Kerri-Anne's Music Page
The harp that once through Tara's halls
The soul of music shed,
Now hangs as mute on Tara's walls
As if that soul were fled.
So sleeps the pride of former days,
So glory's thrill is o'er.
And hears that once beat high with praise,
Now feel that pulse no more.
No more to chiefs and ladies bright
The harp of Tara swells;
The chord alone that breaks at night,
Its tale of ruin tells.
Thus Freedom now so seldom wakes,
The only throb she gives
is when some heart indignant breaks,
To show that still she lives.
- Thomas Moore

Allman Brothers Band
I love listening to the Allman Brothers Band when I'm driving. My favorite
album is '2nd Set' probably because it was the first Allman Brothers album I listened to.
Barenaked Ladies
This is some wonderful music for programming. At least for me! I enjoy listening to
it anytime I've got a lot to do, and just need to lose myself in my work.
Jimmy Buffett
I am a ParrotHead. Love it! Live it! Some of the wildest times I've had have
been at, or began at, a Jimmy Buffett concert. His concerts are like giant beach parties! And in January or February, when the
sun isn't out too much and the winter is getting a touch too depressing, I usually start playing Buffett almost all the time, because
his music brings the summer with it.
Counting Crows
Here is some good rock, it's fun, has a great beat, a great tune, you can still
understand the words... It's good programming music for me, I also enjoy listening to this band when I've got to clean around the
Bob Dylan
Although I don't listen to his music too often, Bob's songs are a
wonderful background for reading or sewing. Music without demanding your attention. Once in a while I listen more
closely to his songs, and realize what a different world we live in now.
Forever a classic, I think, the Eagles are great for when I'm in the mood to
clean, or if I'm listening to music when I'm outside doing something.
Very soothing music, good for late at night, winding down or going to sleep. I
like to fall asleep listening to music, and Enya is one of my top choices at night.
Indigo Girls
My sister got me hooked on the Indigo Girls several years ago. I had just
never actually listened to them. I really enjoy singing where there are interweaving parts and this is a perfect example of that
kind of talent.
Dave Matthews Band
I don't remember how I got interested in the Dave Matthews Band, but I am
most glad that I did discover this music! It suits my tastes very nicely, and I listen to this band frequently.
Loreena McKennitt
I really enjoy her blend of music, taking ideas from various cultures and
presenting it in a beautiful format. I was pleasantly surprised by how well she put Alfred, Lord Tennyson's 'The Lady of Shalott'
to music - I couldn't imagine how it could be done without detracting from the beauty of the poem, yet she did it and did it very very
Sarah McLachlan
I only recently "discovered" the music of Sarah McLachlan, despite
that her music had been recommended to me repeatedly for years by plenty of people and I just never got around to listening. Now
that I have however, I find myself the happy owner of ..well, all of her music. I love it!
Tom Petty
I've been listening to Tom Petty since I was in high school, and possibly
before that even. I like listening to his music anytime, but most especially when I'm driving.
Paul Simon
I really enjoy his newer work, especially with the drumming of Rhythm of the Saints
and the more distinctive beat in all his later music. Wonderful to listen to when I'm programming, walking in the woods, or even
Mazzy Star
I like listening to Mazzy Star on rainy days or when I'm winding down at night or
even in the evenings when I get home from work. The music is relaxing without being soporific, which is hard to find most of the
time. I like to read or sew when I'm listening to this music.
They Might Be Giants
My brother introduced me to this band. He played one song for me:
'Birdhouse in Your Soul' which got me hooked, and then the more I listened to the music, the more I enjoyed it. I also
got several friends hooked (you know who you are!) and TMBG is also the TinyTIM
official band. There's an entire plane (32) devoted to them!

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