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3PO droids were designed to be very good with languages. Since they are required in a number of translator roles by humans, they were built to be humanoid in stature. C-3PO was activated around 95 PE. He is gold in color, and was built as a protocol droid. He was teamed up with an astromech droid named R2-D2 some years before the Battle of Yavin, and the two had many adventures avoiding Olag Greck in the Kalarba System. C-3PO was the victim of tampering by Movo Brattakin, who inserted an initiative submodule in his leg to help expose Greck and Jace Forno on Boonda the Hutt's moon. After these adventures, C-3PO was eventually assigned to use in the Imperial Senate, translating the proceedings for a number of alien ambassadors. It was during this time that he became "friends" with R2-D2, one of the Navy's astromech droids. Even though they had separate functions and programming, they maintained their version of friendship. Note that, despite what the Droids comics say about their meeting, the Star Wars Radio Drama infers that C-3PO nad R2-D2 didn't meet until C-3PO was assigned as R2-D2's translator during routine labor assigning on the Tantive IV.
When the Senator Palpatine began to gain his power, the growing Alliance took Threepio under their domain and assigned him to mediate the various agreements between the Alliance and alien worlds. One such mission led him onto the Tantive IV, where he was tagging along with R2-D2 one too many times. When Artoo escaped from the ship in an escape pod, Threepio followed him, fearing that the Empire would only melt him down.
Since then, he has been owned by Luke Skywalker following his auction at the hands of one of Tatooine's roving Jawa clans. Luke is C-3PO's 43rd master, having been owned by diplomats and starshipwrights before then. He has helped Luke whenever possible, and has also maintained his friendship with Artoo, although (just like old friends) they constantly bicker at each other.
The novel The New Republic states that C-3PO was three models out of date, some seventeen years after the Battle of Endor. This is unusual, given that C-3PO is well over 120 years old at the time. C-3PO was portrayed by Anthony Daniels in all three Star Wars films as well as for both Star Wars radio dramas on National Public Radio.
Lando Calrissian is a dark-skinned, human male from an undisclosed world. Born during the later years of the Old Republic, Lando grew into a gambler and con-artiste, smoking cigars and learning how to play sabacc and win regularly. Never one to stay in any single place too long, Lando made more friends than enemies in his early years roaming the galaxy. Ever the gambler, Lando considered himself the Commander of Staves, a sabacc card that often showed up in the fortunes told about him with the sabacc deck. When a perfect hand of sabacc won him ownership of the Millennium Falcon, Lando's life tooka strange turn. He was never much of a pilot, and his first flight went off-course, bringing him to the Oseon System. A few games of sabacc later, Lando had won the strange droid Vuffi Raa, and was launched into a series of adventures. As was par for the course, Lando made a few more enemies during this time, the greatest of which was the Tund Sorcerer Rokur Gepta. Gepta pursued Lando across the galaxy after Lando loosed the Mindharp of the Sharu from its hiding place; Gepta wanted the artifact for himself. After getting stuck in one of the Oseon's Flamewinds, Gepta nearly killed Lando in an elaborate plot.
By this time, Lando was beginning to feel his own mortality, and when he and Vuffi Raa encountered the Oswaft, he sympathized for them enough to try and run the Imperial blockade of their home and bring them food. Gepta again nearly killed Lando at the ThonBoka, but Lando was able to overcome the Sorcerer and eliminate him. After this, Lando began honing his business skills, and he used the Millennium Falcon to start a small transport operation. It was during this time that a young smuggler named Han Solo beat him at sabacc. Lando had offered up Han's pick of the starships in Lando's personal fleet, hoping that Han would pick one of the shiny new ships over the battered Falcon. Han's nose for starships led him to choose the old freighter, and Lando was left to his newer, less friendly ships. Using his nose for business, Lando learned of the tibanna gas mines near Bespin, and set out to see them for himself. He ended up winning Cloud City in a sabacc match, and his growing business acumen allowed him to turn the mining outpost into a profitable operation. However, when Boba Fett later traced the Millennium Falconback to Cloud City, Lando's string of hard-luck business ventures began. Darth Vader commandeers Cloud City in order to capture Luke Skywalker and Lando was forced to evacuate the outpost.
After seeing Han Solo frozen in carbonite and Cloud City overrun by stormtroopers, Lando signed up with the Alliance, and became one of the Alliance's best generals, leading a number of missions to success, including the bombing run on the second Death Star orbitting over the forest moon of Endor. Following the destruction of that Death Star and the fall of the Empire, Lando returned to Cloud City, but was unable to make the operation profitable. Using a set of plans and ideas he borrowed from Cloud City's founder, Ecclessis Figg, Lando started The Nomad City mining operation on Nkllon. In another stroke of bad luck, Grand Admiral Thrawn first stole most of his mole miners, then disabled the mobile city in a strafing run. Lando was forced to abandon the mining operation before Nkllon's intense primary star fried it to ashes.
After assisting the New Republic in the defeat of Thrawn, Lando tried his best to win the heart of Mara Jade. He succeeded only in gaining her as a business partner, as the two joined their collective resources to try and re-establish the spice mines of Kessel as a legal operation. This failed, as the galaxy no longer felt the need to indulge in artificial pleasures. Down on his luck, Lando set up camp on the planet Coruscant, and began working on Dometown, an underground city that was not too affluent but could cater to the upper-middle class. He only needed financial support, and devised a plan where he would marry a rich woman who could support his monetary needs while turning a profit with him. He was temporarily thwarted in this endeavor by the secession of the Corellian Sector from the New Republic, as his prospective bride was a native of a Corellian planet. Lando Calrissian was portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, as well as for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
Born on Kashyyyk around 183 PE, Chewbacca (Chewie, for short) grew up without a great deal of human intervention. He excelled the various hand-to-hand combat skills a Wookiee is taught, and also gained a great deal of mechanical aptitude. At the age of 80 (WEG has him leaving at age 50, SWSE at 80), he left Kashyyyk to explore the stars. For 60 years (WEG says 140, SWSE says 60 years), he answered to no one but himself, until the Empire declared Wookiees a slave commodity. Chewie captured as a rogue Wookiee and imprisoned, where her heard about the Imperial mandate, and he spent the next 30 years doing hard labor in the Empire's slave camps. Chewie was doomed to a short life when he was rescued by an Imperial Navy trainee named Han Solo. Chewie claimed a lifedebt to Han, and the two fled Imperial observation and began living underground as smugglers. Chewie's physical strength and mechanical abilities made him a formidable partner, and he and Han had many adventures during the 15 years prior to taking on Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker for passage to Alderaan. Chewie's actions in rescuing Princess Leia and helping Han Solo give Luke some breathing room during the Battle of Yavin earned him a commendation from the Alliance. His life-debt to Han Solo kept Chewie active. Following Han's need to repay Jabba the Hutt, he continued to help the Alliance, becoming a part of the ground assault team that disabled the shield generator on Endor's Sanctuary moon, allowing the Alliance to destroy the second Death Star.
Following the formation of the New Republic and Han's resignation from the Republic, Chewie and Han continued to assist the Republic as pilots, and Chewie was forced to expand his hnor family to include Princess Leia following her marriage to Han Solo. Chewie's family continued to grow after the births of Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo. Chewie became a guardian of Jacen and Jaina after their return from Anoth, but the siblings eluded him and got lost in the underground of Imperial City. Chewie and C-3PO managed to find them.
On a vacation flight to Kessel with Han, Chewie and Han were shot down over the planet and forced to work in the spice mines. Their escape led them to the Maw Installation, and a group of Wookiee slaves still under Imperial domination. After convincing the Republic's leaders that they needed to establish an occupation of the Installation, Chewie also lobbied for the Republic to rescue the enslaved Wookiees. He was granted permission to accompany the occupation team and free the Wookiees. He was successful in rescuing the Wookiees, and helped get them out of the Installation before Daala destroyed it. Chewbacca was portrayed by Peter Mayhew in all three Star Wars films.
Boba Fett was at one time the Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel. There are also rumors that Feet was an extremely dedicated Imperial stormtrooper who, for reasons known only to him, attacked and killed his superior officer. These rumors have never been substantiated. It is known that Jaster Mereel killed a corrupt Protector but was imprisoned for the murder anyway. He was exiled from the planet Concord Down, and found employment as a bounty hunter, learning the skills that would make him a formidable adversayr in the future. In his travels, Boba Fett acquired a full suit of Mandalorian Shock Trooper armor. The unique weapons systems of the armor suited a number of purposes, including enhancement of his arsenal as well as increasing the mystique behind his reputation. He also acquired an old Kuat Systems Engineering Firespray-class ship, which he named Slave-I and had heavily modified.
As his proficiency as a bounty hunter grew, so did his reputation. It grew sufficiently that he was one of the bounty hunters commissioned by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millennium Falcon. This occurred at about the same time as Jabba The Hutt hired him to capture Solo. These two commissions fit together perfectly for Boba Fett, who used his knowledge of Han Solo's background to predict Han's maneuver of floating away with the Avenger's garbage, and tracked the Falcon to Bespin and Cloud City. Boba Fett then took possession of Han's frozen body and returned to Tatooine, only to be intercepted over the desert world by IG-88. In a brief firefight, Boba Fett was able to destroy IG-88's ship, but Slave-I was so damaged that landing on Tatooine would be impossible. So, Fett travelled to the Outer Rim world of Zhar, and landed on Gall. There, he was further beset by bounty hunters, including Zuckuss and 4-LOM, who wanted to steal Solo's body. Fett managed to escape them as well, only to be assaulted by Alliance starfighters from Rogue Squadron. Fett managed to escape them as well, and managed to return Solo to Jabba the Hutt, collecting the large bounty on Han's head to go with his Imperial payment. Jabba the offered him a large sum of money to remain on Tatooine as his personal bounty hunter. Although the work was extremely simple for Fett, he knew that there would be a rescue attempt made on Solo, and he wanted to be there when it happened. After slightly underestimating Leia's disguise as Boussh, Boba Fett's instincts went into overdrive, and he was ready when Luke Skywalker showed up at Jabba's palace. Unfortunately for Boba Fett, when Luke, Han, and Chewie were about to be thrown into the Sarlacc pit, Fett's rocket backpack was accidentally activated by the then-blind Han Solo. Fett careened into the side of Jabba's sail Barge and was knocked unconscious. Fett was thought to have been killed in the Sarlacc pit, but he re-emerged on Nar Shaddaa, claiming that the Sarlacc found him undigestible. He limped to Nar Shaddaa in a damaged Slave-1, and commandeered a second ship for his use. He designated this ship Slave-II, and was again commissioned by the Hutts, this time to kill Solo once and for all. He almost succeeded at Nar Shaddaa, but was again thwarted. When Han Solo and Princess Leia returned to Nar Shaddaa to take Vima-Da-Boda into custody, Boba Fett again nearly captured Solo, but Chewbacca overpowered him, ripping off his helmet and igniting his rocket-pack. Fett careened into the ceiling of the spaceport's lowest levels and was knocked unconscious. It is believed that he sustained near-fatal head injuries.
Boba Fett was portrayed by Jeremy Bulloch in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. He was also portrayed by Alen Rosenburg for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
Obi-Wan was the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and he was a fast learner. He sailed through his education at the Academy, and was praised by his family as well as his acquaintances in the Old Republic. His ability to control the Force was also evident, and he was recruited into the ranks of the Jedi Knights. As a young Jedi, Obi-Wan was trained by Yoda, and quickly learned the value of patience and hard work in understanding the Force. As a Jedi and as a Soldier, Obi-Wan was promoted to General in the Old Republic, and gained acclaim during the Clone Wars, fighting along side Anakin Skywalker and Bail Organa. Following the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan tried to train his friend Anakin in the ways of the Force, but could not control his young student's need for more and more instruction. Anakin was brash and headstrong, and the discipline needed to master the Light Side were too much for him. Anakin became a pupil of Senator Palpatine, and Obi-Wan was powerless to stop his descent to the Dark Side.
Obi-Wan tried everything he could to reason with Anakin and return him to the Light Side, but to no avail. Following a particularly heated argument, Anakin and Obi-Wan found themselves drawing their lightsabers and dueling ferociously. As luck would have it, Anakin faltered, and fell into a pit of molten lava. Obi-Wan, already distraught for his failing to keep Anakin in the Light Side, tried to rescue his friend by pulling him from the searing lava and returning him to the Old Republic's cybernetic surgeons. However, Obi-Wan was suspicious of the new Emperor Palpatine's sway over Anakin, and quickly surmised that the Emperor would stop at nothing to avenge his pupil's injuries. Obi-Wan quickly discussed a plan with Bail Organa and other Republic members before whisking Anakin's wife and unborn twins away from the Emperor. He persuaded Bail Organa to take in the young mother and her daughter. He then fled to Tatooine, where he convinced his brother, Owen Lars, and his wife, Beru, to take in the infant son of Anakin. Obi-Wan then hid himself in the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine, assuming the name Ben and promoting the image of a crazy old hermit.
When Artoo-Detoo delivered a message from the daughter of Anakin Skywalker almost 20 years later, Obi-Wan was forced out of hiding. He enlisted the aid of Luke Skywalker - Anakin's son - in seeing the plans to the first Death Star safely to Alderaan. When this plan was foiled, Obi-Wan saw that he must sacrifice himself for the greater good of the Alliance. In a great lightsaber duel with his former friend Anakin Skywalker - who was now the infamous Darth Vader - Obi-Wan martyred himself, thus allowing his spirit-self to become one with the Force. This allowed him to continue to assist Luke's development as a Jedi while remaining hidden from the eyes of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.
Obi-Wan's spirit visited Luke on Hoth, after Luke's escape from the Wampa Ice Creature. He told Luke to go to Dagobah and seek out Yoda, for Obi-Wan sensed that his old master yet lived, and could help Luke ascend to the ranks of the Jedi Knights. Obi-Wan Kenobi was portrayed by Sir Alec Guinness in the three Star Wars films. Obi-Wan was also portrayed by Bernard Behrens in the Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
Bail Organa was a youth when the hierarchy of Alderaan was thrown into a huge debate about the ascendancy. There were a number of royal families that held claims to the throne of Viceroy of Alderaan, and each of the families was eager to get its own candidate named to the position. After a lot of political backstabbing and lobbying, the Old Republic was called in and, with the help of the Jedi Knights, finally decided that the Organa family were the rightful successors to the seat of Viceroy. Bail quickly asserted himself as a high-ranking graduate from the Academy, and became famous for his valor in the Clone Wars, where he fought along side the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and the young pilot Anakin Skywalker. When Bail assumed the title of Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan, he also gained a seat on the Imperial Senate, and was soon engrossed in the new form of politics being played by Senator Palpatine and his supporters. Organa was against the ambitious Senator and his cronies, and fought to oppose them. However, it soon became evident that Palpatine was growing in power, and that the Old Republic was rotting from the inside out. Organa was desperate, and turned to the growing resistance as an outlet for his anger. Along with Mon Mothma, Bail worked to solidify the resistance.
It was about this time that Anakin Skywalker was nearly killed, and Obi-Wan Kenobi consulted him about hiding Anakin's children from the Emperor. Bail agreed to take in Anakin's wife and daughter. He raised Anakin's daughter as his own, and thereby introduced Leia to the world of Imperial politics and, also, the Alliance. As Bail's faith in his daughter grew, he began assigning her more and more Alliance-related missions, until that fateful mission when he asked her to pick up the stolen Death Star plans and enlist Obi-Wan Kenobi out of hiding. When Leia was intercepted by Darth Vader and later tortured aboard the Death Star, Bail continued to assist the Alliance up until Grand Moff Tarkin decided to unveil the Death Star's power by destroying the planet Alderaan in an effort to get Leia to talk. Bail was killed in the destruction.
The daughter of Anakin Skywalker, and twin sister to Luke Skywalker, Leia was separated from her brother at birth in an effort to hide their potential Force-sensitivity. She and her mother were hidden with Bail Organa on the planet Alderaan, where she grew up in the political atmosphere surrounding an Imperial Senator. Leia herself grew proficient in the world of politics, and eventually became a Senator herself. Her mother became Alderaan's Mistress of Education, but died while Leia was still young. Once Leia saw the internal corruption that Emperor Palpatine was fomenting, she quickly turned her idealistic mind to the growing Alliance to Restore the Republic. She became very active in the Alliance, and was chosen to escort the stolen plans to the first Death Star to their final destination. After being captured by Darth Vader and tortured, her homeworld of Alderaan was destroyed by Grand Moff Tarkin. This only hardened her resolve, and crystallized her desire to overthrow the Empire.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Leia began to fall in love with Han Solo. The bounty on his life, however, separated them until Leia could gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace and rescue him, with the help of Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian. She then helped the Alliance prepare for the Battle of Endor, and even was a member of Han's ground assault team. Her communication with the Ewoks led to the cooperation of the two forces against the Empire, and helped the Alliance destroy the second Death Star. She then led the team assigned to the Bakura situation, and successfully teamed up with the Imperial forces there to defeat the Ssi-ruuk.
During Warlord Zsinj's reign, she appealed to the Hapans for aid in overthrowing Zsinj. They Hapans agreed to help, but only if she were to marry the crown prince, Isolder. This led to the discovery of her love for Han, as well as the Witches of Dathomir. In the end, Isolder shook off his mother's mantle and agreed to help the Alliance without marrying Leia, and he gladly gave her hand to Han Solo.
Leia's marriage to Han Solo produced three Force-sensitive children: Jaina and Jacen (twins) and young baby Anakin. She worked hard to keep both Admiral Thrawn and Caridan Ambassador Furgan from kidnapping them by hiding them on Anoth with her childhood friend Winter. Following the birth of Jacen and Jaina, Leia and Luke used their combined powers to destroy the reborn Emperor Palpatine on Byss. After the birth of baby Anakin, Leia assumed the role of Chief of State of the New Republic when Mon Mothma stepped down. Leia Organa is portrayed by Carrie Fisher in all three Star Wars films. Leia was also portrayed by Ann Sachs for the Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back Radio Dramas on National Public Radio.
A Senator in the Old Republic, instrumental in the birth of the Empire. As Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Empire. A student in the ways of the Dark Side of The Force. He was a xenophobe, though he used aliens when it suited him. Through his use of the Dark Side, he gained a large body of knowledge on the use of clones to become virtually immortal. The fresh supply of new bodies ensured that the destructive power of the Dark Side never killed him. Early in his tenure as Emperor, Palpatine recognized the strength of Anakin Skywalker, and twisted the young Jedi to the Dark Side of the Force. The Emperor used Sith magics to recover Anakin's body, following a duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and revive it. The new spirit discarded its old name and became Darth Vader. Palpatine taught Vader in the ways of the Dark Side, but was always wary of the possibility that Vader might have had children. Palpatine ruled the galaxy as Emperor for nearly 25 years, until he was killed by Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star, over the Forest Moon of Endor. Palpatine's body was consumed by the fierce power generators in the battle station, but his spirit survived. It took the disembodied Palpatine so long to reach the planet Byss that he was nearly drained of any power in the Dark Side. Once on Byss, though, he was able to contact Sate Pestage, who readied a new cloned body for the Emperor.
Palpatine spent years recovering his powers in the Dark Side, all the while watching the Empire crumble under the sheer luck of the New Republic. He had hopes for Grand Admiral Thrawn, but the alien's death only helped Palpatine gain more power. When he emerged from hiding on Byss, he sought to retake the galaxy using World Devastators. He was also trying to turn Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side, which he nearly succeeded in doing. However, the presence of Luke's sister, Leia Organa, and her unborn child pulled Luke back to the Light Side. Together, they turned the Emperor's rage back on himself, and destroyed yet another incarnation on the evil Emperor. Since this last body was killed on Byss, Palpatine had an easier time placing his spirit into a new clone. However, Luke managed to destroy all of the remaining clones Palpatine had ready for use, and so when his body began to deteriorate, he started searching for Anakin Solo again. He quickly began launching new attacks against the New Republic, this time with a weapon known as the Galaxy Gun. Skywalker enlisted the aid of the Ysanna - a race of Force-sensitives descended from ancient Jedi stock - as well as the assistance of Empatajayos Brand, to confront the Emperor on Onderon. There, Palpatine's dying body tried desperately to reach Anakin Solo. Brand intervened, though, and consumed the Emperor's spirit within his own. Both Brand and Palaptine died on Onderon. Clive Revill supplied Palpatine's voice in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, while Ian McDiarmid portrayed the Emperor himself in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Palpatine was also portrayed by Paul Hecht for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
Artoo is an astromech utility droid, and was used extensively by the Old Republic as a starship maintenance droid. His knowledge of starship programming made him an invaluable resource to the flight crews of the Republic. When the Alliance decide that it was time to break away from the Empire and launch an all-out attack, they used Artoo as a decoy. They figured that most people - even the Imperials - wouldn't suspect that a lowly astromech droid was carrying the top-secret plans to the first Death Star. When the consular ship was intercepted while trying to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi and deliver the plans to him, Artoo's mission was modified. Instead of just holding the Death Star plans, he was also programmed by Princess Leia to seek out Obi-Wan and enlist his aid without human assistance. Artoo jettisoned from the ship along with his good friend, the protocol droid C-3PO, and they landed on Tatooine. After being sold at a Jawa auction to Luke Skywalker, Artoo couldn't trust Luke, and sought Obi-Wan himself. This led to Artoo's almost being destroyed by the Sand People, but Obi-Wan rescued them, and the rest is history. Following the Battle of Yavin, Artoo had to be refitted a number times from damage sustained as Luke's X-wing astromech droid. Artoo has nevertheless remained a loyal droid, lending his assistance whenever necessary. Artoo-Detoo was portrayed by Kenny Baker in all three Star Wars films.
Anakin was a brash young pilot who joined the Old Republic as a fighter pilot, gaining recognition during his education at the Academy and then during the Clone Wars. His uncanny skill as a pilot did not escape notice, and he was approached by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was a Jedi Knight who fought with Anakin during the Clone Wars. Kenobi thought that he could teach Anakin how to become a Jedi just as well as Yoda had taught him, but he was unable to keep up with Anakin's desire to learn more. For Anakin was still a brash young man, and the barriers of patience and hard work seemed to stifle his growing proficiency in the Force. It was about this time that Senator Palpatine also noticed the young Anakin. Sensing the Force within him, Palpatine also sensed Anakin's desire to learn quickly. He introduced Anakin to the wonders of the Dark Side of The Force, and Anakin was hooked. He realized that, with the power of the Force behind him, he would be able to provide for himself and his pregnant wife. There would be nothing to hinder him, and his security seemed assured. He became Palpatine's student, and the fall from the Light Side to the Dark Side happened so quickly that Kenobi was powerless to stop it. Kenobi pleaded with Anakin to return to the Light Side, but Anakin would have no part of it.
After a heated argument, Anakin and Kenobi confronted each other in a vicious lightsaber duel. They were evenly matched physically, but Obi-Wan's knowledge of the Force was much greater than Anakin's, and Kenobi was able to maintain his strength. A coincidence led to their battle nearing a pit of molten lava, and Anakin misplaced his footing. He fell into the pit, and was seared alive.
Obi-Wan, seeing that he had a single chance to save his friend and return him to the Light Side, pulled the burning Anakin from the pit. He returned to the Old Republic, where a tram of cybernetic surgeons worked furiously to save him. The newly-promoted Emperor Palpatine spared no expense in trying to save Anakin. This was noted by Kenobi, who realized that Anakin would see Palpatine as a savior. Kenobi then fled with Anakin's wife, hiding her and her unborn twins on remote worlds, out of the Emperor's watchful sight. Palpatine, upon Anakin's recovery, re-introduced Anakin to the Dark Side of the Force. This eventually led to Anakin's acceptance of the Sith training and lore, and sometime during this training Anakin Skywalker ceased to exist. He became Darth Vader, and rose to become a Dark Lord of the Sith. As such, he also became Palpatine's minion, and became the Emperor's tool. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Palpatine was able to discover that Anakin had had a son. He used this knowledge to help secure his hold on the former Anakin Skywalker, as well as a way to help turn Luke to the Dark Side. The Light Side of Anakin Skywalker seemed to try and return to the surface, and Vader was faced with a crisis. During the Battle of Endor, Luke managed to get the Light Side of Anakin to re-assert itself, and as the Emperor was trying to kill Luke, Anakin rose up and threw the Emperor down the Death Star's power shaft. The life-support systems that kept Darth Vader alive, however, were seriously damaged by the Emperor's Force lightning, and failed. Anakin died soon after Luke removed the facemask to allow Anakin to see his son with his own eyes. Anakin was portrayed by Sebastian Shaw in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
Luke is the son of Anakin Skywalker, and the twin brother to Princess Leia Organa. He was separated from his sister just after their birth, in order to conceal his potential Force-sensitivity from the Emperor and Darth Vader. He was hidden on the planet Tatooine by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and lived his early years under the watchful eyes of Owen and Beru Lars. Luke was an eager boy, and was always flying his T-16 skyhopper in the canyons near his home while dreaming of being a starpilot at the Academy. Known as Wormie by his friends, he was a reckless youth whose best friend was Biggs Darklighter. When Biggs went off to the Academy, and later the Alliance, Luke felt that he was being mistreated by his Uncle, who annually refused to allow Luke to enroll. Fate and fortune intervened, however, when Owen purchased two well-worn droids named Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio. With their purchase, Luke was catapulted into the midst of the Alliance. Obi-Wan Kenobi began to instruct Luke in the use of The Force.
Luke then rescued Princess Leia from the first Death Star with the help of Han Solo. Following Kenobi's death, Luke destroyed the Death Star by calling on The Force. Later, Luke was visited by Kenobi's spirit, and directed to the planet Dagobah, where Luke trained under the Jedi Master Yoda. Following Yoda's death, Luke became the last of the Jedi Knights. He used his new-found strength to defeat Emperor Palpatine and turn Darth Vader from the Dark Side of the Force, returning Anakin Skywalker to the Light Side. In the years following the formation of the New Republic, Luke was instrumental in the New Republic's defeat of the Ssi-ruuk, the reborn Palpatine, as well as Imperial Admirals Thrawn and Daala. Luke continued his training on his own, and eventually became a Jedi Master. He set up a new Jedi Academy on Yavin's fourth moon, and began teaching the ways of The Force to a new set of Jedi Knights. Luke Skywalker is portrayed by Mark Hamill in the three Star Wars Ailms, as well as for the Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back Radio Dramas on National Public Radio.
Han Solo was born on Corellia. He was a good student, and caught the eye of Imperial Senator Garm Bel Iblis with his pointed questions during a school political rally when Han was 11. Some of his friends goaded him to ask Bel Iblis about the growing xenophobia in the Senate, as well as the apparent internal corruption in the Old Republic. This helped Han get an appointment to the Academy on Carida, where he excelled. Following his graduation, he was considered for Naval Officer's training, but he was sidetracked by Imperial atrocities against the Wookiee race. On a particular mission, Han tried successfully to rescue a Wookiee slave named Chewbacca. Chewbacca claimed a life-debt to Han even as Han was receiving a dishonorable discharge from the Imperial Navy. They were forced to flee Imperial control and live their lives at the fringes of the lawful world. For a number of years, Han tried to shake Chewie, who was always at his side. Even though Han took the worst kinds of jobs, Chewie stuck with him. Eventually, Han realized the depth of a Wookiee life debt, and accepted Chewie as part of his life.
Han was awarded a second-level set of Corellian Bloodstripes for his bravery and selflessness in rescuing Chewbacca. (It is unknown at this time how Han earned his first-level Bloodstripes.) They turned to smuggling, using Han's starship knowledge and Chewie's muscular and mechanical skills to quickly gain recognition in the smugglers' world. Han's skills at gambling became equally sharp, and in a famous Sabacc match, he managed to win the smuggling ship Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian. With a ship and a partner, Han had many adventures. He spent a number of years based on Nar Shaddaa, working with Shug Ninx and falling in and out of love with Salla Zend. He left that life behind to work in the Corporate Sector, and spent a number of years there with Doc, Jessa, and Roa. After all these adventures, Han ended up in the domain of Moruth Doole and Jabba the Hutt. Han was one of many pilots who were contracted to make the Kessel Run and smuggle spice out from beneath Imperial control. Han made the run a number of times, once in under twelve parsecs. However, his last run almost cost him his life. He was set up by Doole, who was in the process of being set up by Jabba the Hutt, and the Imperials were tipped of as to the time of Han's Run. In order to escape the Imperials, Han was forced to dump Jabba's spice and flee. This earned him a death mark from Jabba, and Han was again forced to go underground. In an effort to make some extra credits and pay off Jabba, Han accepted Obi-Wan Kenobi's offer of 17,000 credits to transport Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan. The mission was sidetracked as the Millennium Falcon was captured by the first Death Star. Han and Luke rescued Princess Leia Organa, and brought her to Yavin 4. Han tried to leave with his reward money and pay Jabba off, but his conscience interfered again. He destroyed Darth Vader's wingmen and gave
Luke the time he needed to destroy the Death Star. Following the Battle of Yavin, Han spent time with the Alliance, helping them gain key victories against the Empire while trying to stay one step ahead of Jabba's mercenaries. He was even promoted to the rank of General in the Alliance. After a close call with a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell, Han again tried to return and pay Jabba, only to be forced to Cloud City while escaping Darth Vader and the Imperial Navy. During this time, he and Princess Leia began to fall in love. This trip reunited Han with Lando Calrissian, but led to Han's being tracked by Boba Fett, imprisoned in carbonite, and returned to Jabba for the reward money.
Han was freed by an elaborate plot by Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, and Han rejoined the Alliance to lead the ground assault on the forest moon of Endor. His timely destruction of the second Death Star's main shield helped the Alliance destroy the space station and the Emperor, thus ending the Imperial Civil War and restoring the Republic.
Following the formation of the New Republic, Han and Leia tried to continue their relationship, but Leia's duties often interfered. Han resigned his commission with the New Republic, but stayed on as a freelance pilot. Following the Battle of Bakura and the fighting on Dathomir, Han and Leia were finally married. Their marriage produced twin children - Jaina, a daughter; and Jacen, a son - as well as a second son, Anakin. Leia's Force sensitivity was passed onto all of the children, and this made them prime targets for the Jedi clone Joruus C'Baoth and the reborn Emperor Palpatine. Han and Leia continued to protect their children against the Imperial threat. During a vacation from his wife's Republic world, Han and Chewie were shot down over Kessel, and captured by Moruth Doole's forces. He was forced to work the spice mines for Doole, which led him to discover Kyp Durron and the Maw Installation. Han's friendship with Kyp helped avoid serious damage when Kyp was corrupted by Exar Kun's spirit.
Despite the fact that Han had resigned from service to the Republic after his marriage to Leia, he was often pressed into service. One of those times occurred during the Yevethan Purge. After Etahn A'baht was unable to blockade the Koornacht Cluster, Han was temporarily promoted to Commodore and placed in command of the Fifth Battle Group. This move was designed to keep Leia's supporters, as well as the supporters of Borsk Fey'lya, from arguing over the position and focused on the battle. However, the deceit of Tig Peramis provided this information to Nil Spaar, who sent several of his Interdictor cruisers to intercept Han's shuttle before it reached the fleet. Han was tortured and interrogated by Spaar himself. Han Solo was portrayed by Harrison Ford in all three Star Wars films. Han Solo was portrayed by Perry King for the Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back Radio Dramas on National Public Radio.
When Anakin Skywalker came under the tutelage of Senator Palpatine, he was led down the path to the Dark Side of The Force. Despite the teachings of his friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin felt that the teachings of Palpatine led to quicker realization of the powers of The Force. This forced Kenobi to confront Anakin, and in a lightsaber duel, Kenobi forced Anakin into a pit of molten rock. It was at this point that Anakin Skywalker was consumed by the Dark Side. He was rescued from the fire by the descendants of the Sith, and reborn as Darth Vader. In order for the Sith to keep Anakin alive, they had to create a life support system that encased his entire body. It had to recreate certain limbs, as well as keep his lungs functioning. At the Emperor's direction, the Sith made the life-support suit as evil-looking as they could. The all-black body armor became Vader's main weapon, as it instilled fear in all who saw it.
The Sith also began training Vader in the ancient Sith lore, and Vader became the last of the Sith Dark Lords. As such, he became even more Palpatine's tool, able to create fear just by the mention of his name and the mysterious Sith teachings behind it.
Palpatine sent Vader to support Grand Moff Tarkin during the time when the first Death Star was being readied for use. Vader oversaw the mission to recover the stolen plans, but was unable to get Princess Leia to divulge their location. He used the Millennium Falcon as a guide, and followed the fleeing ship to Yavin 4, only to lose the Death Star to the Alliance. Vader's ship was disabled during the battle, but he regained control. When the Emperor heard of the destruction of the first Death Star, he removed Vader's living right hand as punishment, and replaced it with a cybernetic prosthesis.
Shortly thereafter, Vader went to Circarpous V to investigate the appearance of Leia Organa on the planet, as well as to locate the Kaiburr crystal. In an amazing duel with Luke Skywalker, Vader was hard-pressed to defeat Luke. Luke succeeded in defeating Vader, and even cut off the Dark Lord's right arm with his own lightsaber. In his dazed state, Vader fell into a sacrificial weel on the Temple of Pomojema and was lost. He survived, however, drawing on the Dark Side of the Force for support and strength.
Once Palpatine was aware that Anakin Skywalker's son had survived and posed a possible threat to the Empire, he told Vader of the existence of Luke Skywalker, in an effort to completely gain control of any vestiges of Anakin Skywalker and convert them to Darth Vader. However, this plan backfired on Palpatine, as the remnants of Anakin began to surface. Following the relevation of Luke's relationship to Anakin, and the loss of Luke at Cloud City, Palpatine began to give Vader menial tasks, and tried to keep him away from Luke. He could not, however, and the part of Vader that was still Anakin continued to assert itself.
The Battle of Endor was a turning point for Darth Vader. It was then that Luke Skywalker surrendered to Vader, and began to try and turn the Dark Lord back to the Light Side. The darker parts of Vader resisted, but Luke's love and devotion to his father strengthened the spirit of Anakin. When the Emperor was forced to kill Luke, Anakin was awakened, and with Vader's mechanized strength, he threw the Emperor into a power shaft, destroying Palpatine and the Empire. Darth Vader also ceased to exist at this point, as Anakin was able to return from the Dark Side. However, the struggle with the Emperor left the life support systems inoperable, and Anakin died before Luke could save him. Darth Vader was portrayed by David Prowse, and Vader's voice was provided by James Earl Jones, in all three Star Wars films. Darth Vader was also portrayed by Brock Peters for the Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back Radio Dramas on National Public Radio.
900-year-old Jedi Master on Dagobah who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. When Luek discovers him on Dagobah, following the Battle of Hoth, Yoda appears as a dimuntive elf-like creature with greenish-blue skin, wide eyes, and large pointed ears. He speaks in an archaic form of Basic. He claims to have watched over Luke's development for as long as Luke has been alive, not knowing if he would be able to train Luke or not, for he and Obi-Wan Kenobi realized that Luke might be the last of the Jedi Knights. Yoda took part in the events on Dathomir, along with the Jedi Masters Gra'aton and Vulatan, and foretold that the last of the Jedi Knights would someday come and defeat the Nightsisters. This would mark the end of the world as the witches knew it, and reshape their lives in profound ways. The Jedi Knight Yoda saw as Luke Skywalker. Yoda also foretold that Luke would be able to reveal the secret of the hundreds of reader disks that the Jedi kept with the witches of the Light Side (passed down to Rell), and that he would share them with the Dathomir witches. Yoda was portrayed by Frank Oz and Kathryn Mullen in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Yoda was also portrayed by John Lithgow for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
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