"Seclusion is
happiness for one contented, |
1. Dhamma Recollected: The Wounded Dog, by "Luang Phu" 3. Insight by the Nature Method, by Ven. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu 4. Luangpor Teean: The Singular Quality of an Ordinary Monk, by Vatana Supromajakr 5. Experiences in Meditation, by Chris Kang 6. Experiments in Insight Meditation, by Rod Bucknell 7. Initial Meditative Experiences, by Roger Walsh 8. Faith: A Meditation and a Homily, by Ven. Samanera Bodhesako 9. The Myth of Sisyphus: A Cycle, by Ven. Samanera Bodhesako 10. The Buddha and Catch-22, by Ven. Samanera Bodhesako
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