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There are also two accounts of the history of Kempsey from Roman times to the start of the 20th Century. They are the transcript of Rev. Purton's speech and the Victoria County History's sections on Kempsey in the Volumes on Worcestershire.

Pre-Roman Roman Dark Ages Domesday Book Medieval Civil War Industrial
Victorian Modern Timeline

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In 1998 these web pages are started.

Life in Kempsey in 1956 - Read about water and electricity, Sleeping Beauty, and Moving the Altar.

1956 Photo of Kempsey School Play 'Sleeping Beauty'.

In the late 1950s the Severn Trow (a kind of boat) named 'EFFORT' caught fire at Lempsey Moorings. Later it was used to support the eroding bank on Kempsey Ham, south of the church.

In 1956 the Court House Excavations in Kempsey found Iron Age and Roman pottery near the church.

A picture of a WW2 bomb crater at The Nash.

The composer Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934), lived in Kempsey from April 1923 to October 1927.

In 1918 Lieutenant Robert Vaughan Gorle of Napleton won the V.C. on 1 October.

1904 Photo of Kempsey School.


In 1889 Benjamin Williams Leader's painting of Kempsey Church from across the river, entitled "Sabrina's Stream", was exhibited at the Royal Academy.

In 1854 Captain Edward William Derrington Bell of Kempsey won the V.C. at the Battle of Alma in the Crimean War.

Between 1852 and 1854 Benjamin Bracknell Turner photographed Kempsey Windmill. Click here to see the photo and an article on it.

In 1841 a 4' 2", 8lb. 1 oz. carrot was grown in Kempsey.

On 3 March 1827 a duel was fought in Lord's Meadow.

In 1802 William Scale was executed in a field.

In 1801 the population was 845.


Formation of the Queen's Own Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry

In 1739 Highwayman Dick Turpin was hung.


3 September 1651 - Battle of Worcester

1646 - Kempsey raided during the Civil War.

On 22 September 1642 part of the Parliamentary army crosses the Severn at Kempsey, on their way to battle at Powick Ham.


In 1578 John Whitgift, the new Bishop of Worcester, visits.

On 20 August 1575 Queen Elizabeth I passes through.


Details of peasant life in the 1450s.


In 1327 the population of Kempsey had fallen to 86, due to the Black Death.

In 1303 John de Draycote was beheaded by the reeve of Kempsey.


In 1299 the population of Kempsey was 600.

In 1281 Edward I and Queen Marguerite visited Kempsey.

In 1276 Edward I visited Kempsey.

In 1265 Simon de Montfort brought his prisoner Henry III to Kempsey before the Battle of Evesham.

In 1217 the scholar Alexander Neckham died in Kempsey.


In 1186 Henry II held his court in Kempsey.

In 1182 the population of Kempsey was 500.


In 1085-6 the Domesday book entry on Kempsey was written.

On 19 August 1033 Bishop Leofsy died at Kempsey.



In 868 the oratory to St. Andrew was built.


In 799 A.D. the population of Kempsey was 150.





Probable time of the carving of the Roman milestone dedicated to Emperor Constantine the Great



1500 - 800 BC - age of the pre-Roman iron found in Court Meadow

Pre-Roman Roman Dark Ages Domesday Book Medieval Civil War Industrial
Victorian Modern Timeline

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Last updated 15th August 2001.

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