Here is some technical Information, for vehicles in Star Wars.
Included on this page are:
The Imperial Class 1 Star Destroyer
The Imperial Class 2 Star Destroyer
The Imperial Class 3 Star Destroyer
The Imperial Victory Class 1 Star Destroyer
The Imperial Victory Class 2 Star Destroyer
The generalised name of the Dodonna/Blissex RZ-1 Starfighter. It is a flat, one-man, wedged-shaped snub fighter built for the Alliance after the lost of the Hoth base and prior to the Battle of Endor. It is 9.6 meters in length, and was designed for interception and long-range reconnaissance. A unique feature of the A-wing is the short hydro-servo bearing installed in each wing tip, allowing the pilot to tilt the laser cannons up to 60 degrees up or down. Its top sublight speed is 120 MGLT, and can manoeuvre at 1,300 kilometres per hour in an atmosphere. It has limited navcomp capabilities, being able to calculate only 2 jumps before requiring recalibration.
It boasts the following shipboard systems:
- MPS Bpr-99 Power Core and Fusion Reactor
- Twin Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon Engines
- Torplex Rq9.Z Advanced Avionics Control
- Microaxial LpL-449 NavCom Unit
- Incom GBk-785 Hyperdrive Motivation Unit
- Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array Model Number PA-9r
- Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid Number PG-7u
- Fabritech ANq 3.6 Target Tracker
- 2 Borstel RG-9 Laser Cannons
- Dymek HM-6 Concussion Missile Launchers (up to 6)
- Sirplex Z-9 Shield Projector (50 SBD)
- Fabritech ANs-7e Sensor Unit
- IN-3444-B Sightline Holographic Crosshairs
- Titanium Alloy Hull (15 RU)
Imperial All-Terrain Armored Transport vehicle, an elephantine assault tank built at the Kuat Drive Yards. These 15-meter-tall machines lumber around on four articulated legs. They require a crew of three to operate, although much of the war machine's motion is controlled by sophisticated artificial intelligence. The AT-AT can carry up to 40 troops and 400 kilograms of cargo. Armed with two fire-linked heavy laser cannons and two fire-linked medium blasters on its head-like cockpit, the AT-AT was designed to inspire fear in the enemies of the Empire. General Veers was a proponent of the AT-AT, and purposely overlooked the fact that the AT-AT could be toppled by a cable wrapped around its legs. Although this weakness was used effectively by the Alliance on Hoth, the Empire continued to use the AT-AT to install fear.
All-Terrain Scout Transport vehicle; a two-legged version of the AT-AT, used as a scout vehicle and in areas where agility is required. The 8.6-meter-tall AT-ST was mass-produced by the Balmorrans. It has a crew of two, and can transport up to 40 kilograms of cargo. It is armed with a twin blaster cannon, and twin light blaster cannon, and a concussion grenade launcher.
Designed by Admiral Ackbar and the Verpine colonies of Slayn and Korpil as part of the Shantipole Project, the B-Wing (the B stands for blade) looks like like a flying cross, with the control pod at the top, retractable wings at the sides, and laser guns at the top and bottom. The canopy is also gyroscopically levelled by a unique stabilization mechanism that allows the entire ship to rotate around the canopy. This is difficult to maintain, and can leave the pilot disoriented if it locks up. The Quadex Kyromaster stardrive is located at the center of the cross. The whole ship flies sideways. The entire ship is 16.9 meters in length, at its longest dimension. Originally designed without a hyperdrive, it was later modified to include a hyperdrive and limited navcomp capabilities. It is limited to two hyperspace jumps before the navcomp requires recalibration. It can make 950 kilometres per hour in an atmosphere, and has been rated at 90 MGLT in open space. The B-Wing is equipped with active and passive sensors, a single laser cannon, two proton torpedo launchers, three fire-linked medium ion cannons, and two auto-blasters. The single laser cannon can be fired at low power in continuous mode, doing no damage but acting as a near-perfect targeting mechanism. While this makes the B-wing very effective, it also allows the enemy to effectively target the B-wing in return.
It is equipped with the following components:
- 3 Gyrhil R-9X Laser Cannons
- 1 Gyrhil 72 Twin Auto-blaster
- 3 ArMek SW-7a Ion Cannons
- 2 Krupx MG9 Proton Torpedo Launchers (6 torpedoes each)
- 4 Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust engines
- Slayn & Korpil HYd-997 Hyperdrive Motivator
- Fabritech ANv-9q Sensor System
- Fabritech ANq 3.6 Tracking Computer
- Long Range Phased Tachyon Array Model Number PH-5s
- Short Range Primary Threat Grid Model Number PK-8f
- Narmox HG.6w Flight Control Avionics Package
- Microaxial LpM-549 NavComp Unit
- Vinop O2K Cryogenic Power Cells and Ionization Reactor
- In-344-B Sightline Imaging System
- Sirplex Zr-41 Front- and Rear-projecting Shield Generators (125 SBD)
- Titanium Alloy Hull (60 RU)
- S-foils
Imperial Class I Star Destroyer
Built at the Kuat Drive Yards, this medium-duty Imperial capital ship is the version used in the Emperor Palpatine's Navy. The wedge-shaped Imperial-I class Star Destroyer measured 1,600 meters in length, and was manned by 36,810 crewers and 275 gunners. It could also transport up to 1,200 troops. Jedi Search quotes the Imperial-I class is manned by 37,000 crewers and can carry 9,700 troops. Its top sublight speed is 60 MGLT, and its hull has been rated at 150 RU.
It boasts the following shipboard systems:
- Om-Thaim Broadcast Banner Shield Generator (the round towers on top) rated at 300 SBD
- 60 Borstel NK-7 Ion Cannon Batteries
- 10 Phylon-Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors
- Seinar Fleet Systems I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor and Stardrive
- 60 Taim and Bak XX9 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
- LeGrange Targetting Computers
- Seinar Fleet Systems S-s3a Long Range Tachyon Detection Scanner
- Planetary Assault Units:
- 12 Landing Barges
- 20 AT-ATs
- 30 AT-STs
- Fighter Bays:
- 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons
- 2 TIE Interceptor Squadrons
- 1 TIE Bomber Squadron
- Landing Bays:
- 5 Assault Gunboats
- 8 Lambda-class Shuttles
- 15 Stormtrooper Transports
Other Star Destroyers that have been named in the various games and RPG materials, but do not have specified sources: Enforcer, Eradicator, Furious, Harasser, Revenge, Stalker, and Victorious.
Imperial Class II Star Destroyer
A modification to the incredibly effective Imperial-I class, the Imperial-II class only had 36,755 crewers, but 300 gunners. These 1,600-meter ships were equipped with 50 heavy turbolaser batteries, 50 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 ions cannons, and 10 tractor beam projectors.
Imperial Class III Star Destroyer
Development of this class of Star Destroyer was rumored to have taken place on Centurious, although the ship's existence has yet to be proven. The Imperial-III class ship was built from the Imperial-I design, with several key modifications. Much of the ship's systems were automated, reducing the crew requirements down to 5,005, with 263 gunners. Weaponry was restructured include 36 double turbolaser cannons, 30 turbolaser batteries, 20 heavy turbolaser cannons, 50 ion cannons, 10 tractor beam projectors, and six concussion missile tubes. On-board starship squadrons were also modified from the original, providing the Imperial-III class with enhanced mission profiling. Two standard TIE/Interceptor squadrons were stationed on it, along with one squadron each of A-9 Vigilance Interceptors, TIE/Advanced Fighters, Scimitar Assault Bombers, TIE/rc Fighters, and TIE/D fighters.
Han Solo's souped-up YT-1300 smuggling ship, which has been modified from its "original" specifications over the years. Han came to own it after winning it in a Sabacc game from Lando Calrissian. Lando had won the Falcon in an earlier sabac match, just before he started hunting for the Treasure of Rafa. He had no idea how to pilot it, but he recognized its abilities. As he grew to become a better pilot, Lando continued to upgrade the ship's systems, and it became his primary mode of transportation. After Han and Lando (had just completed a run of the Kessel Spice Mines together/got together on Bespin), Lando was in a gambling mood. He was running low on credits, so he added Han's choice of any ship in his used ship lot. Han chose the Falcon from among the junkers, much to Lando's dismay.
Once Han got control of it, he added a non-spec Imperial power plant and hyperdrive system, as well as an impressive amount of armament: upper and lower quad laser cannons, an underside sweep gun, multiple forward laser gun pods, and a pair of concussion missile tubes. The ship continued to astound those not familiar with its military-issue components and higher than normal lift/mass ratio. The ships' central ladderwell, leading to the upper and lower quad-laser cannons, is equipped with separate gravity generators, allowing the two people manning the cannons to operate in reciprocal gravity fields. After the Battle of Bakura, the Falcon was swapped back and forth by Han and Lando in a series of Sabacc matches. Lando won the Falcon finally, but opted to give it to Han as a gift, in order to end the inane series of card games.
The Millennium Falcon contains much of its original systems, as well as many modifications:
- Novaldex Stasis-type Shield Generator
- Koensayr TLB Power Converter
- Fabritech Sensor Array Controller/Interpreter
- Chedak Frequency Agile Subspace Radio
- Fabritech ANy-20 Active Sensor Package
- Imperial IFF Transponder
- Corellian Engineering Corporation Emergency Power Generator
- Taim and Bak Auto Blaster Cannon
- Quadex Power Core
- 2 Escape Pods
- Hanx-Wargel SuperFlow IV Shipboard Computer
- Torplex Tandem Flight Computer
- Incom N21-4 Power Converter
- Corellian Engineering Corporation Subspace Hyperdrive
- KDY Aft Deflector Shield Generator
- Seinar Fleet Systems Active Sensor Pulse Generator
- Cryonic Reserve Power Cells
- Torplex Fore Deflector Shield Generator
- Siep-Irol Passive Sensor Antenna
- Carbanti Signal-Augmented Sensor Jammer
- Carbanti 29L Electromagnetic Countermeasures Package
- Nordoxicon-38 Anti-concussion Field Generator (CPL)
- Corellstand C-8 Life Support System
- Arakyd Concussion Missile Launchers (2 racks of 4)
- Ion Flux Stabilizer with Alluvial Dampers
- KapriCorp Acceleration Compensator
- Microaxial HyD Modular NavCom Unit
- Gelieg 20m-Cp Strobe/C-beam Lamps
- Enlarged/modified Cargo Bay
- Ax-108 Surface Defense Cannon
Single-hulled attack ship with bent wings, it was built from a design developed by Darth Vader just prior the Battle of Yavin. Vader flew a prototype TIE/Ad in the battle, and following the loss of the Death Star, he worked with Seinar Fleet Systems to refine it. The 10-meter craft is quick and agile, rated at a top speed of 145 MGLT.
The TIE Advanced was equipped with the following shipboard components:
- Seinar Fleet Systems I-s3a Solar Ionization Reactor
- Seinar Fleet Systems P-sx7.4 Twin Ion Engines
- Seinar Fleet Systems F-s5x Flight Avionics Control
- Seinar Fleet Systems N-s6 NavCom Unit
- Seinar Fleet Systems ND9 Hyperdrive Activator Unit
- 4 Seinar Fleet Systems L-s9.3 Laser Cannons
- 2 Seinar Fleet Systems M-g-2 General Purpose Warhead Launchers
- Front/Rear Projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at 100 SBD)
- Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)
- Quadanium Steel Armored Solar Panels
Built by Seinar Fleet Systems, this version of the TIE fighter is a double-hulled bomber ship with bent wings for increased stability. It is 7.8 meters in large, is a single-pilot craft, and can make 80 MGLT at sublight speeds. It was designed for surgical strikes against ground and deep-space targets. It suffers in maneuverability due to its double-hulled configuration, but when complemented by TIE Fighters or TIE Interceptors, it makes a lethal combination. They have enhanced targetting capability, making them much more accurate than many capital ships. These ships eventually evolved into the Scimitar assault bomber.
It boasts the following shipboard systems:
- Seinar Fleet Systems P-s4 Twin Ion Engines
- Seinar Fleet Systems N-s4 NavCom Unit
- 2 Seinar Fleet Systems L-s1 Laser Cannons
- Seinar Fleet Systems M-s3 Concussion Missile Launchers (2 racks of 4)
- Seinar Fleet Systems I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor
- Seinar Fleet Systems F-s3.2 Avionics Control
- Seinar Fleet Systems T-s7b Targeting Computer
- Seinar Fleet Systems T-s5 Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 racks of 2)
- Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 50 RU)
- Quadanium Steel Armored Solar Panels
Sometimes called the TIE/ln starfighter, this was the first flat-winged, single-pilot TIE ship developed by Seinar Fleet Systems, and the basis for all other TIE ships. It is 6.3 meters in length, and can make 100 MGLT at sublight speeds. It has also been clocked at 1,200 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. Like all TIE ships, it has a titanium alloy hull and quadanium steel armored solar panels. Also like other TIE ships, it is built exclusively from Seinar Fleet Systems components, and lacks primary life support systems. It is a short-range starfighter, requiring a nearby base of operations from which to obtain fuel and guidance.
It also boasts the following shipboard systems:
- Seinar Fleet Systems T-s8 Targeting Computer
- Seinar Fleet Systems I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor
- Seinar Fleet Systems N-s6 NavCom Unit
- Seinar Fleet Systems P-s4 Twin Ion Engines
- Seinar Fleet Systems F-s3.2 Avionics Control
- 2 Seinar Fleet Systems P-w401 Ion Maneuvering Jets
- 2 Seinar Fleet Systems L-s1 Laser Cannons
- Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 15 RU)
- Quadanium Steel Armored Solar Panels
Built by Seinar Fleet Systems, these single-pilot bent-winged attack craft were designed so that the wings are longer in front than behind, and have been cut out at the front for better visibility. They are 9.6 meters in length, and can run at 110 MGLT at sublight speeds. They have been timed at 1,250 kilometers per hour in atmospheric conditions.
It boasts the following Shipboard systems:
- Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)
- Quadanium Steel Armored Solar Panels
- Seinar Fleet Systems I-a3b Solar Ionization Reactor
- Seinar Fleet Systems S-c4.1 Multi-range Tracking Array Grid
- Seinar Fleet Systems F-s4 Avionics Control
- Seinar Fleet Systems T-s9a Targeting Computer
- Seinar Fleet Systems P-s5.6 Twin Ion Engines
- Seinar Fleet Systems N-s6 NavCom Unit
- 4 Seinar Fleet Systems L-s9.3 Laser Cannons
Victory-I class Star Destroyer
A medium-duty Imperial capital ship, the Victory-class was the precursor to the Imperial class. It was designed by Walex Blissex and was commissioned into service near the end of the Clone Wars. It was manufactured by Rendili StarDrive, and was built to serve three purposes: planetary defense, planetary assault and ground troop support, and ship-to-ship combat. It can run at speeds up to .45 past lightspeed. The Victory-class measured 900 meters in length, and was manned by 4,798 crewers and 402 gunners. It could transport up to 2,040 troops, and held 8,100 metric tons of cargo. It was equipped with 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 40 double turbolaser batteries, 80 concussion missile tubes, and 10 tractor beam projectors. The Star Wars: Customizable Card Game states that the Victory-class Star Destroyer had the capability to operate in a planet's atmosphere.
Victory II-class Star Destroyer
a modification to the original Victory-class Star Destroyer, the Victory-II class was manned by 5,881 crewers but only 226 gunners. The Victory-II also measured 900 meters in length, and was 20 turbolaser batteries, 20 double turbolaser batteries, 10 ion cannons, and 10 tractor beam projectors.
Common name for the Incom T-65c A2 Starfighter, this is a 12.5 meter snub fighter with two wings that split in two by activating S-foils. This allows for greater maneuverability and firing accuracy; each of the split wings has its own laser cannon (total of four). It is a single-pilot ship, with an R2 astromech droid socket. The R2 unit is used in place of a navigationa computer. It is extremely maneuverable, even at its top sublight speed of 110 MGLT. It has also been clocked at 1,050 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere.
The X-Wing was designed by Incom just before the Empire stopped contracting out naval construction. The Empire believed that Incom was infiltrated by Alliance sympathizers, and relieved the X-Wing team of duty. The X-Wing team then defected to the Alliance, flying out with all the X-Wing prototypes and the starfighter's plans. Their parting gesture to the Empire was to destroy all records of the X-Wing in Incom and Imperial databases. The Alliance then began to produce the X-Wing themselves, recognizing its potential. It continued to gain acceptance after the Galactic Civil War due to its maneuverability and durability. Several upgrades and modifications from the liberated Incom design team didn’t yield major improvements until the advent of the T-65d A1, which eliminated the astromech droid in favor of more computer power to provide the pilot with more in-flight options in terms of maneuverability and management of shipboard resources.
The T-65c A2 boasts the following shipboard components:
- Incom GBk-585 Hyperdrive Motivation Unit
- Incom MKI Drive Module
- 4 wing-mounted Incom 4j.4 Fusial Thrust Engines (some models use Incom 4L4 Fusial thrusters)
- IN-344-B Sightline Holographic Crosshairs
- 4 Taim and Bak IX4 Laser Cannons (some models use Taim and Bak KX9 laser cannons)
- Fabritech ANq 3.6 Target Tracker
- Fabritech ANs-5d Sensor Unit
- Fabritech k-blakan Mini Sensor
- S-foil Activator
- Gax Revival Life Support System
- Guidenhauser Ejection Seat
- Novaldex O-4Z Ionization Reactor
- Chempat Defender Shield Projector (rated at 50 SBD)
- Cryogenic Power Cells
- Torplex Rq8.Y Avionics Control Package
- Carbanti Universal Transceiver Package
- Melihat Multi-Imager Dedicated Energy Receptor
- Tana Ire Electro-photo Receptor
- Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array Model Number PA-9r
- Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid Number PG-7u
- Bertriak Screamer Active Jammer
- Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 racks of 3)
- Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)
- Transparisteel Canopy
- R2 Astromech Navigation Droid
- 4 Exhaust Nacelles
- Sarylcorp Reactant Agitator Injector
- Surge Vent and Extinguisher
The common name of the Koensayr BTL Longprobe Starfighter. Originally designed for long range reconnaissance, this snub fighter has twin-propulsion systems behind a single cockpit. The BTL-A4 is a 16-meter-long, one-man fighter with space for an astromech droid. The BTL-S3 is a two-man fighter, also equipped with an astromech droid. They can make 80 MGLT at sublight speeds, and can maneuver at 1,000 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere.
It boasts the following shipboard systems:
- Gax Revival Life Support System
- R2 Astromech Unit for Navigation
- 2 ArMek SW4 Laser Cannons mounted on top
- Titanium Reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU)
- Thiodyne O-3R Ionization Reactor
- Koensayr R300-H Hyperdrive Motivation Unit
- Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array Model Number PA-9r
- Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid Number PG-7u
- 2 Disk Ventrals for maneuvering
- Cryogenic Power Cells
- Subpro NH-7 Avionics Control Package
- Fabritech ANs-5d Sensor Unit
- SI 5G7 Quickscan Vector Imaging Crosshairs
- 2 Koensayr R200 Ion Fission Engines
- 2 Taim and Bak KX5 Laser Cannons mounted on nose (early versions and many BTL-S3's used IX4 cannons)
- Novaldex Power Generator
- Chempat Shield Projector (rated at 75 SBD)
- 2 Exhaust Nacelles
- Fabritech ANc-2.7 Tracking Computer
- Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 racks of 4 each)
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