The Hide Box

(This page is a dedicated journal to those gentle and docile companions that few realize the value of...)


my snakes

Laini - [LAH-ee-nee] (African) 'soft and gentle' - (8 mths, 19 inches long & .44 inches wide, Desert Banded California Kingsnake) - purchased on 06/01 at Petland in Athens, GA. feeding schedule: 2 fuzzies/wk on Friday. current residence: 10 gallon aquarium.

Addae - [ah-DAH-eh] (African) 'morning sun' - (3 yrs, 40 inches, Aberrant Snow Albino California Kingsnake) - rescued on 06/07 from moving owner in Athens, GA. feeding schedule: 3 adult mice/wk on Saturday. current residence: 3 x 1 1/2ft Neodesha reptile enclosure.

Akia - [AH-kee-ah] (African) 'first born' - (4yrs, 15 inches, Olive Green Rubber Boa) - purchased on 07/26 from Ecologist owner Brian in Athens, GA. feeding schedule: 3 pinkies or 2 small fuzzies/wk on Sunday. current residence: 10 gallon aquarium.

Akasha - [ah-KAH-sha] (Sanskrit) 'brilliant' or 'luminous' - (4mths, ? inches, Snow Albino California King) - purchased on 08/04 from The Pet Store in Athens, GA. feeding schedule: 2 pinkies/wk on Sunday. current residence: 10 gallon aquarium.

Baraka - [bah-RAH-kah] (Sufi) 'a blessing, the breath & essense of life' - (2mths, 16 inches long & 1 inch wide, Royal (Ball) Python) - purchased on 08/11 from Petland in Athens, GA. feeding schedule: 1 mouse/wk on Sunday. current residence: 30 gallon terrarium.


Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Week Five

07/07/02 (Sun.)- Hmmm. Unfortunately, I am updating this on Wednesday so let me think a minute...heh. (blush) Well, both Addae and Laini had pooped over the weekend, the former twice, he'd had a rather big meal of three adults Friday! :) He'd eaten more recently than normal because he was shedding. Anyway...I held both of them a bit and generally enjoyed snakey company. :) I may adjust this journal not to be daily anymore but simply with interesting updates and notes. I think a paper journal would be best to record defecations, feedings, sheddings, etc. Definitely something to consider!

07/08/02 (Mon.)- Ah yes, another day at work. :P Well, tonight I didn't really do much of anything except play NWN which was okay. We did go out to eat - Steven, Matt, Colin, and I. That was nice, Arby's was tasty. :) When I got home, I bummed around and played the game and then slept. Pretty easy day.

07/09/02 (Tues.)- Today I had photography class after work. I cleaned Addae's cage when I got home (poop machine...grin) and then quickly ate and left for class. It was great and the last Beginner's level class. I look forward to next week when the Intermediate class begins. Awesome! When I got back, I very much wanted to hold Addae so I opened it to give him some more water and he wandered out. We explored for a while and he seemed content and then I put him back. He's such a sweet, sweet snake. I also noticed Laini (earlier in the week) climbing along the top edge of her tank and got a few pictures. Nothing amazing, but still pretty interesting. I also got a couple good 'posing' shots of her lounging on her branch! Hooray! :)

07/10/02 (Wed.)- Well, today has been a bit stressful. (sigh) A roommate's friend is staying with us (and has been for almost six weeks now) and I'm concerned she won't willingly pay her share of last month's bills. Here's hoping it works out. (crosses fingers, knocks on wood.) I plan on going home, playing my game, playing with the snakes and gaming. Tonight is also Laini's feeding day so she'll probably not get played with, merely fed. :) I'm going to try raising her to three pinkies tonight! We'll see how she enjoys that. I'm excited! I also hope to get some video footage of her feeding. That should be quite cool. Anyway, until then... :)

07/12/02 (Fri.)- Well, I'm a schmuck. She paid with no problem at all. A lot of worries for nothing. Got three mice for Addae today, one was quite hefty so he seemed to be pretty pleased. Feeding him in the Critter Keeper is becoming a challenge because he's so big. :( I've been pondering getting another one but so far it's okay. Mostly it's just an issue of getting him in it. Usually I try to ease him around through the little doorway on top but sometimes it just wants to climb it and therefore out. (sigh) Anyway, he's getting better about it at least. :) The less trouble, the more quickly he eats after all.

07/14/02 (Sun.)- Skipped a few days here. Heh. Well, the most important thing is that tonight I got Addae out and really held him for a long time. The last couple times I'd gotten him out he'd musked me a tiny bit but I think it was because I wasn't alone. I wish he'd calm down about that. It isn't like other people will eat him or something. :( I guess I'll keep trying and wear 'snake clothes' when I get him and others are over. :) Blargh, what a pain. Anyway, the main thing tonight was that I let him on the bed. Of course at the END of the bed, nowhere near the pillows or anything. I've held Laini and let her explore a little out this way but I'd never actually set Addae down and let him move around on his own before. He seemed a little intimidated and moved around fairly carefully. He really seemed to enjoy it though and eagerly explored around...albeit still a bit slowly. :) He would 'wander' casually (grin) over to the edge of the bed a few times but I'd gently bring him back and give him something else to explore/climb. Usually my side, or my leg or something. That was really neat though and we both enjoyed it a lot. :) I'm looking forward to doing it again. My main worry was that he'd zip off somewhere. However, he wasn't fast at all, so yay. :) Mind you, that doesn't mean I won't continue to be cautious, but it was a nice relief. We both got to relax and just check out the scenery. :)

07/17/02 (Wed.)- Yes, I know I'm a terrible person but I did warn you that updates would probably not be daily anymore. They seem to like being left alone most of the time. I've also started turning Addae's ceramic heater off at night and that seems to work well. It never gets below 75 in there and it's normally 85 during the day. That way he's getting more of a true 'night cycle'. At first I was concerned it might get too cold, but my worries were for nothing. :) Yay.

Today is Laini's feeding day. :) I'm not sure whether I'll try feeding her three pinkies today or not. She seems pretty plump with the two and she's going to enter shed again so she's growing quite well. I may wait. Eek. Hopefully she hasn't entered shed yet so that way she'll eat. I'll make sure tonight and then we'll see whether she feasts or not. :)

I just started my second class and now we've got a project. I'm a little nervous but am also excited. My grandmother is in the hospital though so that's been depressing me a great deal. She's in critical but stable condition so we're not sure what will happen. (sigh) It's been like this since Monday when she fell. We'll see.

08/10/02 (Sat.)- Addae has been in a shed cycle since last Friday, he still hasn't shed but I'm hoping his eyes will clear by Monday and he'll shed on Tuesday. As usual he is VERY jumpy and nervous during shedding. :(

In other news and as a total surprise, Akia had a perfect shed today!!! :D I was beside myself with delight and measured him in his new skin! :) Yay little guy! |)

08/11/02 (Sun.)- Okay. Let's see...update: my grandma is doing okay.

I purchased Akasha on 08/04 and have acquired a Royal Python on today. He had mites which is not fun. I soaked him and rubbed a little baby oil on him with the use of a washcloth I let him slide through and then gently wiped him off with a bit of water. I bought him both a large water bowl and a giant log hollow, neither of which fit into his new terrarium. Bah. Exchanged the water bowl and am going to exchange the log tomorrow. Fun. :) Well, you can't say snake keeping isn't challenging! (grin) More updates as they come!

08/12/02 (Mon.)- Wow, today was filled with activity! After work, I went to The Stone Store and got a whole bunch of pieces...nine total I believe. Then, I went home, got the royal's hide and exchanged it for another, smaller one. Matt the reptile guy was there! I had a long two hour or so chat with him at The Pet Store Westside a while back. He recognized me and asked about the snakes, I was so pleased. He was surprised I'd gone from two to five. Lol. :) In anycase we chatted for a while and I got a new therm/humid gauge to put on the warm side of the royal's tank and moved the other to the cool side. Rachel and Kelly went with me. Rachel to browse and pine and Kelly to purchase more rat toys/supplies. :)

When I got home, I changed everyone's water and then went to work soaking and cleaning the stones I'd brought home. Then, I had to arrange them in the tanks...argh! I thought that was going to take forever because I can be incredibly pickky. However, luckily it didn't take me longer than about forty minutes which is really reasonable for me. :) I must add that this did not include the water changing/snake holding/playing, etc. (grin) can I resist my babies when they are SO cute!?

Addae's eyes have cleared so he should shed tomorrow. Yay! Tonight was also feeding night and I was short on pinkies. :( For shame on me. So, that's something else I'll do tomorrow night after my photography class. Argh! I am looking forward to it, but I am so busy these days...sheesh! :) Nice feeling though. Anyway...Akia and the royal ate. Addae I thought was going to but he was still too testy, poor baby. :( The Royal was quite a challenge however. Eventually I had to put him back in his tank (which looks really cool now) and brain the mouse before he ate it. Still - he ate it. Truly that is all I care about...that my babies are healthy and they eat and are happy. (okay so that's a longer list... :P) Anyway though, I was beside myself even though I didnt' get to bed until 1am. It was worth it though. :) (beams with pride at her babies!) Snakes are wonderful, I must've been insane not to have any before now...but you know, I'm glad I waited because not only do I have the time, but I also have the knowledge and resources now to truly give them a life they can enjoy. |D Ah, happiness!

08/13/02 (Tues.)- Today is snake feeding day #2! I believe I am not going to feed them all on the same day...argh! I think I will stagger their feedings to start on friday and end sunday. Two the first two days and one on the last. Otherwise, I think I'll go insane if one is about to shed and doesn't want to eat. :) We'll see.

I have to go to class today and then by The Pet Store Eastside to get some more frozen pinkies. I ran out...ARGH! That aggrevated me so much and I'd been so busy that it was way too late to go get more. (sigh) Oh well, you live, you learn. Of course, yesterday I bought ten mice which was way more than I needed. Ah, you have to love irony. :P Oh, the regulars at both stores recognize me's sad. :) Hehehe...I've become one of those scary pet store groupies or something. (sigh) Ah well, I can think of worse things. Anyway, will update this afternoon.

By the way, there are few things as frightening and mind-numbingly dreadful for Boid owners than IBD, Inclusion Body Disease. If you are interested in owning a Boid, read up on is incurable and euthanasia is always recommended before the worse of the symptoms develop once tested positive. It is far more humane than letting the snake suffer a debilitating and painful end. :( Every time I think about it, I catch my breath and have to pray. May there be a cure soon, may more people donate money, and may more people come to learn and cherish reptiles as the unique and fascinating creatures they are.

08/31/02 (Sat.)- Well, a good bit has happened! The Lizard Litter I will no longer used, have gone through Cypress Mulch to EcoEarth (coconut bark shredded, much like soil, awesome!) with Baraka and Akia. :) The others are now getting used to Aspen Bedding which they appear to totally ADORE! Lol. Laini and Baraka are both in shed now, I estimate shedding for Laini tomorrow and Baraka in two days, maybe three. Addae, Laini, and Akia all came down with a respiratory infection. I took them to a local vet who proscribed Amikacin Sulfate injections. I'm to give them three (besides the initial one at the office) with varying dosages, one every 72 hrs. Addae reacted unhappily to a topical cream for a minor bacterial infection. I think this was left over from the burns he'd gotten from his STUPID ceramic heating element. (This btw, is now outside the enclosure and heats through the primary large circular screen vent on the opposite side in a ceramic heating clamp lamp unit.) Anyway, the cream made him sort of break out, so I was pretty displeased. However, interestingly enough, the popping noises he was making (that clued me in to their infections) have gone completely so he's obviously improving. :) Yay! Akia is drinking immense amounts of water now (Amikacin Sulfate is hard on the liver) and appears to be enjoying the misting he gets now and the new coconut bark substrate. (That stuff is almost like soil, holds moisture well and is SooOoo soft. I want a big bed of it for myself...heehehe!) :) Well, that's really all the news for now except I am pursuing a new snake!!! :D I am going to get a Brazilian Rainbow Boa, male so it'll stay around 6ft MAX. I am quite excited, so we'll have to see. :) I'm looking to get tame babies as they can be nippy little suckers. (grin) I can't wait. He'll be in a 30 gallon tall terrarium. Yay! |D!!!

09/01/02 (Mon.)- work today! I must say, some national holidays are better than others. :) Well, update! Today Addae got another injection. Laini shed yesterday and ate two fuzzies and a pinkie today! :D Yay! Akasha wouldn't eat again, I'm expecting her to shed soon. Addae also hasn't eaten (this makes five weeks) but does seem to be improving on the medication, he isn't popping anymore. Baraka just cleared being in the blue and should shed tonight or tomorrow. Akia is the normal little pig he is and as I was out of fuzzies which he ate last time (2 fuzzies and 3 pinkies actually!!!) he got six pinkies this time. :) Granted, a few were small. Piggie. (grin) Oh, whoops, that's right...he didn't eat the last one, so Laini got that one. :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Baraka shed and Akia and he improve. (sigh) This has had me very concerned and watching them all closely. They get a fresh change of water daily and seem to all be doing well. I have greatly increased humidity with both Baraka and Akia. this apparently is great for reptiles with Respiratory Infections...same with increasing the temperature. 90 for my royal (ball) python and only around 80 for my rubber boa since he's normally kept at lower temps (mid-70's)...90 could easily kill him. Well, that's all for now...Laini eating relieved me, Akasha being stubborn will relieve me only if she's about to shed (second week not eating) so we'll see. Akia is a great eater as always and Addae should eat (hopefully!) after his next shed. They all have one last injection left to total four and hopefully they'll be fine. Wish them luck!

Last Updated: 09/01/02

Visitors since 06/09/02

(If you have any questions regarding california kingsnakes, please feel free to contact me at my email address below...I'll be more than happy to help!)

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