DoberWorld Email Discussion List


Last Updated 05/12/2005

DOBERWORLD-L is a mailing list for those wishing to discuss and admire the Doberman breed. To subscribe to doberworld-l, send the following in the body (not the subject line) of an email message to

subscribe doberworld-l YourFirstName YourLastName

You will receive an introductory Welcome file describing the general guidelines for the mailing list. This discussion list is available in DIGEST format (multiple messages compiled into a single daily mailing) which is the default when you first subscribe. If there are any questions concerning the list prior to subscribing, or if there are any problems, please email the list owners directly.

Lynn Petrangelo

Things to brush up on before joining the list:

If you have never been part of an email discussion list before, you may want to check out the following links:

For a list of other dog related email discussion lists, refer to:

Summary of DoberWorld List Commands

These commands are to be sent to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM, *never* the mailing list. If possible, leave the subject line empty.

What you want to have happen What to type in your mail message
To Subscribe SUBSCRIBE DOBERWORLD-L Firstname Lastname
To Get Mail (as individual msgs) SET DOBERWORLD-L MAIL
To Get Mail (as digests) SET DOBERWORLD-L DIGEST
To See Your Distribution Options QUERY DOBERWORLD-L

If you want to do something that is not noted above, use the HELP command in your mail message. Also, when you send a command message to the Listserv, you can have multiple commands per message, just make sure that you put each command on a separate line.

If you go on vacation, please use SET DOBERWORLD-L NOMAIL and then either SET DOBERWORLD-L MAIL or SET DOBERWORLD-L DIGEST when you return to avoid overflowing your mailbox.

If your address starts to bounce, the List Owner will either put you on NOMAIL or unsubscribe you, depending on what the bounce messages say. If you stop receiving mail, check your status using the QUERY option.

For techie problems or other issues related to DOBERWORLD-L, please send email to the List Owner (**not to the List**). Include a detailed description of what went wrong. Ideally, enclose the full text, including the headers, of any error messages that you get.

Please Note: All new subscribers are subscribed with Digest and Review options turned on. The review option is turned off when you become a regular contributor to the list. You can turn off the digest option if you wish (see summary above) in order to recieve mail from the list as individual messages. This mailing list has a high volume of messages. You have been warned!

The list of subscribers to this List is not available except to the List Owner.

DoberWorld List Guidelines

Your List Administrators want to keep the guidelines for DOBERWORLD-L short and sweet. So, here they are:



We, your List Administrators, do not want to act as Net Police. However, this is a privately owned List and we have the right to eject troublemakers. We would rather avoid this problem in the first place and ask your cooperation in complying with the following:


To post to the DOBERWORLD-L list you are required to sign your email messages with *your real name* and please include your email address at the end of your post. This is done because not all servers include the full headers.

CAUTION!! DOBERMAN X-CROSSING....proceed and enjoy! DoberWorld Email Discussion List

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