Situated at Morupule Power Station, 5 km west of Palapye, Botswana


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The popularity of independent education has grown tremendously over the years. Parents from a wide variety of backgrounds realise that 'education' is the most precious gift that they can give their children. Therefore they look increasingly to the independent sector for the excellence and individual care they want for their children.

Every parent wants their child to reach his or her maximum potential and not just in academic matters. They are looking for an education which stretches children and which provides them with a wide variety of choice in areas such as sport, art, music and recreation.

One of the great advantages of independent schools is that they attract pupils from all over the world. Young people have the opportunity to create friendships with other pupils from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds. The most important benefit is that classes are smaller and teacher/pupil ratios are low.

Independent schools have to be responsive to the needs of parents. They have flourished because they listen carefully to what the parents want and ensure they provide it. It is the diversity of independent schools and their sensitivity to the prevailing market forces which is the hallmark of their success and the reason why they will continue to be chosen by parents who are looking for the very best for their children.


Kgaswe Primary School opened in 1986 with 8 pupils and since then the school has grown to the current figure of 373 pupils. We are an independent day school for boys and girls aged 5 - 13 years old.

The school is a registered company and managed by a Board of Governors. The Headmaster is a member of the Conference of Heads of Private Schools of Botswana (CHOPS) and the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA).

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We aim to provide a sound education and a balanced curriculum within a purposeful environment. Each child is encouraged to develop self-confidence and to assume responsibility for themselves and others. Throughout their years at Kgaswe we expect all pupils will benefit from their experiences and acquire the necessary skills for successful transfer to senior school.


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The boys and girls have their own daily routine and are taught by a team of experienced and fully qualified staff. They are taught the basics of responsibility, which develops self-discipline and a caring attitude to others.

We offer a broadly based curriculum paying attention to the foundation skills of reading, writing and number work. The guidelines to creative learning are followed so as to develop an enquiring mind.

While the emphasis is on class teaching every child benefits from a friendly environment where he or she will receive close personal attention and a considerable amount of encouragement. Our youngest pupils are fortunate in having plenty of exercise space in the gardens, game fields and adventure playground which surrounds the classrooms.


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At the age of seven years of age the children enter the junior classes of the Primary school. The class teacher continues to provide the attention and encouragement necessary for each pupil's personal development. During the next three years children are gradually introduced to subject specialists.

Close attention is paid to fluent reading, writing and to essential practical and numerical skills as well as computer skills and basic technology. At this stage the involvement in music, art, drama, games and Physical Education play an important part in the growth and development of self-discipline.


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Between the ages of 10 and 13 the pupils undertake wider responsibilities within our community. Creative and artistic skills are enhanced and all children are encouraged to partake in a wide variety of sports and cultural activities.

The curriculum becomes more demanding in the final two years as the children prepare for the Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE). The academic course is supervised by the Senior Teacher and all pupils are regularly assessed to ensure that their particular needs are being met and progress is positive.

Individual project work associated with Science, Social Studies and other subjects is undertaken. Lessons and personal study are directed towards the development of thoughtful and enquiring minds.


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The main sports are Athletics, Cricket, Softball, Netball, Soccer, Cross Country, Tennis and Swimming. However, children are given the opportunity to try other sports in the Physical Education lessons and on activity afternoons. Games fixtures are arranged with other private schools as well as neighbouring schools in the community. The aim is to provide excellence in skills and in good sportsmanship.

We have a strong afternoon activity programme where the children are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities. Some of the activities available to the children are art, chess, drama, choir, calligraphy, conservation, dance, recorders, marimbas, puzzles and logic together with computes. These activities vary according to the expertise of the staff and parent body.


Together with the parents the health and welfare of each child is the responsibility of each class teacher. All children on an annual basis undergo hearing, sight and dental check ups. Should any child feel unwell and if the parents are unobtainable there is a bed available in a quiet room.


The 'House System' encourages team spirit and provides a good opportunity for individual achievement. The different houses compete against each other in a variety of activities enabling all pupils to be involved.

The 'Training Scheme' is a guided system for the children to follow to ensure that they develop skills in areas such as first aid, community service, sport and cultural activities. It also develops character, tidiness and behaviour and sets targets for academic achievement.

The uniform list is kept as simple and inexpensive as practicable.

All parents are invited to join the PTA, an active association which enables parents and teachers to meet at various social events aimed at entertainment and fundraising.