
NQT Network

*Please read the explanation before filling in your details - this isn't really the place to leave your CV. If there is a need for a page to do this, please email us and we will oblige, we are here to serve ; ). To view the network list please click on the link below.*

There is no official membership for NQT, no list of members etc. Which is probably a good thing, I do all I can to keep up with what is here at the moment........
The point of this page in general is to help and share, but perhaps meeting - virtually - each other could be more effective for some purposes.
If you're of a mind to, fill in the form and register on the page as an email penpal, virtual colleague, net networker, or just friendly bod : ). This way people can get in touch via email with likeminded NQT's and network to their hearts content.......
Aaaahhhhh, I feel a warm glow.....

To view the directory click on the link below

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