Adult Choir
Highlights from Christmas Cantata
The Gardens Presbyterian Church Choir leads the congregation in the
singing of the responses and the hymns, and performs one or two special
presentations each Sunday. It is a volunteer choir, and meets on Thursday
evenings at 7:30 p.m. for practice. During the months that our members
from the north are living in Florida, the choir totals 27 singers with
a good balance of men's and women's voices.
Ron Bell, our Music Director, likes to choose a variety of music, ranging
from the traditional anthems to Gaither, and is always looking for new
music. Recently, they presented a program of American spirituals, and another
Sunday, a group of gospel numbers. There is something for everyone's taste.
Pam Heinemann, our Accompanist, is extremely talented on the piano,
keyboard and organ, and is featured as a soloist instrumentally and vocally.
New members are always welcome to join the choir as they are a fun-loving
and friendly group. |