Here is some information on Star Wars A New Hope, including
Bits of information on A New Hope;
My favorite quotes from Star Wars - A New Hope
Bits of Information on Star Wars A New Hope
•Lucas had trouble getting funding for this movie, most studios thinking that people wouldn't go to see it.
•The Director's Guild of America (DGA) didn't like the fact that there were no specific credits at the beginning of the film. They ``ordered'' Lucas to recut the film and put some credits at the beginning. Lucas refused, claiming that this would destroy the opening of the film. The DGA fined Lucas, who paid up, and promptly quit the DGA.
•The Millenium Falcon was originally modelled after a hambuger with an olive next to it.
•Derived from (among other things) a Japanese movie called Hidden Fortress, The (1958). Obi Wan Kenobi was modeled after a Samurai warrior, and C-3PO and R2-D2 are derived from a couple of petty crooks he conscripted to help rescue a princess.
•The word ``Jedi'' is derived from the Japanese words ``Jidai Geki'' which translate as ``period drama.'' A period drama is a Japanese TV soap opera program set in the samurai days. Lucas mentioned in an interview that he saw a ``Jidai Geki'' program on TV while in Japan a year or so before the movie was made and liked the word.
•Sissy Spacek originally cast as Leia, but when Carrie Fisher refused to do the nude scenes in Carrie (1976), they swapped roles.
•Jodie Foster was Lucas' second option for Princess Leia, Christopher Walken was second in line for Han Solo. Lucas also considered Nick Nolte for the role of Solo.
•Burt Reynolds was originally cast as Han Solo, but he dropped out.
•A great deal of the film was shot by vintage 1950's VistaVision cameras, because they were of higher quality than any others available. After the film was released, the prices of these cameras skyrocketed.
•The episode number and subtitle ``A New Hope'' did not originally appear in the film's opening crawl. These were added in a later re-release to be consistent with those seen in Empire Strikes Back, The (1980).
•There is a rumor that while Lucas and a co-worker were editing American Graffiti (1973), the co-worker asked Lucas for ``Reel Two, Dialog Two'', which abbreviated to ``R2-D2'', a name which stuck in Lucas' mind.
•Scene of escape pod leaving Leia's ship was the first ever done by ILM.
•C-3PO originally scripted as a ``used car salesman'' type, and designed after the robot from Metropolis (1926).
•The Tatooine scenes were filmed in Tunisia. There is a town in Tunisia called ``Tatahouine''. Some of the interiors of Luke's house were filmed in a hotel in Tunisia.
•The sounds of the lasers were made by striking one of the guy wires of a power pylon.
•There is a rumor that Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) was having trouble timing his conversations with R2-D2, as R2-D2's dialog was to be dubbed in later. Supposedly, Daniels asked Lucas to make some kind of noise to help him, but when Lucas forgot, the matter was dropped.
•Chewbacca was modeled after Lucas' dog, Indiana.
•A scene where Jabba the Hutt confronts Han Solo in front of the Millenium Falcon was filmed with a human standin, but cut due to pacing problems. In the Special Edition the scene has been cut back in with a CGI Jabba.
•A small pair of metal dice can be seen hanging in the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon as Chewbacca makes preparations to depart from Mos Eisley. They don't appear in subsequent scenes.
•Han and Luke ``transfer'' Chewbacca from cell block 1138: Lucas directed a film called THX 1138 (1970). ``THX-1138'' was going to be the serial number of the guard with the faulty transmitter on the Death Star, but this was changed. •Harrison Ford deliberately didn't learn his lines for the intercom conversation in the cell block, so it would sound spontaneous.
•When the stormtroopers enter the room where C-3PO and R2-D2 are hiding, one of them ``accidentally'' bumps his head on the door, complete with sound effects.
•Scenes featuring Luke and his Tatooine friend ``Biggs'' were cut from the film. Biggs was a young pilot who left the Imperial Academy to join the Rebellion. Luke mentions him to his ``aunt'' and ``uncle'' during the breakfast scene, and the character later shows up as a Rebel pilot who accompanies Luke down the final run on the Death Star trench (and is killed by Darth Vader).
•James Earl Jones supplied the voice of Darth Vader, but specifically requested that he not be credited, as he felt he had not done enough work to get the billing. David Prowse was supposedly extremely annoyed at not being told that his voice would be dubbed.
•Cardboard cutouts are used for some of the background starfighters in the Rebel hanger bay.
•Mark Hamill held his breath for so long during the trash compactor scene that he broke a blood vessel in his face. Subsequent shots are from one side only.
•The final battle has been described as borrowed from Dam Busters, The (1954), but much more closely resembles one in 633 Squadron (1964).
•Most of the crowd watching the heroes receive their medallions are cardboard cutouts.
•It is rumoured that the shots of Owen and Beru's burning bodies were added to avoid an MPAA rating of ``G'', which it was believed would hurt ticket sales.
Cast list for Stars A New Hope
Here is a cast list of the characters in the film eventually I shall have a separate page for each of the main characters.
Performer Character
Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford - Han Solo
Carrie Fisher - Princess Leia Organa
Peter Cushing - Grand Moff Tarkin
Alec Guinness - Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
Anthony Daniels - See Threepio (C3P0)
Kenny Baker - Artoo-Detoo (R2D2)
Peter Mayhew - Chewbacca
David Prowse - Lord Darth Vader
Phil Brown Uncle - Owen Lars
Shelagh Fraser - Aunt Beru Lars
Jack Purvis - Chief Jawa
Alex McCrindle - General Dodonna
Eddie Byrne - General Willard
Drewe Henley - Red Leader
Denis Lawson - Red Two (Wedge)
Garrick Hagon - Red Three (Biggs)
Jack Klaff - Red Four (John D)
William Hootkins - Red Six (Porkins)
Angus MacInnes - Gold Leader
Jeremy Sinden - Gold Two
Graham Ashley - Gold Five
Don Henderson - General Taggi
Richard LeParmentier - General Motti
Leslie Schofield - Commander No. 1
James Earl Jones - Voice of Darth Vader
Credits List, Star Wars A New Hope
Producer - Gary Kurtz
Director - George Lucas
Screenwriter - George Lucas
Editor - Paul Hirsch, Marcia Lucas, Richard Chew
Cinematographer - Gilbert Taylor
Composer - John Williams
Production designer - Jonathan Barry
Art design - Norman Reynolds, Leslie Dilley
Set designer - Roger Christian
Special effects - Rick Baker, John Dykstra, Joe Johnston
Stunts - Peter Diamond
Makeup - Stuart Freeborn, Douglas Beswick
Costumes - John Mollo, Ron Beck
Animator - Adam Beckett
Awards that A New Hope has won
Nominated for Picture 1977: Gary Kurtz - Producer
Won seven Awards.
Nominated for Supporting Actor 1977: Sir Alec Guinness
Nominated for Director 1977: George Lucas
Nominated for Writing - Screenplay (Written Directly For The Screen) 1977: George Lucas
Art Direction 1977: John Barry - Art Direction, Norman Reynolds - Art Direction, Leslie Dilley - Art Direction, Roger Christian - Set Decoration
Costume Design 1977: John Mollo
Film Editing 1977: Marcia Lucas, Paul Hirsch, Richard Chew
Music - Original Score 1977: John Williams
Sound 1977: Don MacDougall, Ray West, Bob Minkler, Derek Ball
Visual Effects 1977: John Stears, John Dykstra, Richard Edlund, Grant McCune, Robert Blalack
Special Achievement 1977: Ben Burtt - Sound Effects
For the creation of the alien, creature and robot voices featured in STAR WARS.
Quotes from Star Wars - A New Hope
Here is a list of my favorite quotes from the A New Hope
Han Solo: Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs. I told you I'd outrun 'em. [Nobody is listening.] Don't everyone thank me at once.
Han Solo: Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
Luke Skywalker: I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you.
C-3PO: We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.
Princess Leia Organa: Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi: For more than a thousand generations the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. Before the dark times. Before the Empire.
Luke: How did my father die?
Obi-Wan: A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.
Obi-wan Kenobi: Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Obi-wan Kenobi: The Force can have a strong influence on a weak mind.
Han Solo: Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're lookin' for passage to the Alderaan system?
Obi-wan Kenobi: Yes indeed, if it's a fast ship.
Han Solo: Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?
Luke Skywalker: What a piece of junk!
Han Solo: She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.
Han Solo: Watch your mouth, kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home.
Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Darth Vader: Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
Princess Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
C-3PO: Listen to them, they're dying, R2! Curse my metal body! I wasn't fast enough! It's all my fault! My poor master!
[Referring to Ben Kenobi.]
Tarkin: If you're right, he must not be allowed to escape.
Darth Vader: Escape is not his plan. I must face him. Alone.
[Two stormtroopers are posted near the tractor beam power terminal.]
Stormtrooper: Do you know what's going on?
Other stormtrooper: Maybe it's another drill.
Darth Vader: I sense something. A presence I've not felt since...
Obi-wan Kenobi: You must learn the ways of the Force if you are to come with me to Alderaan.
C-3PO: Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!
C-3PO: We're doomed!
Han Solo: Wonderful girl! Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her.
Han Solo: Damn fool, I knew you were going to say that.
Obi-wan Kenobi: Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?
Han Solo: Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy.
Leia: Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
Han Solo: Get in there you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!
Han: This is not going to work.
Luke: Why didn't you say so before?
Han: I did say so before!
[Princess Leia gets her first look at the Millennium Falcon.]
Princess Leia: You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!
[Luke blows up his first TIE fighter.]
Luke Skywalker: Got 'im! I got 'im!
Han Solo: Great, kid! Don't get cocky!
Princess Leia Organa: If money is all you love, then that's what you'll receive.
[After a successful rescue of Princess Leia.]
Luke Skywalker: So, what do you think of her, Han?
Han Solo: I'm tryin' not to, kid.
Luke Skywalker: [sotto voce] Good.
Han Solo: [baiting him] Still, she's gotta lot of spirit. I don't know, whaddya think? You think a princess and a guy like me -
Luke Skywalker: [quickly] No.
Darth Vader: The Force is strong with this one.
Darth Vader: Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans. And bring me the passengers, I want them alive!
Princess Leia: Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold.
[R2-D2 and Chewbacca are playing the holographic game aboard the Millennium Falcon.]
Chewbacca: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh
C-3PO: He made a fair move. Screaming about it can't help you.
Han Solo: Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Wookiee.
C-3PO: But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid.
Han Solo: That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.
Chewbacca: Grrf.
C-3PO: I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Wookiee win.
Darth Vader: When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.
Han Solo: Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.
Princess Leia Organa: That doesn't sound too hard.
Darth Vader: Your powers are weak, old man.
Ben (Obi-wan) Kenobi: You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Ben (Obi-wan) Kenobi: The Force will be with you, always.
Luke Skywalker: I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters.
Officer: We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by?
Governor Tarkin: Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.
Ben (Obi-wan) Kenobi: Use the Force, Luke!
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