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Henry II Plantagenet
Born in 1133, crowned 1154, died 1189. Famous as the King who caused the death of Archbishop Thomas a Beckett in Canterbury Cathedral on December 29, 1170, and as the father of
Richard the Lionheart and Bad King John. He was King of England and a large part of France due to his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine, ex-wife of King Louis VII of France. Click here to go to a site about Henry II and other monarchs of Britain.

Henry III
King Henry III Simon de Montford On 2nd August 1265 Henry III was brought as a prisoner to Kempsey by Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester and leader of the English barons. Bishop Walter de Cantelupe (who the pub known as "the Wally" is named after) said Mass for him in Kempsey church the next morning, before they set off to the Battle of Evesham, where de Montford was killed. For more details on Henry III, click here. For more details from a contemporary account of de Montford's rebellion, click here. Click on the pictures for enlargements.

Edward I
Born in 1239, crowned 1272, died 1307. Famous as the King of England who executed William Wallace in the film Braveheart. He was nicknamed Longshanks for his stature. He had 19 children. He married Eleanor of Castille in 1254, who bore him sixteen children (seven of whom survived into adulthood) before her death in 1290. He had the 3 other children by Queen Marguerite, sister of King Philip IV of France, who he brought with him on his second visit to Kempsey. He fought against the Welsh and the Scots. Click
here for more details about Edward I.

© 1999 Andy Morrall

Last updated 3rd October 1999.


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