Board of Deacons
"The office of the deacon as set forth
in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example
of Jesus Christ."
Taking care of our own:
Maintain a "special persons" list
Establish a program for regular visitation
Distribute Sunday flowers
Visit in hospitals and nursing homes
Assist Pastor in home communion
Prepare Sunday and special services communion
Administer the "prayer chain"
Respond to those who have experienced a death
by providing food and hosting reception after memorial/funeral service
Taking care of the local community:
Healthfair, typically held in June or July.
Provides among other things, screenings, free school physicals and immunizations.
Support of Rock Garden Apartments, temporary
housing units (one month) with other support services for helping homeless
families start over. Some years, members of our congregation shared their
blessings by providing Thanksgiving baskets for the residents. In 1999,
we hosted the residents at our Thanksgiving Dinner at the church. We also
were able to help with Christmas by providing donated gifts and food baskets
for the families to enjoy in the privacy of their own apartments. The Sunday
School got in on the act by sponsoring a food drive to help these residents.
Some in our congregation continue to donate so that we are able to take
food to the facility weekly. Additional donations can be brought to worship
or to the church office. The organization has requested donations of disposible
diapers and paper products. Readers who do not live in our area may donate
by check though the church and we could purchase needed items on your behalf.
They are so appreciative of any help that we provide.
Food baskets at Thanksgiving, Christmas and
Easter for those in need through R.E.A.C.H. shelter
At Christmas, sponser with the church school
the "adopt a family" program
Financial support of individuals in need
Taking care of worldwide needs:
Contribute to relief efforts such as WTC fund
Relationship with missionary Dr.
Sue Makin that goes back 10 years. Dr. Makin currently serves in Malawi,
Africa where she has started school of nursing and works to train others
in the medical field.
Gardens Presbyterian
4677 Hood Rd.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL,33403
Phone:(561) 625-5970
Fax: (561) 625-5554