
Members of the Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. are dedicated to helping those in need. Most local clubs sponsor philanthropic projects which benefit their neighboring communities. In addition, each year the Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. selects a local, state, or national charity, service agency, or non-profit group, or an individual family, as its annual Philanthropic Project. The only requirement for eligibility is that the project must benefit families or children and it must be sponsored by a local member club affiliate.

2007-2008 IOMOTC Philanthropic Projects:

University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation


Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation

At convention, you will be able to purchase raffle tickets for the beautiful, furnished dollhouse. Tickets are $5 each or six for $25. All proceeds go to the Philanthropic projects. The drawing will be held on the convention Saturday (18 October). Additionally, two items will be sold at convention to benefit our Unity Philanthropic projects: a pink leather travel mug and a 5 x 7 engraved black leather frame. Each item is $10 and profits also benefit Philanthropic.

If you would like to make an outright tax-deductible donation to these worthy causes, please contact Nancy Kroll, our current Philanthropic chair by email at npktwinmom at (change at to @ and close up the space). Or you may leave a message on IOMOTC voice mail at 630-375-7465.

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Last updated on October 8, 2008
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Mothers of Twins Club, Inc.
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