Other Realms...
These are the gates that lead away from the Dreaming... Follow the path and tread carefully.
- indicates high recommendation!!!
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Barnes & Noble
friends' pages
my brother josh
sarah's place, The Vale
groovy fifth floor God michael
black metal seth
my ICQ friend erin
my ICQ friend dane
humanitarian pages
Feed Hungry People for Free - United Nations Site. (once per day, so go there often!!! put links on your pages!!!)
Save the Rainforest for Free - United Nations Site. (once per day, so go there often!!! put links on your pages!!!)
japanese pages
 Ichoya (Japanese clothing: kimono of all types, obi, haori, etc. with a special link for my favorites, black tomesodes!!!)
 JPN Kimonos & Antique (kimono, uchikake, maruobi, obi, men and women's haori, michiyuki...beautiful!!! also, check out the FAQ page for even more information on Japanese clothing!)
 Asahi Japan Collectables (an incredible listing of all kinds of kimono and obi, specializing seemingly in wedding and formal kimono...amazing!!!)
Yoko Trading (ceremonial and wedding kimono, other vintage kimono, obi, antiques, etc.!)
 Mrs. Lin's Kitchen (teaware and sets, sake sets, chopsticks, LOTS of cool stuff!!!)
Oh! Noh! Kimonos! (kimonos, custom-made hakama & montsuke for martial arts, also haori for men and woman, and obi!)
JP Net Kimono Information (information on kimono history, styles, etc.)
miscellaneous pages
The Gothic Preservation Society
Urban Decay (kickass gothy makeup...you'll kiss me for this)
Gargoyle Adoptions
Spy Grrls of the World Unite (go there, it's neato)
nifty links
Keirsey Temperament Sorter (psychological personality test...very interesting!!!)
Kabalarian Philosophy (name meanings/symbolisms...amazing)
Rice University Purity Test (% pure is equal to your non-checked answers)
Non-Virgin Purity Test (this link sometimes has difficulties...)
rat pages
recommended authors
Douglas Adams - humor/sci-fi - (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series)
Marion Zimmer Bradley - paganism/fantasy/historical - (Mists of Avalon)
Orson Scott Card - sci-fi/fantasy - (Ender's Game series, Homecoming series)
Arthur C. Clarke - sci-fi - (2001, 2010, 3001)
Neil Gaiman - comic books - (Sandman, Pages of Magic, Neverwhere)
Barbara Hambly - fantasy - (Windrose Chronicles, Dragonsbane)
Frank Herbert - sci-fi - (Dune series)
Tracy Hickman - sci-fi/fantasy - (c/a Dragonlance Chronicles, Death Gate Cycle)
Robert Jordan - fantasy - (Wheel of Time series)
Anne McCaffrey - sci-fi/fantasy (Dragonriders of Pern series, Rowan series)
Vonda N. McIntyre sci-fi - (Dreamsnake, Imago, Superluminal)
Diana Paxson - paganism/fantasy/historical - (Woden's Children series)
Edgar Allan Poe - poetry/prose/horror - (The Pit and The Pendulum, The Black Cat)
Terry Pratchett - humor/sci-fi - (Discworld series)
Jennifer Roberson - fantasy/historical - (Chronicles of the Cheysuli, Sword-Dancer)
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Return of the King)
Margaret Weis - sci-fi/fantasy - (c/a Dragonlance Chronicles, Death Gate Cycle)
Tad Williams - fantasy - (Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series)
roleplaying games
science fiction conventions
CoastCon in Biloxi, MS...normally around March 19th-21st! (haven't missed it for the past six years)
DragonCon in Atlanta,GA...normally around July 1st - 4th! HUGE and amazingly wonderful!!!
Sci-Fi Convention Directory (search for yourself!)
Sci-Fi Convention WebRing
wicca/paganism pages
Aries Realm (friend of mine, very cool page!)
The Witches' Voice
Quest for Unity - join the move to unite pagans...
AvatarSearch (Occult Search Engine)  

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