Dream Writing

The conscious mind might not know what to scribe but the unconscious mind is like a maniac at the typewriter of wild imagination. You might think that since the unconscious mind is in a time vault, how can I tap into it. Most people tap into it every night, it's called dreaming. Dreaming is unconscious thought released. When I dream I usually think of it as a movie - wow cool, great movie. When I awake I try to write it down as fast as I can. Holding on to the memories of a dream is really tough. Writing it all down is very important. Draw 3d pictures keep writing, drawing, coloring - think of every detail sound, smell, colorful vistas, temperature, the way you felt. But don't think too much let your mind become a huge pipe from you memory/dream to the paper. If you can do this you can also use that pipe against your writing bockage.

Things to keep by the bed:

  • Sketch pads
  • Writing Tablet W/ pen
  • Light source (small lamp, not too bright)
  • Crayons
  • Tape Recorder
  • Calculator
  • Modeling clay
  • Dictionary
  • Thesaurus (word choice too important now)

Of course you may not need all that equipment, start with a steno pad and a pen. Drawing sets and scenes showing people and where they were help me. If this dream writing really helps, you might want to start a journal with your dreams and maybe get into lucid dreaming where you can control the destiny of the night.
Dream writing is basically remembering dreams to induce thought about your piece that you are writing. Tonight think about what is stopping your writing then go to sleep. This method is a valuable tool.

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