The Gallery

my friends, etc.

my best friends: steven, janice, and mary (with laura! on right). (bless them all, i love them.)

two other of my best friends, the ultra hotness of aaron & alex being very, VERY drunk! lol. oh no, and again!

my soul-kin and best friends on the couch with Eve! We also can't forget at the Halloween Party.

my soul-sister/artist friend shannon and jay

nymphy mike (sometimes he's such a witch!)

my brother josh (the weird member of the family).

pets and companions

the hoard.

me and my stuff

okay, the most recent pic of me on here... tadah!

My favorite nature place, the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

black & white pic of me, posed with a book and another one from 12/11/00 taken with my pc camera.

gothy me: portrait and full versions. (two different pics) and then last samhain.

my first (hopefully not the last) formal married womans' kimono, a black tomesode. (this is my favorite style of kimono, now there is proof of my lameness.)

Visitors since 10/04/98

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