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Yep, yep. This is my long awaited personal page. I started over from scratch
because I decided the format on my original homepage that I created first
back about oh, 4 years ago, just wasn't going to cut it anymore. Not to
mention, it clashed with my Pern
Thanks go to Thea
Thomas for making the moving banner above for me!
Let's see where shall I begin? I was born on the "beautiful Island" of Formosa, better known today as Taiwan. That was way back in 1974. My family and I lived in Kaoshung for several years, till we moved to the United States in 1978, where I lived with a succession of relatives before settling in New Jersey.
I graduated from Parsippany Hills High School in 1993 and attended
Rutgers University, New Brunswick for 3 years, till a combination of too
much time spent on the Internet and my mother being diagnosed with stomach
cancer, forced me to transfer to the County
College of Morris. I decided to change my major at this point and became
a Computer Science Major. Now nobody can complain that I spend too much
time on the computer. After
receiving my associates in CS, I continued my degree at the New
Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. I hope to get my B.A.
As for the more personal significant things in my life, there were several
major events that really made a difference in my life. First off, in 6th
grade, the boy next to me (Brian Demartino, whom I haven't seen since then)
was reading a book I'd never seen before. It turns out to be Anne McCaffrey's
"The White Dragon" (And from this webpage you can see where that eventually
lead.) The second also involved a sci-fi/fantasy writer, Mercedes Lackey,
who's "Arrows of the Queen" lead me to a fan club called the "Queen's Own".
As a result of the various offers for pen-pals in that fanzine, I sent
in my own request, resulting in 25 new pen-pals who were all female and
one guy who actually lived in New Jersey also. We met of course, and the
usual things happened. It's been four years and we're still happily together.
The third thing was in 1994, I discovered the Internet. I joined up with
a Pern MOO online game (Harper's Tale) and that started my life of MOO
addiction. In 1995, Harper's Tale made a radical policy shift which resulted
in several people leaving and the formation of another Pern MOO called
VirtuaPern, where I was asked to be a wizard and build the only Benden
Weyr allowed on a Pern MOO. (Yes, my pride and joy.) Of course about 2
years later, Anne McCaffrey protested the use of Benden (It was a confusion
of interpretations over the permissions letter, but who were we to argue?)
Consequently, I am now the Weyrwoman of Xanadu Weyr and now also
a Co-Owner of the whole game!
I've won the Dragon Weyr Award for my web page design, a really big high point in my life as I simply adore making webpages. I currently own two domain names, www.dragonsinger.com and www.virtuapern.com Also, I've aquired new pets since the infamous hamster incident back when I was 12 years old. I got myself a rambunctious baby medium-silver mitt ferret gib, which my little brother Kevin and I named Jingoro. This was of course quickly followed by a succession of other ferrets about oh...every six months. Ryouki (sable female), Sasami (sable female), Marcus (albino male), and lastly (I think) Asuza (cinnimon female).
For two summers Dan and I managed to go to DragonCon in Atlanta,
GA. It was a total blast. Dan had his green armor and I had a new purple
dress the first year, made by Star Stones MOO's very own ex-Weaver
Master, Saibet (Stephanie!) for which we won the costume contest in the
catagory of Best Historical. The second year, I told a bunch of folks online
that I would be at DC, and so there were about 15 of us from the Pern MOOs
that time! We had such a blast at DragonCon
that we decided to make it the Offiical VirtuaPern Annual Gather!
We've got great plans for it too, set for July 4th weekend 1999.
Last updated 12/20/98.