Group Story

Mary Shelley, the author of the original frankenstein, used the impetus of social conversation to dream up the story (read the old version's introduction). If you find yourself blocked or temporarily out of imagination, why not go out with the guys or gals and just talk as usual. If you have the piece your writing in the back of your mind then it will naturally come up in discussions. But don't just blurt it out, "what do you think happens next?". And maybe the thing that your stuck on now is because of over stress and anxiety. You need to just relax and have a good night out with your friends. The help will come from either an idea a friend invoked or just the fresh mind from a exciting night of intellectual dialogue. Now if tonight is the night before the paper is due or the novel is needed then go to lunch with friends, no heavy meals to make you sleepy.

Friends don't have to be geographically close, they just need a telephone or Email. If your friends are not too into the thinking conversation you can at Least enlist their help as a subtle sounding board ie. "So what would you do if that happened to you?". If you have no friends or all your friends are not in the mood, you can go to a newsgoup. Newsgroups that the discuss the specific topic you are writing on can be a great help to get those mind juices flowing.

Sorry, email now works, try to send me stuff and I post it here

Start of my Story (Email me to add on)

Ok I'll start...
There once was meadow called songbird sing. In this meadow the fellows gathered food, played with their children, sang to their wives until
Jamie N.
the day when the oldest son of the menhela clan was to prove himself as a adult. For the entire month the village was getting ready for this annual celebration of life.
Bret E.
But this was not just any old ritural, it was Sacred. The boy is covered with white ash and palm resin and set off into the forest for the week. He is to live on his own without any villager's help. Fierce wild black tigers haunt the night with their matt black silklike fur. 'sotalro dehn onest' beware of the eyes, for at night it is the only and last thing you see.
Wendy A.
The boy, Junto, is allowed to take one young female from the village, a knife and a
Ashok R.
bird of his choice. Women and birds were held at high esteem in the menhala clan . The clan worshipped the Eagle as their chief deity. They called it Lord Parinda. Evening came. It was time for Junto to leave. Junto was a recluse. Any attempt by somebody to speak to him would get monosyllabic responses. When it came to women ...he had never ever spokne to a single woman in his life . Now who shall he choose?
Candade P.
What Junto doesn't know about is Junti's heart beats only for him. But how does she express herself in a clan where women are not allowed to choose?
Baliji D.
Dusk came. The menhala gathered in the holy grounds before the grotesque imagery of a huge eagle devouring it's prey. The fire in front of the idol blazed into the night signaling the forest of Junto's journey. In their excitement, none noticed the boy-man himself. Junto was crouched in front of immense fire and was sweating profusely. Not from the heat, but from a growing sense of nervousness. He had failed to get a woman to accompany him. The drums roared and the warriors were going into a frenzy with their dance. Junto was oblivious of everything till he heard the menhala chief's voice booming, calling him to undertake the journey. Junto was ready for the disgrace which would be heaped upon him. Then he saw it. He saw the approaching figure through the flames of the shimmering fire. And he couldnt belive his eyes!
(Wow this is really getting good, Who's next?)
Ashok R.
And he couldnt believe his eyes!......... The fire slowly daubed the silhuoette in a rich tangerine hue. Slowly the figure moved towards the altar fire. The beats of the drums were slowly gaining momento; a befitting harbinger to the forest of the arrival of a Menhala. Above all the music and beats Junto could hear his heart . It throbbed with a certain restless intensity . (Give it a chance and it would've popped out a'la Mask! But that's not relevant to this story) . Through the dust and smoke , amidst the approaching crescendo of the drum beats, the feminine form emerged! Her dusky skin gleamed against the altar fire . She stood there at the altar like the daughter of fire ; bosom heaving and her long black hair gently swaying in the wind. Gerda! ( GAYR-dah ,the word meant charmer of serpent in the local tongue). Junto recognised her. They had played together as kids before reticence insidiously crept inside Junto and built the high wall of seclusion. "Junto, take me to the forest"...... The dust had settled. There was silence. Slowly they heard the rumble from the forest. Huge dark clouds moved in. The forest seemed to be getting ready for Junto's odyssey. But the smoke from the altar had a subliminal companion on its way up- Junti's prayers........"O Mighty Bird Parinda...

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