
while using their wealth and special influence to insulate
themselves from the negative consequences everyone else has to
suffer through. 30.09.07
Winners are
just the first losers
in a foolish competition |

2004 |
Should I Vote?
Is the glass half full or is it half empty?
Deciding whether to vote or not is the same sort of question –
the answer depends on your perspective and sentiment at the
given moment, but the short answer is yes; let me
Politics is the shit in life you can’t escape
so even though the dominant
political parties that almost always win the elections (Democrat
& Republican, Labour & Tory, etc.) don’t represent me or my
interests, and probably don’t represent you either, the
decisions they make in office will still affect us nonetheless.
That leaves us in a quandary. If we don’t vote at all they will
definitely win the election and can claim a mandate based on the
sizeable majority of the votes that put them in office. If we do
vote and participate in an election system that is a sham we
risk justifying it but can at least exert a small influence upon
the outcome while at the same time gaining a legitimate
allowance for criticism by virtue of participation. I like to
think of voting as renewing my license to criticize the
democratic political system.
If you look at the low voter turnout in the
average election in the United States, for example, the
pseudo-democratic system doesn’t need mass participation to
justify itself. So I think to criticize voting as simply
supporting a broken system is misleading and perhaps even
over-simplified. Everyone is told that what we have now is
representative democracy and it’s the greatest thing invented
since slice bread so very few people are willing to take the
risk of openly criticizing it. Consequently the most practical
and rational option is to vote in a way that maximizes the
message being conveyed to the elected officials. The two ways to
do this are:
Many have rued the truism that if voting
changed anything it would be illegal. But we have to put
voting in perspective. Don’t expect radical change to occur but
don’t completely discount the impact that your vote can have –
it may not be much but it is there if you want to use it. This
brings me to another major question.
Why are voters so afraid to vote for a minor
party candidate even though the two party duopoly is so
obviously corrupted, useless, and even outright malevolent towards
the public?
I don’t have any exact answers but I think part
of it is a generational gap. Voters that are middle aged and
over are still convinced that they can elect Party Left or Party
Right and solve everything. Conversely, skepticism and cynicism
towards the two party duopoly is widespread among youth today.
Another major impediment to seeing what’s really
going on is the sports spectator effect – the popular
desire to be a part of the winning team through vicarious
association, in this case by voting for the candidate that gets
elected. People have to stop thinking about ‘winning’ in the
election. Nobody is really winning anything in this
system except the candidate that gets their meat-hooks into
office and the lobbyists and special interest groups they are
funneling the kickbacks too. Voting just to be a vicarious
winner, instead of voting for the candidate that really
represents you, is about as asinine as you can get, yet that is
exactly how many voters behave!
Finally, the people that vote most often are the
ones that feel they have something invested in the social and
political order and as such they tend to not want it to change
radically, or at all, because that could negatively impact their
interests. This is why the richer the voter is the more likely
they are to vote for a conservative, and vice versa. People that
are disenfranchised and disaffected have much less invested in
the status quo and thus they typically see no benefit to
participating or supporting it and so they don’t vote.
Unfortunately this short term self-interest only serves to
justify and perpetuate the status quo creating a self-fulfilling
prophecy. 11.09.06
The U.S. presidential race, impassioned almost to the point of
hysteria, hardly represents healthy democratic impulses.
Americans are encouraged to vote, but not to participate more
meaningfully in the political arena. Essentially the election is
yet another method of marginalizing the population. A huge
propaganda campaign is mounted to get people to focus on these
personalized quadrennial extravaganzas and to think, "That's
politics." But it isn't. It's only a small part of politics.
The population has been carefully excluded from political
activity, and not by accident. An enormous amount of work has
gone into that disenfranchisement. During the 1960s the outburst
of popular participation in democracy terrified sectors of
privilege and power, which mounted a fierce countercampaign,
taking many forms, until today.
Bush and Kerry can run because they're funded by similar
concentrations of private power. Both candidates understand that
the election is supposed to stay away from issues. They are
creatures of the public relations industry, which keeps the
public out of the election process. Their task is to focus
attention on the candidate's "qualities," not policies. Is he a
leader? A nice guy? Voters end up endorsing an image, not a
The regular vocation of the
industries that sell candidates every few years is to sell
commodities. Everyone who has turned on a TV set is aware that
business devotes enormous efforts to undermine the markets of
abstract theory, in which informed consumers make rational
choices. An ad does not convey information, as it would in a
market system; rather, it relies on deceit and illusions to
create uninformed consumers who will make irrational choices.
Much the same methods are used to undermine democracy by keeping
the electorate uninformed and mired in delusion.
From: Interventions, by Noam Chomsky,
pages 98-99, 2007.

Film Review:
Flight from Death
Flight from Death: The Quest for Immortality
(2003) is a documentary that uses stock footage, vague location
backdrops (usually cemeteries), and brief interviews with
colorful professors you’ve never heard of in schools you didn’t
know existed to attempt to answer the inveterate problem of
cosmic meaning and human mortality. Although the film subtly
presents itself as an independent and objective analysis this is
slightly misleading because it actually approaches the issue
based on the fringe psychological theories of author and
cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker. Yeah I never heard of him
either. Becker, and thus the film, basically believes that
everything humans do is about death denial.
the credit of the researchers and philosophers behind this
effort they have attempted to find quantitative evidence to
support their contentions. However the results of their one
study conducted on college-age volunteers seems dubious
considering that multiple conclusions could still be drawn from
the facts. But anyway, Becker and the film conclude that
violence and the worst excess’ of human behavior are a product
of death anxiety. Religions are personalized death denying
illusion. Evil is created by the attempt to form a utopia
free from evil.
The answer to all
this trouble, and I’m using the actual words from the film, are
to practice tolerance and kindness towards others. Further,
illusions are necessary and unavoidable so we must therefore
strive to create life-sustaining illusions rather than to
overcome them. The seemingly obvious fact that this is simply
yet another effort to form a utopia free from evil, and is
therefore evil, is not addressed. Indeed the film delivered a
rather stunning conclusion considering the fairly reasonable
intellectual buildup preceding it.
In fact illusions
are not necessary; illusions are intentionally
manufactured to mask things that people don’t want to perceive.
Differences of perception certainly do exist within the realm of
human consciousness but that should not be an excuse to
disregard the much more considerable common elements, indeed the
very common concerns that the film used to construct much of
their views! The flaws in Becker’s views are more than benign,
they can become a very harmful way of thinking because it leads
towards an obsession with physical life extension, as the film
mentions. In fact death is just as important as life and most
people live too long as it is – that’s a major problem we are
just now facing as individuals of the human species are now
living longer than ever before in history. The most reasonable
answer to draw from Flight from Death is to simply
recognize death as an inevitable part of life, free from
exaggerated mythology and excess fear.
film is, in my view, overly philosophical and not materialist
enough in approach but it is intellectually compelling
nonetheless. Unfortunately the film does not address or offer
any explanation for suicide actions, only for the common
responses to the violence. Discussion of the topic of suicide is
conspicuously absent from the documentary.
I found the film
difficult to pay attention to mostly because the topic does not
lend itself well to a cinematic format for delivery. The vocal
portions are complex enough that it takes effort to interpret
what is being said while the video is often showing extraneous
stock footage barely related to the narration so it becomes
distracting towards the effort to digest the concepts in the
film. Note: the subconscious message content (possibly) included
in this film has not been rated or reviewed.
As an example of a contrary, materialistic,
argument that is at least as intellectually compelling, but
probably not any more accurate in a holistic sense, read this
It's the money, honey by Chan Akya. I've encountered
fairly convincing views that human actions are all motivated by
a desire for sex; Chan Akya thinks it’s money but the point is
it could be sex, death avoidance, money, genes, memes, or
something else. Human actions are driven by a multitude of
factors, it doesn't have to be only one and it's probably a
combination that depends on circumstance as well as historical
and cultural influences. 06.01.07
"What makes being a soldier great is
the nobility of it — good fighting evil. If you lose that,
all this sacrifice is for no good reason."
- Maj. Peter Kilner, West Point. From:
Combat stress takes toll, June 14, 2006. |
Philosophical versus Political Nihilism, or why can't we all
just get along?
When it comes to the realm of action and thought
there are two attitudes that characterize a categorical
breakdown. One group is convinced that ideas are all that really
matters, that theory is of prime importance over substance –
this is why it is referred to as philosophy. And then there are
those that are convinced practice, substance and action, are
what really matter. These two attitudes are what characterize
the views of philosophical and political nihilism.
The philosophers don't want to get involved in
seeing the notion turned into practice because it fractures all
their pretty beliefs and ideas with messy realities and
pragmatic compromises. While the practical builders don't like
being slowed down by dogma and theories that look nice sitting
on a shelf, like a book or a trophy, but can't be integrated
into real life. They are aware that without a test the
hypothesis is not any more useful than the paper it is written
on. Argument between the two is mostly a waste of time because
no real ground for compromise exists, for as adamant as the
pragmatists will state that the practice is what matters, the
theorists will maintain the opposite. Consequently, most of the
philosophical nihilists don't want to see nihilism turned into
Nihilism because the process is messy, it's dirty and it
inevitably ruins many of the cherished notions they hold dear.
Far too many of them treat their conception of philosophical
nihilism as a dogma that cannot grow and evolve because that
means accepting change as well as a past, a present and a future
that operates independently outside of them.
For a historical example of this conflict compare
Karl Marx to V.I. Lenin. It’s ironic that Marx was so concerned
with the struggles and triumphs of human labor but never worked
a day of manual labor in his life. In fact his family nearly
starved because he wouldn’t get a paying job. His ideas written
down had a significant impact upon millions of people, but that
impact was largely a result of the efforts of organizers like
V.I. Lenin. Marx would no doubt have criticized Lenin for
corrupting his beautiful theories but nonetheless Lenin turned
Marx’s writing into reality.
Another example, a perfect contemporary example,
is that of Jeffrey Skilling architect of the new energy trading
techniques at Enron incorporated. Skilling was, and still is, a
firm believer in the concept of the idea in primacy, that the
idea is what really matters not the practice or execution.
Skilling came up with a new form of accounting that allowed him
to book profits now on the predicted future
revenue from his ideas. So in other words if the concept of
trading energy futures cannot produce a profit today because it
is too new to have an established history but five years from
now it could be worth, say, one billion a year, then we can
count that profit today on the company books. It’s a new economy
after all and don’t the brilliant people deserve to get paid for
the brilliant ideas they come up with?! Skilling and others in
the top management at Enron thought so. Now several years later,
after the multi-billion dollar meltdown of their corporation,
Skilling still maintains his complete innocence while on trial
for financial fraud so massive it broke records. For a much more
detailed explanation of this astounding process watch the
documentary Enron: the smartest guys in the room (2005)
DVD ¹, and find out why they didn’t ask why enough.
Please don’t misunderstand my intent. Ideas are
important, theory is important too, and it would be fantastic if
we all could book revenues on our expected future profits or
change the world with just a graduate level philosophical
dissertation. But there’s also this other force at work known as
practical, functional existence, i.e. reality, and it has a
nasty way of devastating anyone foolish enough to ignore it.
Nearly all philosophy if adopted literally necessitates the
contravention of known reality. Take, for example, the
assumption that nihilism rejects all forms of organization and
authority. Even if this was an inextricable tenet of nihilism,
(it isn’t) such a notion simply can’t be internalized. In fact
no human individual or endeavor can survive well or do much of
anything without organization. We are social creatures and
organization is what we do. That is why the second definition of
nihilism is in the dictionary, the one that many of the
existential nihilist types either refuse to recognize or simply
ignore outright. Not only that, but as hundreds of participants
at the Symposium forum and Online Nihilism group demonstrate on
a daily basis, one can be a member and a supporter of a group
and still hold independent thoughts. Imagine that!
Theory and practice can assist each other but sometimes they
simply have to agree to disagree and allow evolution and the
testing process to deliver a verdict. 16.04.06

Where’s the Truth?
The primary process
under the rubric of nihilism is skepticism, it is to take as
little for granted as possible and that includes nihilism
itself. Philosophical nihilism is inherently contradictory, for
instance to state that ‘no truth exists’ is just as rigid and
principled as the more common assertion that a singular truth
does exist. Nevertheless some people still try to use one or the
other. Both are absurd, although the philosophical nihilist one
is more obvious. Now, absurdity can be entertaining and
enlightening but only in the way that outdated fad becomes
kitsch and is therefore ‘cute’ and collectible. A message is
contained within it all but it’s not a facile one. Absurdity
really indicates a lack of complete information; absurdity is
an error message.
The fact that some
people attach so strongly to either one I think demonstrates
that an irrational undercurrent runs through human nature. In
the case of ‘no truth’ (anti-science) it is part rebellion, part
ignorance and part fear: fear of order that might defeat their
own beliefs in self-determination, or more specifically the
belief in the right to ‘do whatever I want to do’. In the case
of the other pole, the ‘one truth’, it’s a wish to have
everything taken care of and the belief in a holy deity that
controls everything and all blessing will follow from obedience.
Science originate
from the ‘one truth’ view and not too surprisingly it generates
some intense antagonism in the public because it doesn’t make
either group happy, it undercuts free-will and also God. But the
ideas behind science are completely sound: to try and find some
pattern in the disorder, to try and employ some kind of
consistent algorithm to find consistent results. I think the
scientific method is the best tool of its kind around, so far,
but it has its limits. Mikhail Bakunin once stated,
thought and life there is a wide abyss."
Science can generate completely accurate and truthful statements
but upon application in human society they can fail miserably.
Even more, technology often fails even after science succeeds.
Everyone wants to
find ‘truth’ but it can’t be found like a search for a singular
entity, like some jungle explorer searching for a legendary gold
idol. The search for ‘truth’ is the search for a definition. As
humans we all start from a very distorted perspective because in
order to exist we must value our life but the continuing order
of the universe cares not a bit about us one way or the other
and suicide changes nothing. But the universe is definitely not
irrational; in fact if anything it is maddeningly predictable,
at least on the size-scale that we exist at. Humans live by
values but the universe does not – it offers possibilities but
does not favor one over the other. Ultimately moral right and
wrong are products of the ego, after all no one wants to be
‘wrong’ and everyone wants to be ‘right’!
Even amongst the
disparity a common element can be found and I think that the
natural survival instinct will suffice. It creates an internal
sense of true and false but one that is not necessarily
transferable to others. Nihilism can state that the overall
picture does not create any absolute right and wrong, true or
false, but the concept is nonetheless quite significant to the
individual. So it could be said that true and false are both
absolute and relative at the same time. The interface between
all of the viewpoints creates a deceptive complexity; our sense
of reality is the interface between all of them perpetually
interacting. Indeed trying to find a truth here is an atrocious
calculus problem! This is why scientific reduction often fails
in deciphering human actions and living reality but adding it
all up also proves problematic because it’s never accurate, only
an estimate. Truth, at least on the social level, and perhaps a
universal level, is statistical. 20.06.04
The Decay of Chinese Culture: Nihilism Goes to
As any linguist will
tell you studying a language can generate significant insights
into the nature of the culture and people using that language.
In this case I’m referring to the Chinese written language.
Whereas western culture and languages are digital and stem
from a deconstructive worldview, the eastern languages,
particularly Chinese which is the forerunner of most other East
Asian languages such as Korean and Japanese, are self-contained
and result from a fundamentally holistic worldview. In other
words instead of breaking things down in order to understand
them, they see things as static without further need for
understanding. So it shouldn’t be surprising to find out that
Chinese culture is extremely authoritarian – don’t question
authority or the Party line – just do what you’re told. The
implied duty of every child growing up in this culture is to
obey authorities and conform to their expectations.
In Chinese writing
the meaning has to be extracted from the relationships between
the component symbols, so context is imperative to communicate
in any useful manner. This creates a language that appears complex
because it relies so heavily on a shared understanding of
cultural history to create meaning in the sentence. Chinese also
seems ‘poetic’ and ‘mystical’ because it is so fundamentally
limited in its ability to convey a concise idea or concept
unlike a letter based alphabet that can be used to create an
almost infinite array of new words and concepts to communicate
new ideas and thoughts.
Because Chinese culture relies so
heavily on centralized authorities to dictate orders and policy
for the people to obey it creates an inherently temporary
situation since it’s based entirely on sycophancy and blind
obedience rather than questions, thoughtful criticism, and
adaptation to new situations. This is not to say that the
Chinese can’t take advantage of an opportunity for after all
there are quite a few newly rich entrepreneurs in China today,
but it does mean that the Chinese authority system is very quick
to usurp the motivation of individual effort in order to
maintain its dominance over the country. In fact the communist
party in firm control of China today is downright paranoid when
it comes to challenges to their power – economic, political or
religious. Even a cult as seemingly innocuous as the Falun Gong
generates the most repressive and severe police reaction from
the Chinese government. The Internet is tightly monitored and
censored, just as all the news and information is filtered
through the lens of official opinion. Official statistics are
created based not on what is really happening but on what the
Party wants to see, indeed this is the perfect example of how
China is run today and has been for time immemorial – Chinese
authorities are motivated and supported in all their endeavors
by willful delusion.
This is important to
recognize amidst the current hype over the rise of China as an
economic, military, and political power. Although the Chinese
people themselves have immense potential and can and do express
it when given the opportunity, the present Chinese communist (or
some say quasi-fascist) government will do everything it can to
stop this when it occurs outside officially approved channels.
And the Communist Party has no plans to rescind power anytime
soon; this is another tenant of Chinese authorities - never give
up power and never face reality because criticism is the enemy.
China’s grip of world trade is not nearly as solid as it may
seem today. There’s nothing that China exports that can’t be
made elsewhere and China’s cheap labor is simply a result of
government subsidies. Even regardless of this the massive
overproduction going on in China today is flooding world markets
and will eventually initiate a deflationary spiral downward in
price and profit.
So even though
Chinese culture has thousands of years of history that compel
obedience to official rules and precepts and negates independent
thought, the Chinese people nonetheless remain thoroughly
self-centered and as the flow of information leaks into their
closed society new ideas are changing their attitudes. Things in
China today are beginning to change because the social hypocrisy
has become unsustainable. The distance between the Party’s
version of truth and the truth of actual reality is a rapidly
widening rift fracturing Chinese culture.
Young people in
China don’t believe in the Communist Party, they don’t believe
in their vaunted leaders and their self-congratulatory charades,
and increasingly they don’t buy into the archaic culture and its
values that are continually claimed so superior to the rest of
the planet. Many of them still remain ardent nationalists though
and this is one tool the Central Party can still use to whip up
enthusiasm for their projects and control the populace by
directing their boiling anger over internal problems against
foreigners. Nationalism is one of the last vestiges holding a
broken China together but a corrupt regime can’t exploit that
sentiment forever. All the old gods in China are dead or dying,
communism killed religion and now communism is dying too. A
rising undercurrent of nihilism exists in China today, an
inevitable result of blatant social hypocrisy, egregious
government repression, abuse, and authority’s attempts to
control the minds and bodies of their subjects. 01.05.04 &
Total Extremes – A Thought Experiment in Nihilism
To understand the
middle it helps to study the extremes. This being the case, just
what do the extremes look like on a universal scale? It seems
that the two extreme poles are difficult to describe because
they bear no resemblance to anything we experience on a daily
basis or indeed anything in the known universe, they are
theoretical but extremely simple constructions.
One. The first pole
is that of complete sameness in everything. Imagine looking at a
metal plate painted white and perfectly smooth – try to
distinguish anything from anything else – you can’t. This
universe is a one, no values can be formed here because
everything is just one-thing and it’s all the same so distance,
time, all values used to describe it are completely
inapplicable. In this realm of the singularity the individual is
useless or more accurately, just impossible.

Nihilism, in the
philosophical sense, is applicable in the singularity universe
because no values can be employed to describe anything inside it
and no choices can even be made, indeed everything here is
completely frozen, static, timeless.
Infinite. The
opposite extreme is one where everything is different from
everything else and no order or pattern can ever be discerned or
extrapolated – it is pure chaos. In this universe forming values
would be possible, indeed any action would be possible, but at
the same time completely useless. In other words if you eat a
sandwich today you might feel full, but tomorrow if you eat a
sandwich it might make you feel hungry. Values are useless in a
chaotic realm because consequence doesn’t follow action on a
consistent basis so any action taken now to serve a single
purpose may or may not generate the same result later. The
individual here can act but they are powerless nonetheless
because they cannot predict or generate any consistent results.
This is a bit of a cheat for purposes of visualization because
in the chaotic universe no individual could exist since stable
form requires a consistent pattern. It's interesting to consider
that even this chaos can still be rationally described (because
of the simple physical laws governing it).
Obviously we exist
in a universe that is far removed from either extreme,
convenient for us because we wouldn’t be around otherwise. Our
universe is somewhere on a scale between the two extreme poles,
it is finite and thus a distinct and discrete range of options
exists. Anytime a limited range of options exists so does the
necessity of choosing, some options will be better than others
but here the trick is determining that value. This is the
universe we live in, one of order and often murky but still
discernable patterns. Our universe is consistent but large
enough to still feature unknowns and limitations beyond which
are impossible to perceive, generating a small but still
significant amount of randomness.
It’s quite possible
that both extremes are attached to the life cycle of our own
universe. We can extrapolate the past by rewinding the detected
expansion of the universe to a singularity (the sameness of one)
and possibly predict the future as a progression to chaos, just
random energy.
Although in this
universe it is possible to have a functional value system it may
not be a sound one! What matters is the criteria used, the
perspective – this is a universe created from the product of
multiple, complex interactions and relationships. Our present
universe is one of relative values overlaid on a substratum of
inviolate physical rules. From an objective and cosmological
perspective no set of adopted values is any better than the
other since none can change the ultimate confinement of time and
space within the universe – the original existential dilemma.
Reduction to the
simplest form generates clarity but one that is often misleading
because of its distance from the everyday complexity we
actually experience. Practical reality is subjective, it
dictates a continual need to judge, act and react. So just as
entropy is so often misunderstood to mean chaos cannot be
avoided, so is everyday life an exercise in erroneous
contradictions. The existential dilemma can be broken because
human life is not infinite but highly proscribed – this is what
creates order out of the disorder. The 2nd law of Thermodynamics
which defines entropy is not an absolute but merely a construct
of averages, it merely states the most likely outcome;
allowances exist for localized and temporary contradictions of
entropy. Not only that but the equations only pertain to closed
systems, Earth for instance is an open system because it gains
energy, mostly from the sun. We actually live in a very dynamic
setting where things really do change. Order can and does
emerge from chaos, but it's an order that needs to be questioned
for even the values behind it can be changed. Actually, if I had
any point when I started writing this I can’t remember it, but
that one works as well as any. 07.01.04
Acting Out
As a kid in school I
was so fantastically bored the only way I could survive was to
escape into my own mind and imagination. In middle school, while
on the interminable bus rides I was always stuck on, I would
imagine blowing things up with my anti-matter gun. I’d build and
perfect the gun in my mind and watch the destruction. In
elementary school I wrote and illustrated a little book based on
the ‘Mr. Men’ book series; the character I created was called
Mr. Destruction.
Not surprisingly my
teachers were always on my case and this was before the panic
and fear today with the school shootings. If I were a kid in
school today I’d probably have my own dedicated security camera.
But it was quite unnecessary and actually had the opposite
effect because it just heightened the sense of antagonism
between authority and me. I get twitchy thinking about what a
kid like me has to go through in public school today.
It seemed like
anytime I expressed myself in a genuine way I ended up in a
parent-teacher conference! I got the message real fast, act
yourself and get punished. But in retrospect I don’t think my
case is really all that unusual. This learned disingenuousness
is widespread. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance,
the act of holding two contradictory beliefs at once, and it’s
pervasive as it is insidious in modern culture. This is the root
of schizophrenia because the mind literally develops a schism,
it's split in two and reality assumes two forms - the part we
know is true and the part we have to act like it is true. So as
a child grows up they continually want to act in an instinctive
and internally motivated way but can’t because morality and
culture constrain them. When compelled to obey flawed beliefs
and wayward ideologies, anger, resentment and even insanity will
ensue. The social psychologist John Dewey was on to this and his
conclusions actually got him called a nihilist.
So people are
suppressed and stifled all the time, they have to release but
don’t know how; they beat up their girlfriend or yell at family
or just kill themselves slowly with a TV remote and a beer, or
fast with a bullet and a gun. This is one of the main reasons
behind recreational drug use – it’s a pathetic way of stripping
off that shell and being free to act as we really want to and
the drug effects are used as an excuse so it becomes socially
tolerable behavior. I once made a not-so-funny cartoon about
this called the
Marijuana Effect.
Drug abuse increases, senseless violence increases, anger and
hostility increase, all in conjunction with the rising levels of
hypocrisy, double standards and forced behavior patterns within
society. The coercion of conformity weighs down on everyone like
a ton of bricks: you have to act this way, you have to look like
this, you have to want these products, over and over and over
until people crack, they blow up. Then the pundits wonder aloud
‘how could this happen, we need tougher penalties!’ Or ‘why does
everything seems so phony and shallow in society; we need more
old time religion!’
Shakespeare once
wrote (As You Like It , II, vii, 139-143),
the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
A playwright would say something like that; still the
sentiment has a significant amount of truth to it. Pretending
you are something that you're really not is a human capacity, it
allows for greater depth of character. But when it is forced
rather than just play it assumes a very sinister role in human
development. The fear of being controlled and losing your mind
are two themes that recur throughout contemporary literature and
movies and other forms of discussion. In fact the
storyline of Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of the most used and repeated
themes in all of cinema; the human mind is split and behavior
follows suit. Eventually the schizophrenia gets so severe that a
person loses any ability to distinguish between what they’re
pretending to be and what they really are (or were). So, much
like an actor that does a single role so much that they become
the character rather than themselves, the line is not just
blurred but erased in the mind and one finds that they really
have been taken over; they have lost themselves only to become a
clone and a slave to something they don’t even understand.
They’ve lost all freedom and their freewill has been usurped.
Life becomes worse than a living hell because once original
identity is lost no viable way exists to regain it!
Sometimes the
chokehold of oppression is so strong that the only outlet is a
mass hysteria whereby individual suffering is projected into
collective behavior. These epidemics of insanity are more common
than might be thought; Nietzsche mentions some of them in
Genealogy of Morals, III, #21. Any culture, even archaic
ones, are potentially affected by mass insanity so long as they
remain rigid and incapable of accommodating human behavior
driven by innate desires or individual, independent expression.
The bottom line is
that in order to be mentally healthy everyone must have two
things. First they must have at least part of their identity set
apart from everyone and everything else around them; the freedom
of self-definition is crucial to human mental health. We all
have to have at least a corner where we don’t have to pretend,
where we don’t have to lie, where we don’t have to always act in
the ‘appropriate’ way because without it we’re slaves. Second, a
person must have some control over their physical surroundings
as Maria Montessori very wisely surmised. But this is just a
derivative of the mental independence already described for the
mind reaches outwards; human behavior crafts the outside to
reflect the inside. 19.12.03
human victories, all human progress, stand upon the inner force."
- Maria Montessori
Existence is the Cruelest Joke
Life is a diversion
from the inevitable ending, ideally in a constructive way but
often not. After all, isn't it ironic that the more free time we
have the more we try to escape it?!
beyond survival consists of the search for escape; collecting
money or toys, mindless entertainment, drugs, etc. Artist Ed
Kienholz called a bar a ”sad
place, a place full of strangers who are killing time,
postponing the idea they are going to die."
That pretty much sums it up.
Boredom is Hell
Nietzsche saw
meaning through the continual process of valuing; an intriguing
notion. However since 'good' and 'bad' can only really be
applied retroactively it would seem to be a faulty one for
guidance. I have a sneaking suspicion the insects and Fascists
are right on one thing: life is just about doing things, even
regardless of the point or value of that action. Simply doing
things together creates community and camaraderie, it's not
complicated! Life is action, death is inaction.
Peace is Non-Being
There is no such
thing as nothingness, meaning that the abstract concept of
nothingness is a religious (primarily Judaic/Christian) fantasy,
for all absence is relative. Something will always exist in some
form in some place. Non-being is another issue; once you’re gone
you’re gone forever but parts of you can remain physically
through genetic continuity and memetically through fame and
Forcing the Creeping
existence is struggle, life is war and peace is death; suicide
is just getting there prematurely. Not considering the act of
dying indicates a lack of consideration for the process of
living. So, to all those who've sought peace, even bliss, in
non-being - this glass is for you. 14.10.03
Downward Spiral America
sentiment is on the rise worldwide, a predictable and
understandable product of federal government actions and rampant
cultural misunderstandings. The way in which America functions
is something Americans themselves are often in the dark about
because they have no other references, and outside audiences
have a difficult time figuring out just who is in charge and
what the motives are because they use a traditional domestic
template to understand a unique foreign occurrence.
America is a vastly
misunderstood paradox for many reasons, mostly because of media
distortions but also simple cultural misunderstandings. I think
this is a bit tough to adequately convey to external audiences
and perhaps explains much of the antipathy towards American
society, but we have no core constituencies. All the power, all
the resources are divided up according to who has the greatest
influence at present within the spoils process. Conversely the
European system for example is much more academic, much more
let's be nice and we can agree upon a method of making everyone
happy, the socialist model has immense public appeal. But there
you have a core interest, a consistent, singular culture and
ethnicity. Hell, even Mexico has this. Everybody understands
what to expect in Mexico, the culture, the people, etc. But what
is America?! It's Mexico on this block, it's Greece on that
block, it's China on that block...
revolution and direct social action is viewed in radically
different ways between America and the rest of the world. In
Europe these people are usually seen as either communist
agitators or fascist thugs both of which want to take over the
government so they can tell others what to do. Most Americans
couldn't care less about the damn government, they're concerned
with their own interests. Europeans see that aggression and
interpret it to mean "believe what I do or I beat you up". In
America this process isn't for fun, this is for survival. We
can't kick back and collect unemployment for years like some
European welfare state, if we get sick or injured there is no
health care, and the ones with jobs do 40,50,60 hour work weeks
not 35. If you want anything here you have to fight for it and
all you get is what you can take. This isn't a demo-cracy it's a
mob-ocracy! Welcome to the Balkanized America 2002.
Community is
destroyed and undermined by good intentions and flawed planning,
zoning laws, inconsistent building regulations, layers and
layers of government all trying to regulate a huge country of
vastly disparate norms, cultures and standards. Federal and
state policies carve everything up into districts creating
ghettos and ethnic enclaves coupled with the rise of commercial
professionalism and the erosion of traditional private and
informal social ties, wreak havoc with community and
connections. This is America turned fully into a business and
not a nation. Asian gangs, skinheads, crips, bloods, I mean I
don't like gangs but I can completely understand the reasoning
driving people into them. They're trying to protect themselves,
their friends and their territory. The structure of U$ politics
and how resources are apportioned creates this mess because it
doesn't address their needs. It gives them no jobs, police
harassment, discrimination, and lip service to their deeply
rooted problems. Then wages a narco-war against its own people
and whines about drug abuse. No shit these people are selling
drugs, what the hell else can they do for income?
Today we've got
middle-aged people reaching retirement but instead of the
pensions system their parents had they have stock market
portfolios. The stock market has crashed and now they can't
retire. The generation of my parents will be working until they
die because they have no money. This means people my age can't
get jobs, can't break into the marketplace and start a career
because all the open slots are filled.
We've got a 'Social
Security' system that is nothing but a sick joke and everyone
knows it will be gone by the time my generation reaches that age
but we've still got to pay a big chunk of our wages into it! We
know this because we see how the resources are funneled off, we
see how the government steals from it's own and how they do the
exact same it now accuses private corporations of doing -
cooking the books, lying about income, and defrauding customers.
Back during the Clinton years, magically the budget went from
deficit to surplus because of a cute little accounting trick,
counting Social Security money as income even though it has to
be paid out again later!
If you
wait on your ass here the avalanche will bury you.
One has to be an activist here, you wait in one place long
enough and you're dead meat. So to survive one has to fight for
what you need and the bigger you are the more influence you have
and the better your slice of the pie so to speak. It's an
ominous commentary on society that the AARP (American
Association of Retired Persons) is the largest interest group in
the U$A now. It will only get bigger as the population gets
older. Leftists like to talk about 'unity,' 'solidarity' and
similar ludicrous fictions. How can we have unity when
everything you get is at my expense? One can't
co-opt this type of a system, a system where equilibrium is
maintained by the frantic distribution of dwindling resources
amongst competing factions, it can only be exploited until it
collapses. 24.07.02 [Reprint from
How many killed by
the Church?

How many killed by nihilism?

Any questions?
Pitfalls of Philosophical Nihilism
To take a position called 'nihilism' and proceed to make such
bald statements as 'nothing is real' or 'nothing can be known'
defeats the proponent as soon as they start. After all, how can
one assert that 'nothing can be known' without some means of
knowing that statement to be true?! This is stillborn
In this nebulae of philosophical nihilism, meaning becomes
absurd through a willful ignorance, a manufactured mono-pole
reality of idealistic constructs with no bearing on real life.
False absolutes only mislead rather than edify. A steady diet of
air or rhetoric they'll both starve you to death with the same
rapidity. Reality and the meaning extracted from it are
relatives not absolutes.
Pitfalls of
Another flaw of this idealistic, philosophical nihilism is that
of universality. If nothing is the same or capable of being
compared then it leads to an inability to form any conclusions
or predictions because everything is unique and totally
different. Noted crackpot Charles Fort wrote on this view in his
Book of The Damned; but try proving it! Some have gone to
the opposite extreme and concluded that everything is the same,
a basically equivalent statement. Electrons for instance are the
same no matter where we find them. Certainly given modern
research the 'everything is the same' conclusion has more weight
to it. But ultimately neither one is adequate because both are
misleading, unreal perspectives; not to mention the fact these
distinctions are based upon artificial and usually arbitrary
categorizations. Nihilism on a solid basis has to be beyond
this, it has to be deeper.
The 'universalist' position is easily demolished, just
look at a pair of dice. All dice are (meant to be) exactly
the same but take two and roll them; the part that
concerns us is not that we have two of the same dice but
that we have two numbers and a relation between the two.
Differences can occur from a combination of similar
elements. |
The universalists
have used nihilism to break it down but missed the message in
the fragments. We have to shift perspectives, universality
misses the point for it's not what separate entities are in
themselves it's what's between them that matters. It's the
relationships and the interactions that form meaning and the
substance we deal with on a daily basis. 15.08.03
UFO - Alien Salvation
Nihilism is
reduction as an action - and a powerful action it is. By breaking
things down we can gain a sense of what works and what doesn't,
what's faith-based and what's self-evident, and eventually even
get a grasp on what exists independently of the human mind and
what is merely an illusionary product of it. Today let's try the
colorful issue of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's).
UFO's are real but only in the sense that unexplained
natural occurrences have been recorded and magnified by the
forces of human imagination into becoming extraordinary events.
Limits of Human
The range of our
human senses is very proscribed but generally within that range
quite sensitive and accurate, but only within the limits of
common occurrences. Any unusual event, especially brief ones,
are inherently riddled with errors because the mind connected to
the senses, such as vision and hearing, have to do two very
difficult things - quickly detect a sensation and then make a
judgment as to what it is. The most critical factor is
determining just what we saw or heard, etc. We always jump to
conclusions in this sort of case even if they are wildly wrong
because it is the safe thing to do. Nothing is more dangerous,
at least from a psychological perspective, than a giant strange
unknown that can't be categorized, it is just too scary. It's
much simpler to put an unusual event into a context we are
familiar with and then just ignore alternative views afterwards.
Further, our
determination of the event is always limited by what we're
already aware of because obviously we cannot relate to something
we've never encountered before or have no previous experience
with. This is why observers always employ the lexicon they are
familiar with in describing chance encounters. If they see a
disc shaped object it becomes a flying saucer. If they see a
bright glowing object it becomes an alien craft rather than say
the very bright planet Venus because more people are familiar
with UFO's as spaceships than they are with typical astronomical
events. If an astronomer, someone who studies the above for a
living, sees an unusual sky event they will probably label it a
meteor or a satellite but if the average person sees the same
thing they 'know' it is something more fantastic. The general
public is much more familiar with imaginary details of space
aliens than with scientifically categorized phenomena,
consequently the general consensus becomes one of attributing
intelligent extraterrestrial with these events.
Too Fast to Figure
The short duration
of UFO sightings is another serious problem in making accurate
determinations as to their origins. Any sudden event, even the
most mundane, poses serious challenges to the human mind in
comprehension. Police know this effect well because they
interview witnesses to sudden crimes, like a purse-snatching,
and the witnesses are notorious for imagining details that can
be proven to never have been present even though they will swear
they 'saw a gun' or 'the crook was black' etc. This is because
the human mind only gets a portion of the whole picture through
the limitations of the senses and is forced to compensate and
fill in the blanks using pre-existing prejudices and judgments.
Similarly, police lineups to identify the culprit are useless in
court without corroborating evidence. Try any optical illusion
like in a puzzle book and you'll realize how easy it is to be
fooled by the limitations of human vision.
Issues of
perspective also impose limitations upon what can be accurately
detected with the naked eye. For instance, it is very difficult
to gauge depth and thus relative size of an object placed
against a background without any distinguishing features, such
as the sky; an ejected, flying hubcap can appear to be a giant
silvery craft. Similarly judgments of an objects speed are
equally misleading against indistinct backgrounds; a passing
airplane in the blackness of night could appear to be a distant,
speeding spaceship.
These perceptual
limitations are a key factor in both debunking the supposed
alien associations with extraordinary events and at the same
time understanding why so many people are adamant in such
Any picture or view
using only one sense cannot be relied on to be what it appears,
indeed as any simple optical illusion will testify seeing may be
believing but it's only believing in a self-created fiction! The
substantive determination of any unusual event based solely on
one sense or slice of the electromagnetic spectrum such as that
from visible wavelength light, is essentially meaningless. |
Visually judging
the true size of an object can be tricky.
Which figure is tallest?
More accurately, which figure appears
tallest!? |
This is why still
photographs of UFO's or indeed any controversial phenomenon
proves absolutely nothing even without the fact it can be easily
manipulated electronically or photographically. And even less
useful is personal testimony since, as we've already figured out
by now, people are very easily fooled; this is especially true
when they are influenced by large groups due to the power of
suggestion and of course the standard limitations of the human
senses and the human mind to interpret it all.
Multi-Spectral is Mandatory
Any unusual
phenomenon has to be analyzed using data from multiple slices of
the electromagnetic spectrum to even come close to making a
solid determination as to just what it is. A tentative start in
this direction can be achieved by combing radar reports with
personal sightings. Air-traffic radars are all over the
developed world, every major city has at least one but again
these instruments have serious limitations; radar is easily
fooled - ask the Air Force. Every radar operator knows,
especially on older radars, that blips and spurious readings are
a constant problem and always turn out to be caused by natural
phenomenon when anyone takes the time to look, and they usually
don't waste the effort. Technology attempts to compensate for
things like flocks of birds, rain and dense clouds which can
create mistaken identities, by limiting the radio frequency
range or electronically filtering them out. Basically we have to
understood that air-traffic control radars are carefully
designed to detect large aluminum objects of a certain size and
shape (commercial aircraft!) and anything that falls outside
that narrow description is either not detected or comes up as a
blip, an unknown error reading - in other words it tells the
radar operator virtually nothing. In cases of serious danger to
either air-traffic safety or national defense the obvious
reaction is to scramble a fighter and find out what this error
reading really is, if anything. But once again we are back to the
above mentioned problem because the pilot in the jet sent to
inspect only has his own two eyes and perhaps another radar in
his planes nose cone.
The human
eye is easily tricked into detecting movement where
there really is none. If you look at this picture
for a few moments you can start to see patterns,
motions and a 'bubbling' effect. |
People can tell you
what they saw but that absolutely does not mean that's
what was really there no matter what their social rank,
personal credibility or how convinced they seem.
Ideally any unusual
event needs to be corroborated by multiple pieces of spectral
evidence and not just visual wavelength light and a certain
wavelength of microwaves from radar. Infrared, ultraviolet, all
are helpful in figuring out what 'it' is and the more data the
better determination one can make. Secondly any unusual event
has to be repeated otherwise it is just a fluke, a meaningless
aberration. Trying to identify a singular extraordinary event is
like trying to draw a chart with only one data point - it can't
be done. We have to have at least two, and preferably more,
similar occurrences in order to make any kind of accurate
determination in the case of these fleeting, momentary
encounters. |
Unknown Events
When encountering
and trying to understand the unknown always apply Occam's Razor.
There a are a lot of unknown things still out there, especially
in environments that are remote or poorly studied but none of
them have ever proven to be supernatural or beyond the bounds of
physical description. High atmospheric altitudes are a prime
example of unexplored regions full of the unknown. Weird
flashing lights in the high-sky? Just very recently over the
ocean in East Asia a totally new form of lightning was
discovered which traveled upwards from high cloud levels. No
matter how incredible some events may seem at first sight they
always turn out to follow the same laws of physics as everything
else upon closer inspection. Anyone betting on the mystical
answer or the wildly unlikely in life is making an embarrassing
losing wager. Anyone who looks at a strange light in the sky and
tries to convince others it's an alien spaceship instead of
something reasonably possible like a military aircraft or a
meteor is making that foolish wager.
Spiritual aspects of
the UFO
A few people have
even taken their unwavering faith in intelligent
extraterrestrials and turned it into a full blown cult - and
remember, a religion is just a cult that survives cultural
evolution long enough to become socially acceptable and
traditional. But the belief in alien life visiting Earth in the
form of space ships as a UFO is a myth, it's a fantasy,
especially that alien beings would remotely care about our own
welfare or indeed anything at all about us. The technological
levels required to even attempt interstellar space travel are so
immense that if such alien beings did arrive they would view
humans as we view a busy colony of ants. This myth is a
testament to the enormously inflated human ego and sense of
elevated place in the universe for such visiting aliens wouldn't
even bother to stomp on our anthill because it wouldn't be worth
the effort to get their feet dirty! Nonetheless this myth of
alien visitors is an especially informative one concerning human
nature and spiritual needs. There is a common human need for a
savior in life, someone or something to come down and deliver us
from doom, protect us from our dangerous folly and generally
make all problems go away and leave us feeling warm and fuzzy
without struggle or criticism.
But some people have
this need more than others do; they often feel like they have
little power or control over their lives and feel buffeted by
uncontrollable outside events. They believe that only an
external person or group can ever help them. This erroneous attitude is
especially attractive because acceptance of the alternative,
personal empowerment, necessitates responsibility for personal
actions and outcome.
But others who think
and feel able to take control of their lives, manage events, and
plan ahead to minimize externally oriented problems, they
respond positively to a realization of personal 'salvation'.
Regardless of the
individuals perspective the belief in visitations from alien
beings of other planets is a direct reflection of this human
need, a need for external salvation which is a dangerous
diversion away from the true state of events. The only savior
possible (if any) has to come from inside, ultimately everyone
is their own savior because only you can ever save
you. The more someone refuses to accept personal
responsibility in outcome the more powerless they become and the
more desperate is the need for external rescue. 22.07.03
One detail in the Enron documentary that needs to
be explained: Jeffrey Skilling is reputed to have used Richard
Dawkin’s book The Selfish Gene as the visionary
motivation for his Enron machinations, in other words as a
mistaken justification for financially raping the country like
the class act businessman he is. The title of Dawkin’s book
actually refers to the nature of the genes being selfish in
their singular desire to reproduce, not genes that makes
selfish people more successful! This is obvious to anyone who
has read the book and not just the cover like the dipshit
scumbag Jeffrey Skilling but nonetheless it needs to be
clarified lest the misunderstanding perpetuate.