and is used with the permission of its owner, Anne McCaffrey. |
Shailin | Zhiangpu | Sabria | Kazumi | Khalaena | Zhenya |
Shailin/Sh'lin |
The first of my Pern characters, she is a favorite of mine, often appearing in NPC roles with my characters on other places. Currently Shai is most active on DragonsFire MOO where she is a rider to green Belisanth at Fort Weyr. Her name is from the Chinese words Shao Ling, which translates as "Little Dragon".
Country girl turned rider, Sh'lin is fresh faced with a milky complexion and rosebud lips, graced by luminous deep emerald eyes beneath a thick veil of long lashes. A heavy layer of bangs from her silky deep ebony hair arches over her brow, curling particularly over one eye, while the rest of the thick mane has been loosely braided, lying delicately draped over a shoulder. Her figure, deceptively soft and sylvan, hides wirey muscles beneath, developed through turns of dragonriding. | ![]() |
She was born at Greenfields Hold in Southern Boll, not far from the main hold. At 16 turns, she was apprenticed to the Weavercraft and left Greenfields. As a sr. apprentice, Shailin was Searched by L'raile of Fort Weyr and Stood for Katrineth's clutch, however she did not impress and returned to the Weavercraft once again. Throwing herself into her work in an attempt to forget about the disappointment, she was promoted to the rank of journeyman within a few months.
It was then that Fort's Ashtoreth rose and clutched as well, and F'red of Fort Weyr came on Search and took Shailin back to Fort against her better judgement. This time she left the sands in a haze of delierious delight, accompanied by her beloved Belisanth.
Since then, Sh'lin has lived at Fort Weyr and became a member of the Star Strike wing. With her bevy of 5 firelizards, Ryouki, Tannim, Vikteren, Zinae, and SharMarali and an overly vain dragon, her life is quite full and all she could wish it to be. Some of her exploits are funny, some are sad, the most fun with her cousin at the weyr Kh'rys, and her friends N'fra and Z'lo. There are many she counts friends at Fort Weyr, but these three tend to be her cohorts more often than not.
Zhiangpu |
Zhiangpu was created for a simple reason. I saw this cool character online who was a Harper, named Belldandy from the Japanese Anime: Ah, My Goddess. It's one of my favorites, so I decided to make an alt that was similar. Thus Shampoo of Ranma 1/2 became Zhiangpu. I didn't want to be /literally/ called Shampoo, so I changed it a little.
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Zhiangpu's thick mane is raven black hair, so dark as to hint at violet highlights. Long and silky, she wears it in two sweeping tails on the sides of her head, while the rest cascades down well past her waist. Built short, though possessing a lithe and slender figure that speaks of hard work and training. Her hands are small, though with dextrous long fingers, the tapered ends calloused at the tips from hours upon hours of various musical practice. The eyes peering up from beneath a dark fringe of thick lashes are sad, a sense of infinite sadness surrounds her, even when she smiles. |
Zhiangpu is Shailin's younger sister, younger by about 3 turns. Unlike her older sibling, she was fostered out at a young age to Fort Hold, to stay with her mother's former foster family. She grew up with that trader clan and roamed the western half of the Northern Continent throughout her young life. But as she grew past the point of needing a foster mother, she apprenticed herself to the Harper craft.
Zhia found a new role in life, comfortable with the easy camraderie at the Hall, and with a wonderful mentor-friend Mayre, who was at the time a newly promoted journeyman. It was not long before Zhia became a sr. apprentice herself. It was around that time that a new apprentice by the name of Jander arrived at the hall from the Southern Continent. His laughing eyes and easy smile soon won her heart.
Though romance is frowned upon between apprentices, they vowed to wed. And Zhia threw herself into the craft and became a journeyman within a few more months, her final projects included
several teaching ballads and the crafting of a rather sweet sounding harp. Posted to Ista Hold, with Jander as her apprentice, she settled onto the tropical island and began a new step in her life.
It was then the old MasterHarper Mueton retired and in his place rose Zhiangpu's old friend Mayre. She recalled Zhia and promoted her to the rank of Master, placing her in charge of new apprentices. A turn later, the Craftsecond Elana stepped down and Zhia took her place with Master Charlton in her old position. In the personal front, the love between Jander and Zhia took strains in the distance between their ranks as he was only a journeyman. Zhia took exception to the delay in their plans to handfast and when Jander was recalled to Southern to attend to his old Hold, they split up (See the actual story).
The breakup lead to Zhia's short drinking problem which forced the MasterHarper to dismiss her as Craftsecond for a time. Zhiangpu left for Ista Weyr, a change of scene for several months. But then the pressures of being MasterHarper took it's told on her old friend, and Mayre retired. Charlton took her place and he immediately recalled Zhia to the position of Craftsecond once more (Zhia got over her depression obviously).
Sabria |
She was my 'tailor made' character, though for a good long time she was the most thought out character I had prior to creation. This was a name that I had wished to use for a dragonrider for a long time, to contract to S'bria which I thought would be a really great name. But then I was asked to help create VirtuaPern and there were no other new PernMOOs at the time, thus I believed that this was the time to use Sabria, even if she wouldn't come out exactly the way I pictured her originally. She took on a life of her own, evolving and changing gradually, sometimes in sparks of recognition, or suggestions from others. But I think she's become a rather interesting character. Especially when she starts calling herself Sabby. It's her 'warning' of a sort to other people, that she's about to do something really nutty or naughty Part of that was in reaction to alot of people's thoughts and beliefs that Weyrwoman must be perfect or totally controlled people. There were bad Weyrwomen in the books too, so I decided to shake things up. Sabby's not bad, she's just... a little evil. I've more or less figured out that Sabria's twisted personality is a composite of both of my favorite cartoon characters, Pinky and the Brain.
But because of her complexity and the amount of time I've spent with her, she's got the most information available which would just take up too much of this page as it is. So Sabby has her own webpage.
Khalaena/Kh'aena |
Now, what can I say about the kitten in mittens that is Kh'aena? She started off differently than my other characters and has been a joy to play, though I wish I had more time to devote to her (and all my other characters) lately. She was the mousey one in the bunch, the little butterfly still in the cocoon. She was a stick basically, scrawny, pale. Nice black hair, but she wore it in a frizzled tangle. She wasn't ugly, just not particularly pretty unless you looked really close. She always had a bad self image, though once she Impressed Avaloth, it was really hard to keep thinking yourself as a nothing or ugly when you had this wonderful counter part who firmly insisted otherwise everytime you even thought it in your own head. Surprisingly enough, or maybe because that unconditional love from her dragon, Kh'aena started to change a bit. With maturity came more care about her person and as a consequence, she sort of emerged from that cacoon, though if you call her pretty, she'll just blush and wave it off.
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A creature of alabaster skin and silken shoulder-length ebon hair, her eyes are expressive upon an unusually pale face, almost like glowing, obsidian pools. Long lashes shadow those mischievious orbs while Kh'aena's rosebud lips pout playfully beneath a rather pert nose. A slender body, once distressingly childlike has blossomed indeed, now displaying soft curves that abound with delightful frequency. Slight of height, she can barely reach the chin of most folk, but turns of dragonriding have improved her once lanky build and replaced it with one more rounded and muscled. However, turns spent as a rather gawky and awkward youth have clouded those umber eyes, so Khalaena still regards herself as less than appealing when quite the opposite is true. |
She started out at a small hold in the Telgar region, then apprenticed into the Weaver Craft at the main Telgar Hold under Master Saibet. It was several months later that the skinny, gawky girl was Searched to Telgar Weyr. She fit right in, her skills with the needle making her a popular one to be around when it came time to sew the robes. Not normally a trouble maker, she wasn't one to be left out of the fun either, jumping right into trouble with her friends Alaera and Raiylin. She even painted a few dragons and soaked Weyrsecond G'kar's leathers with some garish purple paint. For which she got water rations as a punishment.
Uncontrite of course, she toughed it out and on the grand day of the Hatching, she stood there proudly under Saibet's cheers, though with shaking knees. The ever so lovely, so perfectly green Avaloth Impressed to her, forever sealing the two of them together.
Then came Avaloth's maiden flight, and ugly duckling Kh'aena was terrified. Little did she know though, that the duckling had long become a swan over the turn and a half of weyrling training. So when she woke up the morning after in B'ner, bronze Zanath's rider's arms, she tried to almost apologize for what happened, meanwhile B'ner was trying to do the same, both barely believing what happened. Yet Avaloth and Zanath were inseparable and after long talks and a little soul searching, Kh'aena and B'ner became weyrmates.
Kazumi/Kazi |
Now hers is a interesting story. She started off as Psyche, a raven haired, gypsy type with violet eyes and a dancer's figure.
But then Harper's Tale did this whole change over where they removed Fort Weyr and Southern Weyr OOCly and moved the entire
game over to Ista Weyr. That's when Psyche, rider of brown Tandoth of the Maelstrom Wing became Kazumi, rider of brown Amanoth and Wingleader of Stormcrest.
Windtossed hair of raven-wings, shiny sleek over her shoulders, they arch over the twinkle in her almond-shaped brown eyes. A large woman in presence if not really in size, she's sturdily built. A pneumatic form more suited to a peasant's wife than a sylvan nymph, but possessing great strength and endurance. Her hands are calloused from gripping riding straps and her muscular figure is layered lightly with a hint of perpetual baby fat, not to mention the few pounds she has yet to loose since giving birth to Sunami. But the smile on her Asiatic face is genuine, even a bit flirty, and when she's looking down sternly at her wing or weyrlings, there's still a hint laughter in her eyes. | ![]() |
Ok, granted, one of the first things Kazumi did after weaning her daughter Sunami was to pass it over to the weyr nannies, but she
still goes down to visit the spawn of Y'sil and herself frequently. A wingleader just can't exactly carry a bundle of giggling hyper
kid while on sweeps.
Nowadays, Kazumi isn't a wingleader anymore. She did have an interesting time at Tiareth's last mating flight where she and the Weyrleader L'var ended up in a rather involved game of Co-Ed Naked Dragon Twister. (Don't ask) Then she stepped down from her position (much later on, it wasn't because of L'var) during the time when all the wings were reorganized. She discovered that she just didn't fit in with all the young whippersnappers in her wing now and moved on to join the Tempest Wing.
Zhenya |
Zhenya is my newest character and also the only MUSH character that I really played. Yes, MUSHes are more popular than MOOs, but I've always found them rather confusing to learn. MOO code is so much newer and nicer. She's at FrostFire MUSH that has unconventional Weyr names and such. Zhenya was a weaver apprentice, but she did become a weyrling! She Impressed Brown Cernuth from the stands. I have to admit I was a little irked over not being searched, I felt so left out from all my friends who went through the Candidacy, because they'd talk to each other and stick together more. It just wasn't the same and it showed during weyrlinghood. Regrettably, I just don't have the time to play Zh'ya anymore. It was a difficult transition for me to try learning MUSH, all that coding and stuff for your own dragon! I have to say MOO is the way to go. But no matter, Azov is rather a fun place to be for those who want to give it a try.
Picture still being drawn! | A young girl of no particular beauty, she is not so very noticable. But a careful glance reveals old, knowing eyes of a deep, liquid blue. She's short, with only modest endowments and not to mention too much baby fat to really let others at least say she's 'healthy' looking. But she moves with grace, careful movements like a dance of choreagraphed performers. A mane of mid-brown floats down over her shoulders in a rowdy mass of controlled waves, hints of red and suggestions of shadowy raven adding depth to the soft hair. A slender bobbin of silver holds a swepted up mass of the tumbling strands, pinning it high along the right side of her head. |