DoberWorld Links
Disclaimer: Links listed on this page to
breeders, products, or services
are not meant as an endorsement by DoberWorld,
but are available as a convenience to the reader.
Last Updated 12/05/2006
Must Visit Site:
Dober ' Toons 
Dobe Clubs
Dobe Home Pages
- Alexa:
Alexa's Home Page
- Alycen:
Javert's Photo Album
- Anable,
Jim: Storm's Home Page
- Anderson,
Shannon: DobieInfo
- Berger,
Mary: Angus and Max
- Berger,
Peggy: Trisolde Dobermans
- Boehme,
Linae: Nikki's Page
- Bohnert,
Judy: Equinox Dobermans
- Brushwood,
Jeanna: Windrose Doberman Pinschers and Labrador
- Candelaria,
Gene: Gene's Links to DoberDogs
- Carter,
Carol: Caravista Dobermans
- Christensen,
Adrien: Wonderlust Dobermans
- Corgill,
Dave: Dave's Texas Doberman Page
- Cottrell,
Gene and Nancy: The Dobe Brothers
- Craik,
Inge: Aciro Dobermanns
- Cusimano,
Russ and Karen: The Dobots Page
- David and
Holly: David and Holly's Max
- DeGregorio,
Anthony and Marylyn: DeGregorio Home Page
- Dirk:
Kennel v.d. Villa Hügel
- Donato,
Nola and Kim: Samson the sailing doberman
- Donovan,
Betty: Betty Donovan's Home Page
- Dugan,
Teri: Terra Dell's Home Page
- Egan, Carla:
Carla & Danny
- Fendley,
James: Trips Doberman Page
- Fogel,
Kerrie: KelaDobe's Home Page
- Farr, Becky:
Doberman Portrait Gallery
- Fischer-Paul,
Michele: Rosie & Jed's Adventures
- Garrett,
Dawn: Dawn & Lestat's Home Page
- Gavin,
Elinor: Manny's Home Page
- Goverinos,
Barbi: Nagler's Dobermans
- Greavu, Ana and
Tom: Ana & Tom's Dogs
- Hancock,
David: Gus, an Air Scent SAR Dog
- Head,
Amy: AHEAD Graphics
- Harlow,
Jackie: Rusty and Ottis
- Henkel,
Melody: Melodobe's Home Page
- Hines,
Tom: DoberPhotos!
- Horton,
Nicole: Doberman Domain
- Janet:
Albert's Gypsy page
- Karlamaa,
Kirsi: Kirsi's Rommel
- Kase, Thomas:
Isabelle's Page
- Kerlin,
Bobbi: Eriador Dobermans
- Kitchen,
Jack: Dobe House
- Korevaar,
Mary: Glengate Registered Kennels
- Kramer,
Michelle: Michelle Kramer's DPCA OFA Rep. / White
Dobe page
- Kulp,
Wendy: Max's Dobie Page
Jamie's Home page

- Laplante,
Gerald, Dyanne & Ron: Moonspier Dobermans
- Leonard,
Gary: - Gary Leonard's homepage
- Linda:
Linda's Schutzhund Page

- Lindberg,
David: Lindberg's Dobie Homepage
- Lucoff,
Gwen:Zuma Doberman Pinschers
- Marshall,
Tina: Mariah Doberman Pinschers Home Page
- McCabe,
Holly: Holly's Princess Cayman
- Meade, Elizabeth:
Liz's Dogg Page
- Mider,
Bonnie: Isis Von Mider's New Roo Two
- Modderman,
Debbie: "Kira" The Doberman Home Page
- Molinari,
Gudi: Altacrest Dobermans
- Moore,
Sharon: The Dogs of Dragon Weyr
- Morin,
Maureen: Maureen Morin's Home Page
- Morrow, Cheryl:
The Morrow's Dobes HomePage
- Muniz, Nancy
Lawson: Nancy's Favorite Dogs
- Neumann, Louise:
Louise complete doberman informational site!
- Nichols,
Christine: Kerioak Dobermanns & Waterfowl
- Nissen,
Carla: Jake and Carla' s Doberman Pinscher Page
- Nuttall,
Robin: Robin's Home Page
- Olsen,
Betty: Dobe Zone Home Page
- Patterson,
Bill and Lisa: HomeOnTheWeb
- Pavlovich,
Darlene & Peter: Donovan's Den
- Pearson,
John & Sherri: John & Sherri's Home Page
- Penshorn,
Monica: Dobiemonsters Ninja and Caesar
- Persson,
Christina: Origo Stamm´s Kennel
- Persson,
Naranja: Naranja's Homepage
- Phillips,
Nancy: SherEl Dog's Rescue Page
- Pritchard,
Judy: Skylocke Farm's Doberman & General
Information Site
- Prouty,
Nancy: Riva's Page
- Ralph, Maureen:
Solar Kennels
- Rasmussen,
Christine and Mark: Rasmussen Home Page
- Raupp,
Karl: Dogs are the best!
- Reeves-Hunt,
Lesley: Gunner's Page
- Ridgway, Jim:
Jim and Baron's Home Page
- Rothenberg,
Laurie: von Haus Dagan Doberman Pinschers
- Ryan-Shaw,
Deedra: DeeWiccan At Home on the Net
- Profeta,
Luisa: The Cashew Gang with Sonic the Spitz/Lab Mix
- St.
Gelais, Sue: Hundmeister Registered Dobermans
- Sanders,
Roy: Lucifers Home Page
- Santel,
Jan: Autumn Winds Dog Agility Center: Breezie
- Satu: Satu
& dobermanns
- Sheotes,
Marge: MaRich Dobermans (or here)
- Shipley-Vagnone,
Carol: Meroke Dobermans
- Sjöberg,
Erik: Rigel from Sweden
- Soto, Sheila:
tiara2's Best Friends
Judy: BJF Dobermans
- Stanley,
Anton: Dobermann Pacifica
- Sullivan,
Sue: Toledobes Eve-N-Money
- Taylor,
Jehnna: Jehnna's Dobe Pages
- Thingvall,
Kadi: Dantero Kennel Home Page
- Thomas,
Allan: Apollo's Doberpage
- Trexler,
Sasha: Sasha's Shack
- Bohanan-Uhler,
Carole: Destiny Dobermans
- Van
Noate, Judith: Dogs Connections
- Van Roosbroeck,
Danny: Randy Van't Sabbatsveld
- Vanderburg,
Christine: Mydobe's Photo Copy
- Weber, Warren:
Welcome to the Weber Zoo!
- Wilcock,
Jessica: Jessica's Dobe page
- Willard,
Tamy: Jenny
- Wilson,
Beverly: Bev And Pups Home Page
- Winders, Scott and
Monica: The Winders' Home Page
- Wolfe, Earl:
WolfPak Dobermans
- Zeria,
Liz: Higgin's Page
And many more...
Dobe Breeders
- Enola Gay
Dobermans Miami, Florida, USA
- Equinox Doberman
Pinschers Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Fantahausen
- Glengate
Registered KennelsWoodstock, Ontario, Canada
- Hundmeister
Registered Dobermans Ontario, Canada
- Jagmar
Kennels Tottenham, Ontario,
- Kennel Ascomannis
LeGard Dobermans
- Mariah
Doberman Pinschers Kyle, Texas, USA
- Meroke
Dobermans N.Merrick, New York, USA
- Montara
Dobermans San Jose, CA, USA
- Moonspier
Dobermans Vulcan, Alberta, Canada
- O'zone
dobermanns and dalmatians (Finland)
- Origo Stamm´s
Kennel Malmö, Sweden
- Salger
- Sherluck
Dobermans & MultiMedia Kent, Washington, USA
- Skylocke Dobermans Toledo,
- Solar Kennels
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
- Terra
Dell Manchester, TN
- Vicaral
- Von
Falkenfeld Dobermanns Australia
- Vom
Nibbas Dobermanns Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- rec.pets.dogs
FAQ Homepage - a good starting point for general dog
- The American Kennel
Club - information on registration, breeders, events,
and more
- Acme Pet - Your Guide
to Pets on the Internet! - a place to find pet
research, shop for your pet, or chat with other pet
- The Dog Zone - a
dog breeder's exchange and on-line magazine
- The World Wide WOOF!
- dog-related reference site
- PetStation: DOG
DOMAIN - pet information and marketplace of
commercial products
- Welcome to DOG-e-zine!!
- breed search, FAQs, choosing a breed, news groups, and
other links
- Dog
Owner's Guide Home Page - articles on everything to
do with dogs
- NetPet - features
articles, links and pet related advertising
- Calli's Collars
- Collars
- Cyber-Pet
- provides information both On and For pet fanciers,
exhibitors, breeders, clubs, rescue, products, services,
publications, monthly articles, and more
- Pets OnLine - a
Cybermall devoted to pets
- NetPets Home -
products, references, care tips, image gallery, and more
- Canadian Animal
Network (CAN) - a place for distributing information,
recounting experiences, fueling discussions, and vending
- Dog Run /
Dog Park Reporter - provides dog run/park locations
and descriptions
- Council of Docked Breeds
- CDB and docking information
- Phoenix Rising
- Health Foundations information (coming soon...)
- InfoDog -
marketplace, calendar of shows, search panel, faq
- Jack Onofrio Dobe
Shows, LLC - dog show superintendents
- Nature's
Pet Marketplace - natural and holistic pet products
- APHIS Home Page -
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. The Animal
Welfare Act is under "Activities" then "care
of animals".
- TravelDog -
information, products, services, and tips for traveling
- American Boarding Kennels
Association - pet boarding, grooming, training,
transportation, shipping, pet supplies, day care and food
- OzDogz
- a forum for all things canine in Australia and around
the world
- Canines of
America's World of Dog Training - behavior problem
solving, careers in training, care, breeds, rescue, pet
loss, live chat, children's pages, music, animation and
- The Dogpatch
Doghouse - all kinds of information on training dogs,
humor, stuff to buy, and other various tidbits for dog
- Professor
Hunt's Dog Page - selective series of resources with
an emphasis on: rescue, animal health and socially
responsible activities
- Capital
Kennel Club of Juneau's All About Dogs! - K-9 events,
training articles, UKC info, and more
- Dog
Fancy On-Line - newsline, canine library, K-9 kids,
and more
Legislative Observer - information concerning canine
- AKC Canine
Legislation - monitors and provides input for
legislation governing responsible dog ownership
- Breed-Specific
Legislation - proposed or existing legislation broken
down by state
- Working
Dogs: Legal, Contract - links covering dog law and
- Pet-Vet: Home
Page - Dr. Lowell Ackerman's basic and health care
- Lyme Disease
- Links
to Lyme Disease
- Welcome to NetVet
- Dr. Ken Boschert's veterinary resources with links
to Veterinary Specialties
- NetVet
Veterinary Education - links to Colleges of
Veterinary Medicine all over the world
- WALTHAM World of Pet
Care - WALTHAM center for pet care and nutrition
- Welcome to Healthy
Pets - American Animal Hospital Association
Information Page - National Animal Poison Control
- Veterinary
Information Network America Online's Veterinary
Information Network (VIN) and Pet Care Forum
- Stanford
University Center for Narcolepsy - Dr. Emmanuel
Mignot and Dr. William C. Dement's study of narcolepsy in
- The Dog
Genome Project - genetics study mapping the genes
causing disease and those controlling morphology and
- Canine
Genetics & Dog Health Home Page - huge index to
dog health web pages
- AltVetMed Home Page
- information on complementary and alternative therapies
in veterinary medicine
- Orthopedic
Foundation for Animals or OFA - access to the OFA
Registry DataBase
- Dr. Jim's
Virtual Veterinary Clinic - pet questions answered by
Dr. Jim
- Your Animal's Health
-- with Dr. Wendell O. Belfield - information on
orthomolecular medicine
- TierVet-Vet Info -
a Veterinary Information Service
- The American Veterninary
Medical Association - breaking news, care for pets,
convention info, veterinary news including JAVMA, and
- Pet-Zone's
Health Tips for Dogs - index of dog health care
- Pfizer Animal Health
- with information on the new drug Rimadyl for
relieving pain and inflammation, a technical page on Rimadyl,
along with articles on arthitis
- The
Veterinary Acupuncture Page - educational material on
- The Deaf
Dogs Web Page - a resource for people who are living
with deaf dogs
searchable vet sites
- Cornell's
CONSULTANT - a diagnostic search tool for veterinary
- PetPath's
VetPedia Dog Search Page - search through articles
from The Well Dog Book
- VetMed-L
Discussion List Search - search messages in the VetMed-L
Archives for specific topics
- National
Library of Medicine's PubMed - search service, using
search strings like "topic[All] and dogs[All]"
- Veterinary
Oncology - OncoLink from the University of
Pennsylvania Cancer Center
- Veterinary
Oncology Topics - Caring for pets with Cancer
- Oncology
Gateway of the Veterinary Information Network -
resource on the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of
veterinary cancer patients
- Dogs Walk Against
Cancer - shares a portion of the proceeds with the
Donaldson-Atwood Cancer Clinic at the Animal Medical
fleas and ticks
- Fleas
and Flea Control - A lesson on flea control from
Companion Animal Dermatology
- Fleas
and Ticks - usenet flea and tick control FAQ
- Pet
Action League - Flea Control - opinions &
successful methods
- Flea Control
Recommendations - a guide to flea and tick products
- American
Lyme Disease Foundation - symtoms, precautions,
recommendations, vaccines, and other info on lyme disease
- Bio Flea Home Page
- information on flea and tick control
- rec.pets.dogs
Activities FAQ Homepage - includes FAQs on agility,
flyball, lure coursing, camping, frisbee, hiking,
Schutzhund, and more
- rec.pets.dogs
American Kennel Club FAQ - includes AKC information
on conformation, obedience, agility, tracking, herding,
- The Tracking Page
Fun with Your Dog
- Flyball
Home Page
- Agility-L
- Autumn
Winds Dog Agility Center Home Page
- Dog
Agility - includes information on agility elements
along with tons of links to agility information around
the world, handler's home pages, and clubs and training.
Home Page - North American Dog Agility Council
- The
French Ringsport Homepage
- Schutzhund
- Schutzhund-Schutzhund

- United
Schutzhund Clubs of America
- Mika
Myyry's Schutzhund Page
- International
Working Dogs Cyberzine
- rec.pets.dogs
Conformation FAQ
- Junior
Showmanship FAQ
- Dobermann
- Sport und Zucht -
- IDC-Worldchampionship
- Dogpatch Dog
Obedience and Training Page - tons of links to
mailing lists, basic training, advanced/competition,
clicker training, musical freestyle, training schools and
clubs, online superintendents, upcoming trials, on-line
products, and more
- B.C Dog
- rec.pets.dogs
Training Your Dog - covers topics such as attention,
correction, collar, commands, etc.
- rec.pets.dogs
Behavior: Understanding and Modifying - covers topics
such as dominance, aggression, housetraining, chewing,
biting, barking, digging, etc.
- Capital
Kennel Club of Juneau's Basic & Advanced Dog Training
- articles on puppy & basic obedience training along
with advanced & competition training
- Leerburg
Library Articles on Dog Training - articles on
protection training, police K-9 training, scent work,
Schutzhund, etc.
- Dr.
P's - Dog Training - articles on obedience,
protection, assistance dogs, tracking, etc.
- Heather
Nadelman's Obedience Home Page - info on rules,
events, awards, lists, merchandise, etc.
- Puppyworks -
sponsors events for dog trainers and behaviorists
- Don't Shoot The Dog!
- Karen Pryor's site for training with positive
- The Click &
Treat Home World - Gary Wilkes' clicker site with
seminars, products, articles, etc.
- Clicker
Training - Home of the Click-L email discussion list
- Helix's
Clicker Training Resources - includes Click-L FAQ,
list of clicker trainers, articles, and more
- The
Use of Operant Conditioning in Dog Training -
excerpts for the Click-L email discussion list
- American Dog
Trainers Network - resources, links, training,
article, helpline, and more
- Association
of Pet Behaviour Counsellors - info on pet behavior
and becoming a counselor
- Dogs
UK Dog Training - info on clubs, organizations, and
some specific articles
- Raising your dog
with the Monks of New Skete - thoughts, books,
Q&A, etc. from the Monks of New Skete
- A Dog and Cat
Behavior and Training Center by Perfect Paws -
articles dealing with various behaviors of puppies and
adult dogs
- Super Dog Pet
Dog Training - hints, techniques, local trainers,
books, etc.
- Canine
Freestyle Federation - organization dedicated to the
sport of Canine Freestyle
Just for Grins
Other Links
- DoberWorld Links
- Last modified: 12/05/2006
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