DPCA Nationals


  Last Updated 05/12/2005


1996 Photos

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WAC Test

Agility Course

1996 Board Synopsis

by Vic Monteleon, Oct 16, 1996

There are a number of things that we put on the table this year, and I'd say, overall, we fared well, and the breed came out a winner. Here's a synopsis. Please recognize that some of this is "in progress" work, and not a done deal....yet.

I addressed the Board on Tuesday last week with the article that was published in DQ. In that article, I proposed a longevity registry, a frozen semen registry, and a "Bred for Longevity" title. The board voted unanimously to back the proposal, and gave me the green light to develop the rules and regulations, for submittal to the board soonest. I enlisted the help of Mary Spinelli, who does DobeBase software, and Michelle Mueller, who has the Pedigree*Profiles business. I'm also linking up with the DPFA Seniors Project.

Current plans/thinking is to:
a) develop a form for data fill. Dogs who are age 10 and above will get a LC-age designation (Longevity Certified) upon proof of age (registration number...entry in a Veteran's Class, etc). Deceased dogs will require Veterinary certification of date of death. The LC-age certification will be incremented upwards for every year the dog remains alive. At death, the number becomes fixed.
b) dogs with three generations of LC Dobes behind them will get the BFL Title appended to their names. They will still have to survive to at least 10 to get the LC designator.
c) the semen registry will include all pertinent health stats, along with info on how to contact the owner of the semen.

As soon as the form is approved, it will be distributed via Doberman magazines such as DQ, and Club organizations such as the UDC Focus and DPCA Pipeline. This is all work in process.

a) Gunshot test changed to have the dog in motion when the shots are fired
b) AKC agility titles can be substituted for the obedience title in meeting the requirements for ROM
c) John Schoenemann approved as an evaluator (Charlotte N.C.). Ray Carlisle needs one more apprentice assignment.

Approval given to develop and implement an Agility Awards program, similar to obedience and conformation awards currently in existence. Green light to investigate the feasibility of an Agility Top 20 event.

At the DP Foundation Banquet, Dr Pat Venta announced the development of a DNA test for vWD that is 100% accurate. Research has identified the mutation that causes vWD in the Doberman. It is a recessive gene, and its frequency of occurrence is relatively high. The test can be given to young puppies. It is non-invasive, and only requires swabs to be rubbed in the cheek. VET-GEN is the patent holder. The test kits should be available shortly at local vets. The test will identify afflicted dogs, carriers, and clears.

Dr Venta also was the dissertation advisor of Tracy Hammer, and he indicated that her work will continue, and it is their hope that a similar test will be available for cardio in the near future.

A proposal made by the Chapter Club Delegates to lower the jump heights in obedience to height of the dog at the withers and twice that for the broad jump was defeated by the board.

DPCA is going to design a web page. Action given to the Public Education Committee.

There's probably a whole lot that I don't know about. The stuff I've summarized are things that I was somewhat involved in, either as a direct proposer, or as a Chapter Club Delegate. I was glad to see so much action being taken this year on vital issues. I sense a shifting focus, with health becoming the number one priority. The feeling prevalent is one of "a breed in crisis". It's long overdue.

1996 Results

Best of Breed - Ch. Toledobe's Serenghetti
Best of Opposite - Ch. Platinum's Back in Black, CDX
Best of Winners - Wingate's Syntology of Mrm.
Best Puppy - Mi-Ti's Rainbow Rock

Award of Superior Quality Specimen:
Ch. Ravenswood's Twenty Twenty
Ch. Vondura's HMS Invincible
Ch. Irongate's Sunset Cash
Ch. Bikila's Qanah of Marks-Tey
Ch. Legend's Extravaganza v Deco
Ch. Touchstone's Easy Street
Ch. Soquel's Thunder Storm
Ch. Homer Hill's Kissmet
Ch. Wingate's Syntology of Mrm.

Winners Dog: Liberator's Eldorado
Winners Bitch: Wingate's Sintology of Mrm.
Reserve Winners Dog: Four Winds Black BMW
Reserve Winners Bitch: Foxfire What Dreams R Made Of
Best in veterans sweeps: Ch Rainbows Colours Of Marks-Tey CD
Top 20 Obedience winner: Ch. Sanddrift's Katy of Royalmead, UDX, ROM, CGC, TT
Top 20 Conformation winner: Ch. Legend's Extravaganza v Deco

Stud Dog - Ch. Legend's Extravaganza v Deco
Brood Bitch - Ch. Alderheim's Tri Star, CD

Agility Trial
Open: 1) Legends Marry A Millionaire, CDX NA
Novice B: 1) Smack Dab Easy Does It Texas, CDX, TDX 2) Ch. BFJ Much Ado About Nothing, CDX, ROM 3) Hicottons All My Kisses 4) Collinwood's Ten Forward
Novice A: 1) Sherluck's Diamond and Rust 2) Ch. Datelis Got The Hots Alisaton 3) Red Devil Maggie Mae V Hart, CDX 4) Bel-Mar's I Love Trouble
Qualifiers: Kyjurs Ruby Slipper Majyc's Swinging On A Star


Novice Class A
1) Body Guard - 183

Novice Class B
1) Heron Acres Megabyte - 199 1/2
2) Nova's Joico - 196 1/2
3) Hq Murphy Brown - 194 1/2
4) I Got It All Sewn Up - 194+

Open Class A
1) Sentinel's Conquer The Knight CD - 196 1/2
2) Jandec's Sweet Little Ginny CD - 189
3) Mistel's Night Spirit CD NA - 183 1/2
4) Argostar Awsterisk CD - 183

Open Class B
1) Ch Platinum's Dangerous Liaison UD - 198 1/2+
2) OTCh Kyjur Penny Loafer V Jolaine UDX - 198 1/2
3) Kyjurs Baby Ruth V Jandrew - 198
4) Lyndobe's Midnight Lace UD - 197 1/2

Utility Class A
1) Pehtenn Acres Jora CDX - 176 1/2

Utility Class B
1) OTCh Kyjur Penny Loafer V Jolaine UDX - 197 1/2
2) Lyndobe's Midnight Lace UD - 196 1/2
3) Star Tyme's Dakota UD - 191

Highest in regular classes: Heron Acres Megabyte - 199 1/2
Highest in combined: OTCh Kyjur Penny Loafer V Jolaine UDX - 396
Highest scoring champion of record: Ch Platinum's Dangerous Liaison - 198 1/2
Higest scoring veteran in a regular class: Ch Platinum's Dangerous Liaison

1) Promise's Pantera CDX - 192 1/2
2) Tajga Von Charlotte UD NA - 190 1/2
3) Villen's West Side Story CD - 188 1/2+
4) Ch Wingate in Black Velour - 188 1/2

Tracking Test (All Exhibitors passed)
Topknot B Balera Von Chandor, CDX
Smack-Dab's Odessa Texas, O.A.
Rocador Time To Party, NA, TD
Smack-Dab's EAsy Does It Texas, CDX, TDX

Last modified: 05/12/2005



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