Kerri-Anne's Crafts Page



I've been doing cross-stitching for years now. I really can't recall how I got started in it, although I do clearly remember being 14 and having a conversation with my friend about it, because I'd never heard of cross-stitching before then. So I imagine it was around then that I got interested in it. I've started more projects than I've completed, of course, but the ones I have completed have made the most beautiful gifts, and people are so touched to receive something I put so much time and effort into. It's really a wonderful feeling!

Cross-Stitch Basics
Fantasy Crafts
The Silver Needle



I'd wanted to try candle-making for a long time, and finally one day, during one of my frequent trips to a craft store, I picked up the stuff to make candles. It took me another couple of weeks to actually do it, but it was fun, interesting, if somewhat disappointing. Our first batch of candles were all wrong. Alas, the size of the candle and those numbers on the wax actually have a relationship! Imagine that!! LOL! So having made some mistakes, I was now able to understand more of what I'd read, to figure out what I'd done wrong (that wax and those holders were never meant to go together) and of course before I could pursue it any further, bills struck, and it's been the project-on-hold ever since.

The Candle Cauldron
Candle Making Basics
The Essential Survival Guide to Candle Making


I suppose it goes without saying, at least to any other crafters out there, that there are about a million things I want to try or have dabbled at briefly and would like to pursue further. Among the other crafts that have caught my interest are silk-ribbon embroidery, soap-making, crewel, flower-arrangements, knitting, crochet, stained-glass, gardening, quilting and bird-watching.


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