"Bhikkhus, go now and wander for the welfare and the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, welfare and happiness of gods and men. Teach the Dhamma, which is good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, with the meaning and the letter. Explain a life of continuous development that is completely perfect and pure. There are creatures with only a little dust in their eyes who will be lost through not hearing this Teaching. Having heard, some will see." |
acknowledged as Thailand's foremost Buddhist scholar, Venerable P. A. Payutto's works
range widely, from detailed exposition of the Suttas and Vinaya to consideration of the
problems of society, environment, economy, law, and science and technology -- all of these
books and talks are based on an exceptionally profound and comprehensive grasp of the
Buddha's Teaching, which is given full expression in his 'magnum opus',
"Buddhadhamma", a book of over one thousand pages. We will here provide chapters
from this latter volume, as well as examples of Ven. Payutto's other work. Currently, Ven. P. A. Payutto is known as Ven. Phra Brahmagunabhorn, a name/title given to him by His Majesty the King of Thailand. In the past he has published under the names of Ven. Debvedi, Ven. Rajavaramuni and Ven Dhammapitaka. The enormous project of translating the whole of "Buddhadhamma" into English was initiated by the Buddhadhamma Foundation. All the works in this section are copyright by P.A. Payutto. Copyright is here used not to restrict (and perhaps monopolize) access but to facilitate and maximize access. |
1. From "Buddhadhamma":1. Good, Evil and Beyond: Kamma in the Buddha's Teaching 2. Dependent Origination: The Buddhist Law of Conditionality 3. Sammasati: An Exposition of Right Mindfulness
2. Other Works:1. Helping Yourself To Help Others |
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