Knotting Terms
In this book you
will come across a number of terms peculiar to the art of knot
tying and ornamental rope work.
By knot, we
mean a fastening or design, other than a hitch or bend, which
is made with cordage.
A bend is the
fastening used to tie working cordage together.
A hitch is the
fastening used to tie cordage to a spar, boom ring bolt or the
standing part of a working rope.
The cordage has five parts:
standing part is the main part of the cordage, as opposed
to the end, or the working part.
The end,
or the working part, is the unsecured end of the rope.
The bight
is the open circle of the rope.
The loop is
the dosed circle of the rope.
The eye is
the inside of the loop.
A locking run
is a single run of rope work. In many designs this is doubled or
