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Kgaswe Gompieno

Kgaswe Parent’s Newsletter - #10 - 2003

4 August 2003

The car boot and cake sale, held two weekends ago in the FNB/SCORE mall, were very successful. Many thanks to all of you who donated cakes and or operated a stall at the sale. I know most stall owners made over P500 selling their unwanted “junk”. The day was a success and we will hold another one towards the end of November to allow people to make a little extra cash for Christmas - start saving your “junk” now. The PTA made over P1600 that day and also made some money selling food and refreshments after the song and dance evening. Well done to all the hard working PTA members.

The money being raised is for the entrance gate and car park and we hope to start work on them before the end of the year.                            


If you missed the song and dance evening last Thursday, you missed a fabulous evening of singing, dancing and the Kgaswe seven piece band. The children and adults performed a great variety of popular songs from the 60's through to the 90's - with a particularly stirring version of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sounds of Silence” and a modern dance routine to the music from the smash hit movie “The Matrix Reloaded”.

Well done girls for your hard work and the hours of practising you put in. It was an EXCELLENT show.


Our final sports events of the term were the inter-house and inter-school cross-country. Well done to Limpopo for winning the inter-house cross-country. At the inter-schools, some age groups did very well with the U9 girls winning their section. Collectively, however, we are obviously not as fit or committed as the other schools and only managed a disappointing 6th place. Perhaps we need more fitness training next year.


Please do not forget that we break up for the August school holidays this Friday, 8th August, at 10h30. Good luck to Mrs Barry who is expecting her baby in the holidays. We’ll be thinking of you. Mrs Chitambo will be teaching her class while she is on maternity leave next term.

We are also looking for a relief teacher for the first term next year when Mrs Paul goes on maternity leave. If you know of any teachers in the area who may be prepared to teach for 7 or 8 weeks next year, please let me know.


Have a lovely holiday with your children. Try to do at least one exciting activity with them this holiday.  Visit a place of interest, read a few pages of a book every night, visit a museum, build something, play a board game or do a jigsaw puzzle, cook a meal or paint something together.



Next term starts on Tuesday 9th September 2003 at 07h30



Philip Hess - Headmaster