This method of generating ideas really helps the author to think of something and not to think
of whatever is distracting or blocking you. Basically you start writing
(or typing in this case) and you don't stop typing until 5 minutes is
up. Even if the typing is "I am sitting here typing. I am sitting...".
Put away your dictionary, toss your thesaurus far from reach. Write
blubber or genius. Just write! You can use this form below to type in,
when your done just print the page. If you don't mind, submit it and I
will put it on the ideas page to spark others into creative thought.
Type something about your childhood, your mother, your last heartbreak, your father, the last thing you wished you had a chance to tell someone, the beauty of snow, the science of popcorn. And tear it up, dispose of it. Why you ask? Get that kind of crap out of your head! write again and you will find yourself freed of that mildewed rat's nest of clutter. Now write and let it flow. Einstein wrote calculations off the blackboard, write VOLUMES!!!

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