Situated at Morupule Power Station, 5 km west of Palapye, Botswana


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Kgaswe Primary School began as a small school with 6 pupils in 1986. The only teacher and headmistress was Mrs. Gill. The school started in Mrs. Gill's home.The parents were all employees of Botswana Power Corporation who had opened up Morupule Power Station near to the town of Palapye.

Botswana Power Corporation decided to assist the new school and provided a prefabricated building for the school to move into. This building is currently the school's administration block.

Mrs. Gill remained at Kgaswe until 1989 during which time the school grew slowly.

In 1990, Mr. Keith Milford was appointed headmaster. During his term of office, the school began to grow a little faster and new classroom blocks were built to accommodate this expansion. Mr. Milford remained at Kgaswe until 1994.

In August 1994, Mr. Roger Buckley took over the reigns as headmaster. Kgaswe Primary started to grow quite quickly. A Nursery School section was opened in 1996. By this time it was decided to open up a second class in each standard. This meant that more new classrooms would have to be built. A new Standard 1 block was erected early in 1997. Also during this time, sporting facilities began to spring up on the school grounds. A grass field 120 m X 80 m was layed, two tennis courts two netball courts were built. Mr. Buckley remained at Kgaswe until August 1997.

Mr. Phil Hess began as headmaster in August 1997, having moved from Acacia Primary School in Jwaneng. Late in 1997, a Gazebo was constructed between the netball courts and the grass field. A new classroom block with 4 classrooms, offices and store rooms was built in 1999.

Kgaswe Primary School continues to grow, with 220 pupils currently registered. Further expansion in the form of a Pre-Primary block will take place in the near future.