The 2008 Spring Workshop will be hosted by Springfield Parents of Twins Club on Saturday, April 19th.

Join us at the Northfield Inn, Suites and Conference Center on April 19th. Registration forms are due April 4th. The day is full of speakers, fun, and workshops. Click here to download the full agenda and to order T-shirts for the fall Convention. Here are the colors: Sapphire Blue, Heliconia Pink, or Lime Green.


The Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. holds an annual Spring Workshop in April to give member affiliates the opportunity to share information and ideas about issues that affect local mothers of twins clubs. Held on the 3rd or 4th Saturday in April, the Spring Workshop also gives IOMOTC officers and board chairmen, and local club representatives and members a chance to review the organization's business and to set goals for the rest of the year.

The Spring Workshop begins with morning breakout sessions which are typically run as roundtable discussions on subjects of general interest to clubs. Recent topics have included, Round table discussions"Programs and Speakers," "Clothing and Equipment Sales," "How to Keep Older Members," "Club Newsletters," and "How to Publicize Your Local Club." These roundtable discussion workshops help member clubs improve the level of support and service they extend to their local members and community at large. Club representatives often bring examples to share of flyers, newsletters, clothing sale tags, or other successful ideas that have worked for their own club. The workshop co-ordinators also prepare packets to hand out. Members agree that the breakout workshop sessions are informative and helpful.

After the morning session, Spring Workshop attendees enjoy a delicious luncheon meal as they socialize with other mothers of twins and triplets from across Illinois. Since the Spring Spring Workshop luncheonWorkshop is hosted by the club which has successfully bid to host the upcoming Fall Convention, the luncheon offers the first opportunity to present the Convention theme. Luncheon tables are decorated with thematic centerpieces that add to the festive atmosphere and leave Workshop attendees interested in seeing what the upcoming Convention will bring. During the luncheon, Workshop attendees also can participate in raffles and purchase items from the IOMOTC State Store, "Double Deals."

Following the luncheon, club representatives and members discuss the organization's business at the IOMOTC Full Board meeting. IOMOTC officers and committee chairmen report on their activities and new projects are discussed. Members share their concerns, and brainstorming often leads to improved services and support for everyone. The Convention host club also previews its plans for the October Convention and information is distributed.

A fun game of BuncoThe day usually concludes with a fun activity such as a river paddleboat ride or perhaps a bunco party, where everyone goes home with a white elephant gift. Conversations among members naturally turn to their experiences as mothers of multiples. Learning from and helping each other is one of the primary goals of IOMOTC.

IOMOTC's motto is "Strength Through Unity;" and the Spring Workshop brings club representatives and members together for a day of networking, planning, socializing, and growing stronger through unified efforts.

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Last updated on March 08, 2008
All content and pictures on this website © Illinois Organization of
Mothers of Twins Club, Inc.
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