Practising Dhamma


"There are, monks, these two conditions for the arising of wrong view. Which are the two? Another's utterance and improper attention. These, monks, are the two conditions for the arising of wrong view."

"There are, monks, these two conditions for the arising of right view. Which are the two? Another's utterance and proper attention. These, monks, are the two conditions for the arising of right view."


1. Introduction To Insight Meditation, from Amaravati Buddhist Monastery

2. Now Is The Knowing, by Ven. Ajahn Sumedho

3. Mindfulness: The Path to the Deathless, by Ven. Ajahn Sumedho

4. The Four Noble Truths, by Ven. Ajahn Sumedho

5. Change: an examination of impermanence in experience, by Samanera Bodhesako 

6. Clearing the Path, by Ven. Ñanavira Thera 

7. A Bhikkhu Manual


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