Twin Links

Raising multiple birth children can be challenging. Joining a mothers of twins club is the best "link" you can have to information and support; but if you still need additional guidance, or simply want to network beyond your local community, you might want to consider these resources.

National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC)--A national non-profit organization founded in 1960 for the purpose of promoting awareness of the special aspects of child development specifically related to multiple birth children. NOMOTC's website provides information helpful to parents of multiple-birth children, including book lists, resources, information on twin development, and links to local clubs. There is also information about researchers seeking participants for twin studies and postings for agencies seeking twins for print or film work.

TWINS Magazine--Twins Magazine's web site features a parent's forum to share insights, cartoons and fun facts, articles from their current issue, and information about twins. There are also lots of links to other multiple birth websites.

Triplet Connection--This national organization of parents of triplets and higher order multiples offers a website that includes a chat room, information on timely topics, and a classified section featuring used triplet equipment and accessories.

Mothers of Supertwins (M.O.S.T)--An international non-profit support network for families who have or are expecting triplets or more. MOST's website features information, resources, and discussion forums specifically geared toward families with higher order multiples. The site also includes a list of MOST volunteers who are available to speak with families with special needs or concerns.

Multiplicity--This website is for parents who have experienced a multiple loss. There are lots of articles, links, and references to help those who are coping with the unique challenge of parenting surviving multiples. There is also a link to Bramble, a Chicago-area support group.

Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation--A non-profit private organization dedicated to providing information about twin to twin transfussion syndrome (TTTS). The website includes information on medical research and treatment centers, along with information about planning for this high-risk pregnancy and dealing with the loss of a twin. There are also personal stories of mothers who have experienced TTTS. Extremely informative site on this topic.

Multiple Births Canada--This website for Canadian families of mutiple birth children includes information on research, helpful publications, and club links. There is also a large section of multiple-related articles which includes a special focus on prenatal issues.

Twin Stuff--This website is the place to go for the latest news stories involving multiples. Created by twins for twins, the site also has a bulletin board, twin links, a photo gallery, "Fun and Games," surveys, and products of interest to multiple birth families. This website is loaded with helpful, interesting, up-to-the-minute information. Definitely worth a visit!

Twin Days in Twinsburg, Ohio--Every year, on the first full weekend in August, Twinsburg, Ohio hosts Twins Days Festival, the world's largest gathering of twins and their families. For information about the festival, planned activities, and registration information, check out the official website. For the unofficial word on "the best place in the world for twins to meet twins," visit John Robinson's Twinsburg Page.

International Society for Twin Studies--An international, non-profit multidisciplinary scientific organization whose purpose is to further research and public education related to twins. The website includes information about upcoming conferences.

Twins World--A website created by twins for twins. This site is loaded with information, including sections on organizations, events, jokes, and photos. It also features a talent agency for twins and a shopping link to products of interest to multiple birth children and their families. There is even a section to help "reunite twins."

Twins Web Ring--Index to homepages featuring twins and their families.

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Last updated on November 21, 2006
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Mothers of Twins Club, Inc.
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