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CJF UpdateWinter 2003 IssueLocal Newspapers Provide InternshipsScholastic Journalists Win Fellowships for 2004Eight students received Culpepper Journalism Foundation fewlloships and attended university programs during the summer. In the fall they reutnred to their schools and mentored their peers. Nazish AHmad (newspaper editor at South plantation), Amy Amir (TV producer at Taravella), Sabrina Bonaparte (copy editor at Cypress Bay), Brett Denoux (yearbook business manager at South Plantation), Charlie Manfre (photographer at South Plantation), Stephanie Rosenblatt (opniions editor at Coral Springs) and Amanda Steffan (TV producer at Northeast) received awards franging from $400 to $100 depending on the university tuition. Two students who won fellowships also served $400 paid internships at the Sun-Sentinel and the Hearld this summer after their return from the college program: Steffan worked at the Sun-Sentinel and Ahmad worked at the Herald. Steffan also won the Comcast fellowship, which has been given to a television production stduent by Comast for the lst five years. She attended the program at the University of Georgig. "The curriculum was very basic but the instructors recognized my skill level and made me 'Executive Producer' of the show the other students produced," she said. "I wound up helping each group with the news packages. Steffan is involved with Broward Teen News. Ahmad, Denox, Manfre, Marhefka and Rosenblatt all attended teh Summer Journalism Institute at the UF. "SJI was absolutely amazing! Spending a week in the dorms and attending the newspaper editor classes helped me develop a plan for this coming year, " said Rosenblatt, who is editor of the Coral Springsnewspaper next fall. "I got new ideas fora more uniform, professional layout, and will modify our procedures for story submissions." Summer journalism programs provide an intensive look at college programs. "UF was amazing! I am so happy for the opportunity to go there, " Marhefka said. "But the funniest thing happened there. I was in a lab tying up an editorial along with a grduate. To make a long story short, she happened to be my adviser for next year!" Bonaparte atttended the University of Miami's Young Writers' workshop because she wants to attend UM for college. "I wasn't planning on attending a summer program because of the exhorbitant costs, " she said. "But when my BRACE adviser told me about the Culpepper Jouranlism Foundation fewllowship, I decided to tru for one." Amy Amir attended Northwestern's five-week program for media where she produced TV programs.
Where are They Now?Each CJF Newsletter Features Former Scholastic Journalists If YOU are a former South Plantation High journalist, please submit your current information!The following former students are featured in the Winter 2003 Issue Where are They Now? feature. See WHERE your classmates are!
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Culpepper Journalism Foundation
Summer 1999 |