
a little bit of myself...

Some of you that come here may know me personally, others may not. Regardless of the fact, I hope that this site tells you a little more about who I am and what I try to do. I have attempted to take the colors and images in my mind and put them all together to create a place that reflects a little bit of my soul...

I was born a number of years ago into a place where I did not truly belong, the deep south. Many have experienced this phenomenon and I'm sure it will continue as long as the human race exists. It is by your struggles that you are defined as a person. The hardships and changes you go through make you who you are, and what you will become in the future. Change is a part of all life, but it is essentially how we accept this fact that determines the course of our lives. The place I grew up exposed me to many things. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a capital city and therefore got the benefit of seeing both extremes: extreme prejudice and extreme liberalism. I chose the latter, but I'm a bit more subdued.

Years ago, I found myself drawn to understand my past. The distant past of my heritage included blood from Ireland, Scotland and France. These Celtic influences have become a part of my life through various means. I am, by nature, an aggressive person. Due to my childhood and perhaps to my past kin, I hold certain things in great regard. The values of love, loyalty and trust are the most dear to me. It is by these measures that I observe others and try to truly understand them. It amazes me how few people I've met in this day and age seem to value these things and genuinely try to adhere to them. I do my best, but as all human beings, I am far from perfect. However, in my mind, it is the spirit behind the attempt and the efforts made that truly make a person who they become within.

I have always been a loner with very few friends. It is not commonplace that I find others with similar interests, beliefs, or views about life. The friends I do have are generally very close and keep in touch often. Although we are now seperated by distance, I hope that the bonds that connect us will remain strong. So far, I've found that if nothing else, parting reveals the true nature of people and the ways they perceive you. It has been an enlightening and valuable experience.

There is not much else to say about myself, I suppose. I am at heart a very genuine, deeply spiritual person, though I am often misjudged. I cannot say I do not wish things were different, but then again, I would not wish to change the course of my life. My past has been a harsh one but it has made me who I am. I would not give that up.

If you wish to learn a little more of me, you may find my statistics page helpful.

We are all different people. However, in each person that you meet, good or bad, there is a whole other world of experiences. Every thing you live through is something you can learn from...whether it's a person, an incident, or even a simple feeling. Learn, open your mind and you will see that you have been blind to a whole universe of thoughts and feelings not your own, but experienced nonetheless. The more we learn about one another, the more peaceful a place we will create for ourselves to live.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the Goddess light your way...Blessed Be.

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