Gardens Presbyterian Church
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Youth Activities at Gardens Presbyterian Church

Kingdom Kids

This group of youngsters, 5 years old and up, and their adult leaders meet every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00 to explore ways to apply the teachings of Jesus to their lives. The evening begins with songs, a scripture lesson and prayer led by the pastor, Dr. Bush. We are sometimes able to play some outdoor games before dividing into age groups for bible study and crafts. We welcome anyone who would like to join us. Any questions or to volunteer, contact Mary Minnich.

Valentine Day Party Wednesday Feb 13

Bible Story Time 

For preschool and elementary age children and accompanying adults. 
Thursdays, 3:00-4:00 
Story, songs, crafts, snack. 

Valentine Day Party Thursday Feb 14

Youth Group
For information on joining or voliunteering with our Youth Group, contact Missy Harris
We are also interested in starting a Puppet Ministry. For more information, contact Missy
Gardens Presbyterian Church
4677 Hood Rd.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL,33403

Phone:(561) 625-5970
Fax: (561) 625-5554

This PresbyRing site is owned by Gardens Presbyterian Church,Palm Beach Gardens,FL.
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