and is used with the permission of its owner, Anne McCaffrey. |
Email Me!
Bahrian Weyr
Xanadu Weyr
Books of Pern
Gold Pages
Debunking the Dragonrider Myth
Color Guide
Riding Straps
Mating Flights Etiquette
Wingleader's Guide
Badges of Pern
Knot Chart
Sabria's Sanctuary
My Characters!
Other Perns
Music Collection
Celebrating 30 Years of Pern!
News From the Weyrfest At
DragonCon '97!
(June 26-29 1997)
According to Jody Lynn Nye (author of the vaunted
Dragonlover's Guide to Pern) along with her husband Bill Fawcett who spoke
with Anne McCaffrey herself, Friday night at the Convention. Basically
rumors of the new Pern movie have been confirmed! Though there is no actual
release date for the film as of yet, it is
expected to come out sometime within the next 18 months! Yeah! Also, the
next Pern novel The Masterharper of Pern
is to be released the beginning of next year.
However, the first
chapter is available online at the Delrey website. Also to be released
next year is the first Pern music CD! With the teaching ballads, Robinton's
and Menolly's compositions, and also one very special song by Robinton,
his first song... at age 3. (My
pictures of Jody Lynn Nye will be available on this page soon too.
News From the Weyrfest At
DragonCon '98!
(Sept 3-6 1998)
![]() |
Book List | is pleased to have The Dragonriders of Pern and VirtuaPern in the family of associates. We've agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on The Dragonriders of Pern and VirtuaPern. associates list selected books in an editorial context that helps you choose the right books. We encourage you to visit The Dragonriders of Pern and VirtuaPern often to see what new books they've selected for you.
Thank you for shopping with an associate.
Jeff Bezos
The Dragonriders of Pern trilogy
(In the next page revision I hope to include a small summary for each of the books. - Sabria)
Dragonflight (Jul 1968)
Dragonquest (May 1971)
The White Dragon (Jun 1978)
The Dragonriders of Pern (Trade Paperback)
-Compendium of the first three novels.
The Harper Hall of Pern trilogy
Dragonsong (Mar 1976 -- Bantam Books)
Dragonsinger (Feb 1977 -- Bantam Books)
Dragondrums (Mar 1979 -- Bantam Books)
A Time When (1975 -- NESFA Press)
Get Off the Unicorn (Jun 1977)
The People of Pern (1988 Out of Print but Amazon can search for it.)
The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern (Ed. by Jody Lynn Nye. Mar 1997, Del Rey)
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern (Nov 1983)
Nerilka's Story (Mar 1986)
Nerilka's Story & The Coelura (1987, Corgi/UK)
Dragonsdawn (Nov 1988)
The Renegades of Pern (Nov 1990>
All the Weyrs of Pern (Dec 1991)
Rescue Run (? 1992)
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (Oct 1993)
The Dolphins' Bell (?)
The Girl Who Heard Dragons (May 1994 -- TOR books)
The Dolphins of Pern (Oct 1994)
Red Star Rising (The Second Chronicles of Pern) (Aug 1996 -- Bantan UK)
Dragonseye (The Second Chronicles of Pern) (Feb 1997 -- Random House US)
The Masterharper of Pern (Jan 1998 -- Random House US)
A Diversity of Dragons (Oct 1997, Harper Prism)
Dragon's Sight (Jan? 1999 -- Random House US) by Todd McCaffrey: Coming Soon!
(The next Pern book is in the makings! Due sometime in 1999!)
Cover illustrations appearing on this site are by Michael Whelan.
Posted with permission from Random House/Del Rey subject to no alterations to the images and using them in their entirety.
Mercedes Lackey She co-authored the Ship series with Anne McCaffrey and is now a best-selling author in her own right! Her following is nearly as dedicated and numerous! |
David Weber His Honor Harrington series is incredible! If you like sci-fi military, you have to try him out! |
Heralds of Valdemar Series
Arrows of the Queen
Honor Harrington
On Basilisk Station
Terry Pratchett He's the king of the light fantastic! For comic fantasy, you can't get any better than his Diskworld series! |
David Eddings For the Epic fantasy fan, the Belgariad, Mallorean, and his Elenium and Tamuli series are incredible! |
Light Fantastic Sourcery Mort Good Omens The Diskworld Companion The Reaper Man Wyrd Sisters Small Gods Soul Music Guards! Guards! Jingo
Pawn of Prophecy Queen of Sorcery Magician's Gambit Castle of Wizardry Enchanter's End Game Guardians of the West The Diamond Throne Domes of Fire The Losers Belgarath The Sorcerer Polgara the Sorceress |
Last Update 12/18/98.