What's New

Update on 19th August 2008.

WW2 bomb crater at The Nash

Update on 21st July 2006.

Shipwrecked and overgrown barge picture

The Morgue at Lanes End

Update on 22nd December 2004.

Kempsey School Teachers Photo, 1919

Update on 22nd September 2004.

More details of the beached and burned out Severn trow on Kempsey Ham.

Update on 19th February 2004.

Floods in Kempsey.

Update on 4th December 2003.

Peasant life and land-owning.

Update on 1st November 2003.

St. Wulfstan's miracle in Kempsey.

Update on 17th April 2003.

A new Kempsey ghost story.

Update on 17th January 2003.

The story and location of the Kempsey shipwreck.

Inscriptions from Plaques in the Church.

Update on 27th August 2001.

Painting of The Review of the Queen's Own Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry on Kempsey Ham

Update on 15th August 2001.

Kempsey Windmill article, and photo from the 1850s by B.B. Turner.

Update on 7th June 2001.

The painting "Kempsey on the River Severn" by B. W. Leader - another picture of Kempsey church and Lane's End from across the river. Includes newspaper cuttings about the recent sales of his paintings.

Update on 27th February 2001.

The life of Saint Wulstan, Bishop of Worcester 1061 - 1095

Update on 11th January 2001.

Rumours of werewolves in Kempsey

Update on 27th September 2000.

A Kempsey resident and his model trains based on the stations and wagons used in Worcester in Victorian and Edwardian times.

Update on 4th September 2000.

The entry on Kempsey in Bentley's Worcestershire Directory of 1840-41. Contains a list of people who lived in Kempsey at that time.

Update on 25th August 2000.

Kempsey author Mary Pearce, writer of 'Apple Tree Lean Down'.

Update on 1st July 2000.

The Longford / Wingfield family of Kempsey.

Update on 8th June 2000.

Photo of Kempsey School Play 'Sleeping Beauty' in 1956.

Photo of Kempsey School in 1904.

Update on 1st June 2000.

The painting "Sabrina's Stream" by B. W. Leader - a picture of Kempsey church and Lane's End from across the river. Includes newspaper cuttings about the recent sale of the painting.

Update on 13th May 2000.

The entry on Kempsey in Littlebury's Directory of 1912. It contains a list of people living in the parish.

Update on 21st February 2000.

The horrible death of Sir Edmund Wylde, High Sheriff of Worcestershire, who is buried in Kempsey Church.

Update on 3rd January 2000.

Site search engine added to the menu bar on all pages. You can also try it here:


Update on 30th December 1999.

Update to the page on Kempsey Church. New pictures. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Update on 20th November 1999.

Update to the page on Major General Edward William Derrington Bell V.C.: the inscription on the Bell grave in Kempsey churchyard.

Update on 16th October 1999.

Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Carnac Temple, soldier, administrator and scholar in India and Burma. Lived at 'The Nash' in Kempsey.

Update on 17th July 1999.

Major-General John Montressor Pilcher, Naval Officer in the Napoleonic Wars and Napoleon's jailer.

Update on 11th July 1999.

Records about Kempsey in the County Records Office.

List of commercial directories of Worcester and Worcestershire from the 1700s and 1800s that may contain information on Kempsey.

Update on 10th July 1999.

The history and owners of Draycott Lodge, a house in the south of the village.

Update on 8th July 1999.

Link to Kempsey Primary School's new site.

Update on 7th June 1999.

A little information about the author / editor of this site.

Update on 4th June 1999.

Please use this feedback page to send me private feedback on this site.

Update on 25th May 1999.

Arguments and evidence for and against there being a Roman fort at Kempsey.

The Gorle family in Kempsey. Includes Robert Vaughan Gorle, V.C.

Update on 11th May 1999.

The Kempsey Ghost

Update on 19th April 1999.

View from the Roof of the Church Tower

Update on 17th April 1999.

Bells Big and Little Kempsey's Church Bells

Update on 24th March 1999.

Historical Notes Relating to the Parish of Kempsey by the Rev. R. C. Purton M.A.. Read at the Guildhall, Worcester, 11th December 1900. A history of the village from Roman times to 1900.

Update on 29th January 1999.

Work presently in progress: the entry on Kempsey from the Victoria County History of Worcestershire, Volume 3 (1913). This is an official, professionally-researched and highly-detailed history of the parish.

Update on 20th January 1999.

Pubs and Accomodation in Kempsey
Need a drink? Need somewhere to stay in Kempsey? Want to find out a little about the history of Kempsey's pubs? Then click here.

Updates on 5th January 1999.

Victoria Cross
Major General Edward William Derrington Bell, winner of the Victoria Cross at the Battle of Alma in the Crimean War in 1854 is buried in Kempsey churchyard. Click here to find out more.

The Earthquake of 1886
On 17th December 1886 a large earthquake shook much of England and Wales at about 5:30 in the morning. People in Worcestershire were thrown around and there was minor damage to buildings. The earthquake went from south-west to north east. There is no record of the effects of the earthquake on Kempsey, but for details of what happened in Worcester and Worcestershire, click here.

Bequests in the Bellringer's Room of the Church
These are the texts of the bequests of money for the poor people of Kempsey that are recorded on pictures in the bell-ringers' room on the first floor of the bell tower of the church. There are also details of fund raising for the renovation of the church in 1799.

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