Site Contents

Introduction to Buddhism

The Works of Ven. P. A. Payutto

Buddha of Light and Order

Practising Dhamma






1. Introduction to Buddhism

** 1. The Buddha's Teaching In His Own Words
    *What is the Dhamma?
    *There is No First Beginning
    *The Four Noble Truths
    *I. The Truth of Suffering
    *II. The Truth of the Origin of Suffering
    *III. The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
    *IV. The Truth of the Way
      *1. Right View
      *2. Right Intention
      *3. Right Speech
      *4. Right Action
      *5. Right Livelihood
      *6. Right Effort
      *7. Right Mindfulness
      *8. Right Concentration
    *The Noble Eightfold Path in Practice
    *The Means
    *The End

**2. Getting to Know Buddhism, by Sunthorn Plamintr
    *1. Introduction
    *2. General Outline
    *3. The Buddha
    *4. The Dhamma
    *5. The Sangha
    *6. Kamma
    *7. The Five Precepts
    *8. Meditation
    *9. Buddhism and Thai Society

**3. Getting Off: A Portrait, by V
    *1. Chapter One
    *2. Chapter Two
    *3. Chapter Three
    *4. Chapter Four
    *5. Chapter Five
    *6. Chapter Six
    *7. Chapter Seven
    *8. Chapter Eight
    *9. Chapter Nine
    *A1. Appendix 1: Being and Craving

**4. The Bhikkhus' Rules: A Guide for Laypeople



2. The Works of Ven. P. A. Payutto

  A. From "Buddhadhamma":

**1. Good, Evil and Beyond: Kamma in the Buddha's Teaching
      *1. Understanding the Law of Kamma
      *2. On Good and Evil
      *3. The Fruition of Kamma
      *4. Kamma on the Social Level
      *5. The Kamma that Ends Kamma
      *6. Misunderstandings of the Law of Kamma
      *7. In Conclusion

**2. Dependent Origination: The Buddhist Law of Conditionality
      *1. An Overview of Dependent Origination
      *2. Interpreting Dependent Origination
      *3. Man and Nature
      *4. The Standard Format
      *5. Other Interpretations
      *6. The Nature of Defilements
      *7. Dependent Origination in Society
      *8. The Middle Teaching
      *9. Breaking the Cycle
      * Appendix

** 3. Sammasati: An Exposition of Right Mindfulness

  B. Other Works:

* 1. Helping Yourself To Help Others
* 2. Aging and Dying
* 3. Sangha: The Ideal World Community

** 4. Buddhist Economics
      * Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Appendix

** 5. Torward Sustainable Science
      * Preamble to Toward Sustainable Science
      *1. Science and Technology
      *2. Religion and Science
      *3. Science and Buddhism: A meeting or a parting?
      *4. The Role of Faith in Science and Buddhism
      *5. Approaching the Frontiers of Mind
      *6. Future Directions

** 6. Buddhist Solutions for the Twenty-First Century
      * The Making of Democracy
      * Government by Dhamma
      * Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
      * On Peace
      * A Buddhist Solution for the Twenty-First Century



3. Practising Dhamma

* 1. Introduction to Insight Meditation

** 2. Now Is The Knowing, by Ven. Ajahn Sumedho
      * Buddha Dhamma Sangha
      * Anapanasati
      * Happiness, Unhappiness and Nibbana

** 3. Mindfulness: The Path to the Deathless, by Ven. Ajahn Sumedho
      * Investigation: What is Meditation?
      * Instruction: Anapanasati; 'Buddho'; Effort and Relaxation
      * Instruction: Walking Mindfully; Metta; Mindfulness of the Ordinary; Listening to Thought
      * Instruction: The Hindrances and their Cessation; Emptiness and Form; Inner Vigilance
      * Reflection: The Need for Wisdom in the World
      * The Refuges and Precepts

** 4. The Four Noble Truths, by Ven. Ajahn Sumedho
      * Introduction
      * The First Noble Truth
      * The Second Noble Truth
      * The Third Noble Truth
      * The Fourth Noble Truth

** 5. Change: an examination of impermanence in experience, by Samanera Bodhesako

** 6. Clearing the Path, by Ven. Ņanavira Thera

** 7. A Bhikkhu Manual



4. Anthology

* Dhamma Recollected: The Wounded Dog, by "Luang Phu"
* Ajahn Sumedho Interviewed
* Insight by the Nature Method, by Ven. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
* Luangpor Teean: The Singular Quality of an Ordinary Monk, by V. Supromajakr
* Experiences in Meditation, by Chris Kang
* Experiments in Insight Meditation, by Rod Bucknell
* Initial Meditative Experiences, by Roger Walsh
* Faith: A Meditation and a Homily, by Ven. Samanera Bodhesako
* The Myth of Sisyphus: A Cycle, by Ven. Samanera Bodhesako
* The Buddha and Catch-22, by Ven. Samanera Bodhesako



5. Reflections

* 1. Four Ways of Understanding
* 2. A Teaching of Peace
* 3. Letter From a Monk
* 4. Quote(s) of the Month



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Introduction to Buddhism | Ven. P. A. Payutto Page
Practising Dhamma | Anthology | Reflections