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You could spend hours with a search engine, or you could have a look at some of these sites. Listed by subject they aim to send you off to find what you’re looking for......or at least send you to a page that can! Obviously they can’t all be checked - we hold no responsibility for any dodginess encountered! Read carefully as well if you want to download, some sites may be restricted. There is a form at the end to email us with any sites we’ve missed out that you think should be included and, if you can't find what you're after, there are search boxes at the bottom of the page.

Education General
Some really useful resources pages for all areas.

Curriculum subjects
Groovy sites just for you (your specialism that is).

Arts (Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Media)
Religious Studies
Social Studies

Specific sites for Primary Education.

Informative sites on SEN

Organisations and Jobs
From unions to ofsted and back via PCfRE and Netschools Interaid - loads of stuff. Also, find links relevant to installing yourself in that perfect appointment.

Miscellaneous (e.g. publishers etc.)
Here we have publishers, quotations, and as with all miscellaneous categories an assortment of goodies to come.

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